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Total for year 1920, $3,137,269 
This Is National Record for 1920 
Total for year 1921, $5,099,201 
Total for year to date, $4,675,640 

The Glendale Evening News 

WEATHER: Fair tonight and Friday. GLENDALE. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 Twelve Pages VOL. X^ II. No. 329 

G rowth of glendalp 


Total In 1910 was. 2,742 

For Year 1920 was.18,356 

Per Cent Increase. 898 

Today, Estimated at.82,000 



_ ' ~ - pi Ilf I n|_ liny 1 Republican County Cen- 

Tell of Varied Experiences on Trip; Find Paris; ' Ul\ InU Urt I , iyrenair''"CninK^^^ 

Gay and Full of Idle MA* Visit Italv and i ' 

y «1IU a un wi xoie ITien, visit Itaiy ana lu/UQip pj| I u Phanrp' »" R<-P»blicans of Olen- 

^ Germany; Present at the Passion Play i *. 7. ^ Chance a„,i vi.initv are eamesov 

Republicans Are 
Urged to Attend 
Meeting Tonight 


Today’s World News in Brief 

By International News Service Leased Wire 

UlfiffU UUItilVUL army balloon arrives home from trip north FOR FtIRE. SO 

Tn n n nninn L0>| ANGEIvES. Sept. 28.—Havnig^ been delayed several! ^ 

III U U kIIAUD j boiirs of fog, the army dirigible C-2 arrived at Rossi OnP A l/m 0 A WO 

I W j\, |\, DUHIiU ; fjeltl, Arcadia, shortly after 9 o'clock this morning from San | \prflKr|l \AY\ 

j I'rancisco. ' Before landing at Arcadia the l)ig flying ship had i Wl LiliXLIV Ufl I U 
_ . .- iheen reported flying over Santa Ana. > - • I 

Communities Favor Retain-,- l-j. uodriock Dpciares Even 

ing Power Over Franchises I^epub^ governor miller Greater Development Will 

n Cornorate im t<5 I .\i,t..\AY, a. Sept. 28.—(.lOvcmor .Miller was imam-; _ . „ . . 

_ ! motisly re-iiominated by the Reimhlican convention in session! OCCUr in Southland 

Opposition to the proposal to |'ere today. 'J'unnilt broke loose following the governor's nom-j - 

jdve the state railway commission -^len and women jumped from their seats and cheered.' ""’e are hegiiining the foun- 

rnntroi . Thc hand starte.f ulavimr hnt the en.dd Iv.r.IK. Le l,en,-,l an_emp!re here, such 

. X i to Do Its Part In Big : 

.\n ideal pleasure trip of five mouths in the eastern part ^ DriVO for Rail Fund 

of the L nited States anil abroad has just been completed hv ' -- 

Mr. and .Mrs. Harrv E. Hall, who arrived at their home at 319 i details in regard to the tag 

«. ‘""“I';''.as a mcml)er of (lie lirni of 1 aimer .crvice oa South Glendale avenue. 
4X Hall, Buick automobile dealers, of 2^7 South Brand houle- 1 "’^re discussed last night in the: 
vard, and his business associates and many friends are taking-;of Chamber of Com-1 
jileasure in welcoming him and Mrs. ilaH home and hearing j 

accounts of their ideal vacation trip. day committee. ^ 

Ani’u’ ‘'a I Cleudale, Yerdun section there is only one ^ Brand boulevard, who presided, 
IinnL Th- "‘.““"‘'I >"! village not under reconstruction , announced that 1500 tags at $1 

Illinom. Indiana ana eastern ; and it is located on the side of a | have been ordered She stated' 
re\adves^”'^n , hill and wall probably not be re-| that tags would he ready for the, 

Ind ominn r r Illinois i constructed. I workers at S o’clock tomorrow 

for . xljrf. vw 1 ''T No Crexlit Given U. S. i afternoon at the Chamber of' 

eek in ashington and an- j ‘’During our stay in Fracne we i Commerce. 1 

dale and vicinity are earnestly 
retjuestetl to be present at a 
niis’ting to be held tonight in 
the Glendale Union High school , 
for the purpose of forming a ' 

Glendale Repnbliran cinb. 

Tlie meeting will be called to i Opposition to the proposal to I'vre today, i umiilt Drok'e loose tollowmg the governor s nom-I _ —^- 

order at « o’cIiK'k and Mr. give the state railway commission '’’‘'ll’*"!- -^len and women jumped from their .seats and cheered. , ""’s fre hegiiining the foun- 

heViev^irtheRellublU^^^^ Ifranchises within cor- '^‘‘nd starteef playing, hut the music could hardly be heard,world" Imrnevei’^'known!’’ 

be* pri'senr «inl participate in ■ limits of municipalities clieenn^ and ap])lail.‘^e. . exclaimed Lon Haddock in an en- 

the organization of the club. ! ’-vas voted recently in Los Angeles - thr.siastic speecli yeste«lay noon 

The club, it is annoiinced, i at a conference of representatives FEDERAL JUDGE APPOINTED WILL AWAIT SEN ATE members XhrGlen"daIe^h^^^^^^^ 
will support the entire Repub- , of a number of communities in W \ <111 V( •'I'nV s; x ac t> i . -i » ei'iKprs ot the Gl. ndale Lxchange 

lican ticket, from Friend W. | Los Angeles county i . '' - vM I IM ■ 1 < ).\. .Se])t. 28.—Precedents are said to exist 

Richardson, candidate for gov- I jjg Snpncer Robinson and " 'vould permit President Harding to name federal judges i »>■« standing on the fron- 

senator, to the lowest offire. ' x^ I" .**"'‘1, confer- at the deiiartmciit ot justice today that there would he no more we are the west. We are the port 

-'Idem of the citv counci? ’ r'epTe- ‘‘I’l'V'”jhjl'c'ary until thc senate is again in of entry tor the Orient.” 

( m nnnnn IM lim isented Mayor Francis ('rver. who I‘’H I'li'n‘dtiiuatious. According to Mr. Haddock, the 

I-11 I U11\ V Ul A MV I's now en route home from Bono- - |development which has taken place 

LU UIVUOO I LflIlO i term for head new MEXICO LABOR BODY '!? e^^t'r turTtr??^,'!? r?.- 

..^r..r'niee[L'‘g were"® M'.\SI 11 .\'(’iTON. Sept. 28.—.Attonic v ('.cncral Dausthertv "’f.‘;°n'!?;‘v«’‘l 'ievelopment 

PPP flMA Sou??”pa”? an.n.mtecl today that the feileral court a't .MhtK,uerc,t,e. X. i?;?;.,?'::.-’k?Tuid®dema"nd: 

iirnlllilnl llirri Evans. Riverside: had im])osed a sentence of two vears at Ledvenworth and a United States 

In Corporate Limits 

nation. -Men and women jiunped from their seats and cheered. , beginning tlie foun- 

•hc h:md startetf playing, hut the music couhl har.lly be hcard^'l- ^rid" no?"?’ 

T?e?SJd Sm I??' ?ork on I ' 

mg experience to secure passage L..inniii!r the xxar er ter 'or,,, i,. “criea inai representatives ot tnis ■ r* l/\X I ■ I 
on the Majestic, a White Star ' n't re- organusation would meet all in- nrP|nMA| AnLLT 

liner and the biggest liner in the Paris we went down to ! Passengers. ; Kh J, N Ufl I U I* f 

world. The Majestic has . a ca-, Southern France along the Riv-! Among those present at the IIUUIU! II ll_ 1111.1.. I 
parity for 3000 passengers and jpra which makes one think nf ”**^**1'"^ were: Mrs. H. K. Mac-, 

requires a crew ot 1000 men. It: Sou hern ra?if?ni-. it i« f K- Moore. Mrs. L. -- 

I under construction hy the beautiful country on the shores ’AbOUt 3D Chapters tO Have 

3 o'clock tomorrow j 
at the Chamber of, 

lican ticket, from Friend W. 
Rirliardson, eandidate for gov¬ 
ernor, anil Hiram .Johnson, 
eamlidate for I’nited Stal<‘s 
senator, to the lowest offiee. 

I is now en route home from Ilono- 

i Other mayors who attended tlie 
' meeting were: W. D. Ball, On- 
j tario; P. Dodson, South Pasa- 
!dena; S. C. Evans. Riverside: 

William Stark, Anaheim; Thomas 

• SMSWCO a m XIIIII, men. D : Southern California. It is „ vi. n. .uoure. .viis 

was undeT construction hy the beautiful country on the shores 11'’ 
Oernians during the war and was. „{ the wonderfully blue Mediter- Jj' i 9“''“ 


Representatives Present 
at Pasadena Session 

Officers and memliers of tt 

amendment.” states the official 
resolution approved on this occa- 

-— “ion. "And feci that the various GIVES BIRTH TO QUADRU.PLETS, ALL OF THEM GIRLS ^I'x'' ‘‘I®’’; 

I Officers and members of the , city governments can as well, if IM'l'TSPrE^t ' kieixt 2Q M M v t ’ v • ;« ‘“J® i®'' 

: Cllendale chapter of the American ! not better, run their own affairs •• . * , V — Airs. Alary Knkurian. Armenian, | soeins the development 

I Red Cross have received an in- than to continue to follow the pol- " ^ f^F’l^iiriaii of Braddock, near here, last night gave "J' bewildered, 

■vatation to attend the regional icy advocated by some to turn I’."-.!!' tn finadruiilets. all girls, hnt the babies died, one at the ; u keep up? ’Thev h weVon -mk" 

to be named the Bismarck, but : ranean sea. Of course we visited ‘‘"‘t ^’rs. Mabel L. Tight. ncpi ChClIldllVCh nehClIl | “We are opposed to said in their iiossession 

after the Armistice it was turned ,,onte CaHo th^ worW-flmous ! - at PaSadeOa SeSSiOH ?e™?m?on" annrovtron-'occf ^ ____ 

8p?"ls of w^r'^a'l^dwts "earned th? seii????d‘'xic? p W IMPI mi If iO ^ ntf T i f A t'>^t the various <j«VES BIRTH TO QUADRU.PLETS, ALL OF THEM GIRLS 

''""Make PI. .,T.’ i ‘'Then we‘went on to Italy and L W NhlHJ [ lA ! Cl.eXiH.ha" . JMTTSHUKr.. .Sept. 28.-AIrs. ^lary Kriknrian. .\rnienb^^ 

A 1 d?i ' Stopped first in Columbus’ native ' ' ULLL/UL jU j have received an in- than to continue to follow the pol- " ^ fhR'T f^tikorian of Braddnck, near here, last night gave 

AtHntlr? ‘'®"”‘‘-. "’® ®‘’®"‘ “'■® nilT nP 11H111mH '*^® '■‘'Si""'*' icy advocated by some to turn '’"-til to finadruiilets. all girls, hut the babies died, one at thc 

Atlantic IS reported bv the Halls, m Home enjoying particularly the ' l||ll ||| Ul |P|R|iPP , conference to he held at Rasa- over so m-uiv of our municinal af Krikon'-in luimo - 111,1 tho , tl,,.,- u i 1 t 11 

the r boat making a record trip | Coliseum and St. Peters, which H K \ Nr\\'‘lcna on October 2 and 3. There laTrs to the l?e r??roa7 com-' , i !, 1 1 7, , others at the Braddnek general hns- 

of five and one-half days. They | was the most wonderful cathedral UU I Ul UUUli iLUU , will he about thirty chapters of j mission which already has ' ' ’ the h.ihics were pertectly tornicd and w eighed an 
landed in Cherbourg, France, and we saw on our entire trip. An in- I Southern California represented j enough to do We believe that agregate ot nnieteet^ jKiunds. Mrs. Krikoriaii. 22 years old, 

from there they went immediately , teresting experience of our visit ; ! at this meeting. The nieetin.g on city councils and hoards of su- " cighs 125 jioitnd.s and'totlav is reported doing nicclv. 

to P.aris. “We found Paris Just ! in Rome was going down into the DlSpOS6S Of HiS ButCtlGP Monday. October 2. will begin | pervisors should be encouraged -L 

as gay as rjiported," says .Mr. Capucines .Monastery, where there, rk„w„ 4 ,» I with a liincneon in the Chamber | rather than discouraged to take a MORE FAIDFN’CE t»F IT V TH Ofvi iriHVVi it it <; 

Hall. iare four rooms completely lined ' ShOp; Will DeVOte Time of Commerce rooms at 100 South | prominent part in the government ,, . ,V, . ^ ^ ‘ UROUdMOLT U. S. 

“One thing that impressed us 1 with human bones arranged in Crj Pmnprtv lntprp<!t« Raymond avenue. For the second I of their communities.” W .\S111 \( ,TOX, Sejit. 28.—Railroad cars and Cfiuipnicnt 

was the sight of many idle men ! fantastic designs. These rooms ri upci ly iiiicicdia ,jaj, ,f,e invitation of the city _ ___ Coninanies are iamnie,! m itii neiv Kiici’iiex... -o .. ...1, r ‘ 1 ,... 

|tne men wno are responsible to 
I a large extent for the activities 

conference to he held at Pasa- over so many of our municipal af- Krikorian home and thc others at the Bnddoi-k- 
dena on October 2 and 3. There 1 fairs to the state railroad com-. Hiaddotk 

; will he about thirty chapters of 


Ail thc babies were jierfectly formed and w eighed an j y'f'ai'-'*- 

! that i.s going on is bewildered. 
' ;The liivst tiling he asks is; Can 
tlie I it kee]) up? They have been ask- 
os-ling the same question for the past 

was the sight of many idle men ! fantastic designs. These rooms ■ 1 uBs-' iiiitiv-oio jay ,f,e invitation of tlie city 

Bhout the streets. They were ap-■ are under the cathedral and ad- - manager ot Alhambra has been 

parently in good health hut more; mission is charged and the pro-' retirement of one of Glen- accepted to have a noon meeting 

content to sit about the cafes and ceeds given to the church. Look- f'^st business men is con- and luncheon at the Alhambra 

drink than to work. about a room decorated with iti the announcement that plunue. where there will also 

"We saw very few war veter-, friezes and panels of skulls, arml^- " • Ingledue of .501 East Wil- later he given a demonstration of 
tins except in the Louvre and I and leg hones, vertebrae and avenue has di.siioseil of the ■ life-saving work, 

other public places where disfig-, spinal columns is really grue-' t^bop at 632 East Broad- Those from Glendale who have 

iired soldiers have positions as some. ' ^ known as the Glendale Mar- piannp^ the conference 

j ’ From Rome we went to ket. , i„ei„(jes Mrs. H. E. Bartlett. L. T. 

“W’e were in Paris ten days: Naples, where we saw Mt. Vesu-' This establishment has been Rowley, Mrs. Arthur Brown, .Mrs. 
and took several side trips. The vius in eruption. We made the purcha.sed hy Dr. T. C. Young of, Archie Parker. Mrs. John Robert 
only battlefield we visited was ascent of the mountain and could ' 620 East Broadway, At L. Baird White and Mrs. P. A. Wells. 

Verdun and that country is almost I look over and down into the hf 130 South Brand and Richard others desiring to attend have 

all rebuilt. Tlie reconstruction . crater where there was an explo- Roberts of 410 West Maple street, j peen asked to communicate with 
work is being done liy the govern- sion about every two minutes. M’e . -'’c. Roberts has been foreman ; either .Mrs. Bartlett or .Mrs. 

nient and the houses are of the also saw the city of Pompeii. ! hf this shop for about five years. White. 

regulation French type, stone or j "Next on our Itinerary came ' "'** remain in active charge. I Among the prominent speakers 

cement with tile roofing. In the 

(Continued on Page 12) 

^ Mr. ingledue came to Califor- who will address the conference;, '"r ot a iiiilitarv and naval revolution, it was announced todav It 

i nia for his health from Lima are Dr lohn Willis Baer nr ' 'as* "‘Bbt Ihe Chamber of ^ ami imtcu t Kia\ . 11 

I county, Ohio, slightly more than Roliert Freeman of Pasadena r' j <'"mmerce auditorium wa.s attend- that Kinjr t oii.stantine lia.s been seized by revn.ii- 

■ sixteen years ago. After spend- (• Braiiin of San Francisco who i ""bles of the local or-^ t'onary forces and imprisoned, but tliis was not confirmed and 

■ ing fifteen months in Baker.sfield. I is ,he assistant manager of the ' " as not generallv credited. Mutinous soldiers anti sailors were 

, he came to Glendale where he has 1 ,.acific division of the American <IcUKhtful event. reached the suluirhs in their march upon thc citv 

remained ever since. He has i>^a t.' i .i*. K. F, Hoissor, i>resident of the lULii iiihh.ii ujH*n lik lu}. 


f _ 

Founder of Reading Club Is Reports on Year’s Work Are 
Present at Meeting and Encouraging; Budget tor 
Tells About Start j New Term Larger 

Southern California represented j enough to do We believe that 7* ninoteci^ |K)iin<ls. Airs. Krikciriaii. 22 years <d(l, ; .Moi*u Than i'limnte 

at this meeting. The meeting on city councils and boards of su- weighs 125 pounds and'today is reported doin^ nicel v. !. of the world are be- 

I rvisors should be encoiiragetl -- ' • c(*iiterod on this wonderful 

ther than discouraged to take a F\’I r>F NJCF f>F it v tm it ir c ;^''Ouiry. People are getting over 

ominent part in the government ’ ROSPEkITY PHkOUOHOUT U. S. ihe idea that climate is all there 

their communities.” \\ .\S 111 \( '/POX’, Sejit. 28.—Railroad cars and C(|uij)nicnt Uhlilornia. ” 

- — -- ;Conii)anies are iamnied with new business as a result of orders ^ hiimlred and thirty-live fac- 

iiniiir ni iin iiio i'''fr"''',, "" "’""'f'-' 

HlllNr I I 111% nA\ iiiditated. 1 he c(|inpiiient conijianies have recently added Haddo. k. H' called attention to 

iml'lL. ULUD rlHiJ -'^'■’O-OOO.OOO worth uf orders and are siieeding up to hell) i)Ut the 'be signilicance of this fact and 

trans|)ortatioii lines iiiion a more efficient baris. 'J'hc rciairt' his opinion that ideal work- 

DIP CnniAl ArrAin ^-‘'’"l-nics are doi„g the best business they have ;ra?e7“'o do ?ithr 

Dill iMIlilAI ArrAIK ' i 7!'®--® ‘"e whole 

LJIVI WUIilL.fll i lU-l -- i world around where a man feels 


DinnGr*D3nC6 Lsst Night AIIILXS. Sept. 28.—Retolutionarv troojis todav occupied The speech was received with 

Proves Complete Success -.L-’ "‘"Sv”' 

In Every Detail ( .recce has accepted the Hellenic throne in succession to bis . M?("7ml7vk?-7esiden?^ 

, l.itlHT, f(»rnicr Kin^ Ci^nstaiitine. wlu' aixlieatod as the result club, who presided. 

Id last night in the Chamber of ^ "7.'*' r';'"'"t'"n. it was announced today. It 1 • J- Ha.vselden, ol 612 East 

mmerce auditorium wa.s attend- '’""lored that King t oii.stantme has been seized by revoTu-; “kmost.^stated 

Hxr lAO Tinuixic ^^r tho inr'ni nr-z t i< M]« T V forups zHiifl t m Y jr i<. jti nr 1 tliic ai-ic tizAf z»z-vvi I: r.. I .i,,zi ((vOiitinuoa Oil Page 12) 

he came to Glendale where he has | parifj,. .y vision of the American 

most delightful event. 

remained ever since _ He has! Cross. K. J. Scudder of the , 

I’®®" ;T7®a‘", *'1.® Veterans’"hureau’. and others, 

first Methodist church and a gen-: _ 

erous supporter of Ihe local Y. ' 

;"A;th'nLwTnPMINn ^IflPPPU 

president ot the Glendale Ad- | UlAllliilU uUUULn 
vancpment association. 

-Mr. Ingledue expects to devote’ TPlRlin PAIN IfP I 
his time to civic enterprises and' ILfl|\/|\ I |||J yI A 

! :.rt;7.7d"77rrse?^.^ I lMIV lo r UK 1 lA 

! Glendale Shrine chib, turned the 
; entire charge of arrangements for DRY LE.ADERS H.A.PF*Y OVER RESULT IN NEW JERSEY, 
; this big social event over to a \V \ ikl! 1 V('’IV tv ->Q 'I'l, i- , ii i i i 

very efficient committee, which i- ,• , ' * 'I he big vote rolled lip by Sen-, 

included .■\rlhur t’amphell. chair- 1'rclmgluiysen in I nesday s primaries in X'ew Jersey I 

man: A. M. Kelly. C. K. .lones. W. caused nrohibition leaders in the national eai.ital to we.'ir broail I 
IE. Piirsell and A^ w Reynolds, grins of satisfaction todav. l-Acn siiokesmeii for the anti-! 

The xShrine colons of red and ""J adniittctl thc T-reltnghiiyscn victory was a 

yellow were carried out in the hard jolt lor thc beer and liglit wine movement, although thc\ 
floral decorations at the dinner declared that the real fight over the wet and drv issue in Xew 
I tables, ns well as throughout the Jersey would not eomc" until Xovemher. when' ('.overnor ’F.d-, 

The first fall meeting of the The annual business meetings 
Mutual Benefit Reading Circle : was held last night at the Baptist 
held yesterday at the library war ciHirch. 

attended by more than sixty en¬ 
thusiastic mothers, with .Mrs. H. 
V Henry, vice-president, in 

Very encouraging reports were 
given from all departments, ac- 

eharge. .Mrs. Charles H. Toll, cording to Rev. E. E. Ford, who 
who founded the Circle more than presided. 'These showed a gain 

six year.s ago and has watched it 
grow from isfancy to its present 
enviable status among the associ- 

in membership 



P,-T, A, 

■ entire hall. A dxdicious dinner b--, r,U x.-iii ceel 

Arrivals of New Balls Start- served to the nowes and 

_ ... their ladies at 7:30 o’clock. Mu- '-.ite w lio once 

mg bomething at Wilson j sic for lancing was furnislied by .Xtl.ailtic ocean. 

InJnr-rvx/xrlinJ/x I'ke ShriiiP, clul) Orchestra, the; 

Intermediate School members of winch are A. M. Kel- XCJ. ... ... 

- I l.v. violin' .M. Kaufman, piano: C. ■ , • I 

The arrival of the new soccer Donaldson, clarmel: H. Frazer, C'fJXSJ'.W 

11s at Wilson .Avenue Intermedi- dr.ims; E. Lloyd, saxophone, and rino'ton Firitisl 

Intermediate Drganization 
In‘Session Makes Plans 
for Various Activities 

Over $17,000 w:as raised last year 

c:ii * c'tattxr- aiuuii^ itr'nUCi- q • n M I r$l IX ri. 

ations ol its kind, was the guest i)y the congregation. Seven thou- ulQ ndlly IS rl3nn6d TOP i school. The class teams 

of honor. In her characteristic. , sand dollars of this sum was TnmnrmiA/ Winht WnrH I prohess of forma- 

gracious manner she told the .Gi,ent for clnirrh evnenses The I OmOrrOW Nignt, WOrd . 

members present of lYer deep af- 

sand dollars of this sum was 
.■^pent for church expenses. The 
new addition coat about $3,000. 

balls at Wilson .Avenue Intermedi- dr.ims; E. Lloyd, saxophone, and 
I .'ite school introduced a wave of Roy Hitt, banjo. A'arious ini- 
I "Sorcer-itis” among tlie boy fans proniptii stunts given liy the mem- 
I of the school. The class teams hers of Ihe clul) added to the eve- 
|are already in prohess of forma- niiig’s fun. 

tion. ; A great deal ol amusement was 

ward.s will seek eleetu'ii tn thc senate as a Denu^eratte candi- 

date who once promised to make thc state as moist at the At the first regular meeting of 
.Atlantic ocean. , the memhers of the Wilson Ave- 

_ 1 line Inlormediate School I’arent- 


..7 , ‘""ZW i’xvt.Kicu, i> KLI.ILF ornonn. aniioiincements were 

C (3XS I .\X I IXtJI’I.I'.. Sejit. 28.—T'lCner.'il Sir Ch.'irles liar- 'Pa<io of the committee chairmen 
rington. Hritisli commander, acting niion instructions from 7’'"’“ 7®," 

laindou. bas adojned a more conchiatory attitude towards'the ^ 77(77^; 7gn??;777‘l;^ 
J nrkirli nationalists and the indications todav were th;it a year. 

clash in the near east would he averted. CiCncral ! larrintrton ; In the ab.sence of .Mrs. R. C 

to Troop No. 3 

fprfinn for tho HUri -itnfno- • i i- *u * ^ .4 1 • i«%/. w I lasc rail won so niucn praise, wi 

leciion lor me L ircie, disci.aming including the cost of the new ' f>nj»toir, a c it zxi« z. rn 

any undue share in its succes.s, chair? with which it was sup- , - i eaptam the A 8 -II class. Fh^ 

hut rather crediting its achieve- plied Over $5 000 was expend- Scout troop No. 3 of Glen-! Krade scliedule will bo in 

ments to the spirit of mutual help ed for church benevolences will hold a rally tomorrow, I'lm before another week. Morning waltz, the lights were 

and co-operation that has ever A church budget was increased Avenue school,! The A 7-III class have lined up dimmed aud "Dinty” Moore en- 

been the Circle watchword. from $6 000 to $7 000 and the fi- ’k annow'iPP'T- I elected Frank Gal- tered and gave a parody on this 

In her talk Mrs. Toil described nancial committee.’ which consists i Chamber of Com- 1 t>ca't^h as captaih. Fred STiriuger popular piece, 

a recent visit paid the National , of the trustees and the treasurers ’ "’®''‘’'' announced its intention of; ^ 'he A 7-II c ass. Bud ( ope- 
Uoiigress of Mother.s at Washing-' of the church, were requested to sP"“f“''ng 'he troop. T h e: ajid Harry Clark and Russell 
ton and her meeting with Mrs. : niake an exerv-member canvass to ® newlLaxelle of the A 8 class are also 

Watkins, ^execu,ive_ secretary of , secure pledges for church 7up- 

Jack Booker, whose playing provided liy tlie surprise inimher 
I last fall won so much praise, will ’whicli followed one of the dances. 
I captain the A S-II class. 'Ph^* . After th" orchestra had played an 

i i.iMi m t!ic near east would be averted. (icncral llarrmgton; In the ab.sence of .Mrs. R. C. 
has sent a note to Mttstajilia Kemtil snggcstitig a eonference president, the meeting 

and extending the time in wbieh the Turks are U, etaenate the ! T?® J’ierson 

neutral zone. The British eommander told the jiress that he a list "of 'tbe" fork?'"g: ''.\irs"7'* 

note to Mnstajilia Keinal sni;'i^estini^ i 

nanning. vice-presidput, who read 
ti list of thp follow'.i'g: Mrs A. 

Hoy Scout troop So, 3 of Glen-! grade scliedule will be in encore to ‘‘Three o’clock in the \voul<l not attack unless the Turks made some overt war mA)ve Morgan, courtesy chairman* M 

1 ... ••-ill I.,. 1.1 .. A. __ ... nT 4 Zxt\Z^Cnv*rkZVtxZ‘x 4 Vxz-x>,<*-#vzv 1 ,. \lzX»»llVIV««‘’’xi-zll*rT iVlz^lizvlxtz, * .1 lx ••• . txx . * ’ * 

that association, and .Miss Ellen port. 

scoutmaster, but. according to re-'lPPhPd on as coming stars and 
i ports, tills has already been done. | Possil>Ie material for the school 

Lombard, head of the department ' A vote of thanks was extended 
of education. ; to several church officers, many 

■Mrs. .1. Daiiford, librarian, of whom were re-elected tc 
spoke a few words ot welcome service of the congregation. 

;and he will attend the affair to- t^am. 
morrow night and speak to the, 

of whom \ere ;e-eTec^;V t? r? '"!!.® 7®®‘‘7 

at 7:30 o’clock and all of those 


The sewer committee ot the 


and greeting, expressing her en¬ 
thusiasm for Circle work, ami 

Elect Xew Officers 

inusiasm lor t ircle work, ami Officers elected for the coming o,tona 

outlined several recent changes ot fiscal year were: J. A. Banker rp,,„ , 

who have been connected with the'Glendale Kiwanis club met last 
troop in the past have been invit-;PiKht at the city hall to discuss 

rigamst tlie Hritisli. I’p to tlie jiresent time tlie Turks have , juvenile cm rt; .Mrs. 

eontentei! themselves in oeeni)ving towns in tlie neutral zone''? education; Mrs. 

, « here ,l,crc »rc British They have t.n.lcnak” L'ThV. 

any Offensive action against the British soldiers. . | emblem ami mag.azine; .Mrs. j! 

------ i M'. .Viifiiee. philanthroiiv; .Miss E 


SAN Sept. 28.—Another attem]>t t<i "i himm. nieniberihii), 

(Kn.imitc n Snntn Pe eng'ine here was disclosed toflay when two! This iiping the oppning meet- 
'sjiecial officers and an official of the comiianv found .sixteen ‘"'f'- if 'he na- 

.sticks of dynamite and an '’infcnial niachine” hidden in a tool } 

;l)ox ol the loeomotivc. Ilelncr engine Xo. 1626 had jimt pulled'the new instructors at the’^'im'er- 

nignt at the city hall to discuss; \a/ i i i vards after aiding another train climb the h 

he local sewage_problem._ _ City MP. and MPS. W. L. JCHCkS B.-.r'sO.xv x, ben nffl.-n,-.A., • 

mg grade 

mediate school were introduced. 

lowed on the program with i 
short talk along lines of parent 
teacher work in Glendale. 

organization at the iihrarv Th;Aho? hoard recent.y .gave ! 7 H A,l”d Ma;?-; •'r' Harstow when Special (Officers Salzbtiry and Collin? ae- 

Tells .About Work ' GHgg ' N^ n'ob^n 7^(1 W A and | Spencer Robimson went over the; BaCk FPOPP StanfOPd |eompanicd by Roimdliouse I’orcman Robert Place and Suiiplv-Locl-ition" presiilen" gav?'?"or(1- 

Mrs. E. B. Moore, president of ; stuari. deacons for three ‘years:’I ^.j^pTed”*X" trooT™‘“®® I 77*Ze7o fT‘7X UnivePSitV Meeting ^ '• '■* tool box and discovered of greeting f.-om tha’t organizatLr 

emTe^h'"'" *’^®'’®7'‘°" ‘77? "’illard Keith, deacon for two, "xhe new on nUttee will be on w?Te C ^ M irphy WUlllVei^iy IVieeiing nunnv-"id announced the first distr?" 

ent-Teacher assocatioss. next fob years: ^lUAnder-son and J. R I,,,, fomorro? ni^h? ii is am I I>r. J C. Lnccoc"k ?n? Dr.’ R !? ' Accounts of the recent League I ''""taipitig.the sixteen sticks of dynami'te. one of which'“-V;® J.’-adena 

t- Mrs = F Moodv Mrs i"V^M? """need, and it is rumored that, Ritchey. The committee expressed 1 of Municipalities meeting held ]'"'(1 a caj) and fuse attached. The cap had been jilaced in a j i ;,.,"'0 7v??hv'’hirha"? 
ers aVid Mrs. A.’’v: Piercey.’de7 ! i " slowly eating through the metal, ami: son D. White, snperintemleut of 

call the r'eadinc of a new l.nou- xi^ri R.' « • i scouts who represented the Ver- tion of this problem. 

vas taken uKbv -^irs H X- iten T' x- w' treasurer; Hills district at the Older! __ 

as laKen up r>> Mrs. H. \. Hen- A. \ an Wormer. benevolences; _ z_,, 

was laKen up r>y Mrs. H. \. Hen- A. Van Wormer, benevolences; conference will tell I 

ry. Mothers and Children” (Dor-; treasurer; A. McDonald, fellow-1 omlr Vxnprienc7 7 

othy Canfield Fisher). At next | ship treasurer; P. L. Hatch, finan-! ^ _2!_' 

week’s meeting an article called : cial secretary; R. L. Kent, super-1 ^ ‘ 

■’Up Graile, but ’V’.'e Are on the I intendent of the Sunday school, i D..I.L AT m. '■ 

Wa.v, ^ will be reviewed hy Mrs. , Edward Ross, who has been a i mrS, Ixllul 1 rOllt i 

W. \\. Stofft. The addition of deacon for a number of years, «r 1 ll I C Tfe ■ 

two new names has reen added to ! was made a deacon emeritus. WCQS h. BcrrV ' 

the roll of Circle babies. Eleven __ I i j . 

new adult memberships were is-: rob BANK OF $14,000 I ~ 

sued at the business session yes- CTXCIXXATI Sept _Five '-^uttora A. Cole officiated | 

terday. At the present time‘the ! unmasked ‘ bandits held' up the ^-^.7 „?7®77Y Y?ste''day, | 

raember'^hip of the .Mutual Bene-1 Hamilton countv bank in Walnut )„ Die m ^7^'' 

fit Readily (^lejs about 200. Hi„s at f: 30 o'clock this morn-riral Christimt ehure?. where Mre? 

GIWEtT.S TO AUTO NOISE land securities estimated at hT ' be"cam?th7hOde°of Hugh s" Be7 

The racket made hy automo- 000. making their escape in an rv of pls^de^a^ ^ ^ ® i 

biles passing the hospital of the automobile. ‘ , ! 

Glendale Sanitarium and Hospi- _ ?vere fml xv ®®"?!® 

fal is v^ry objectionable, accord , j„,x ,x REVOLUTION j er of ‘the ’bAde; Mr?. .Ma?y Berry? 

. "7" .7 7? CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. 28. | of Pasadena, mother of the bride-1 

I !)>• Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jencks of 1 
409 North Maryland. wUo at-1 

.set off the (Ivnamite. 

I,. T. Rowlcv. 

Rev. Clifford A. Cole officiated | 
at a noon ceremony yesterday. 

West Maple street, who yesterday j ^-The crews of the-Greek fleet ly- : groom; and' Mrs. Van R. Rauch 

filed a complaint at the police de-, ing in the Sea of Marmora and I of 627 North Isabel street Glen- 

partment. Mr. Van Oven de-1 the Bosphorus have joined the (dale, a sister of the bride 

flared that a number of noisy' aiiti-Constaiitine revolution, it] Mr. and Mrs Berry will reside 

trucks pass every day. was learned today. t temporarily in Glendora. 

^How Many Steps’ 
Prize Winners Are 
Announced Today 

“How Mun.v Steps to Your 
Favorite Merchant,” the most 
interesting advertising eon- 
test held here in many a moon, 
comes to a rjose today with 
the iinnonneeinent of prize 

On another $!.■> i.s of¬ 
fered as a eapital prize in a 
“Where Do We Eat” contest. 

It costs a person .inst $6..TO 
to win $1.’$, while three other 
cash prizes will .save the hust¬ 
ling contestants a large 
amount on their two weeks’ 

tended all the sessions of the i -- - ! < ondnet Disenssion 

league before which Mr. Jencks ; FEAR MASSACRES IN THRACE RESULT RFVOIUTION' .?'?■ " Yman of Glendale, 

exhibited his concrete sewer in-! l>\lMO s; * oo r- •I’s'i'if' parliamentarian, 

vention. i 28. rears began to pervade official circles | " f''"' word.s and started the 

The first address of the gath-:massacres will lireak out in Thrace as a result ,,f ,"How to Get Larger 
ering was given by Dr. Lyman ’ tlie ('.reek revolution. If violence breaks In ..c i;i that section i x!?h7h7® ■7®*'""® ” 

nationalists niav invade Thrace, claiming| ;?io::?eS7,ir" 

sive pro.grams of city manage-] restore order. Ihe I-rench foreign office has ["-'"Jy to Ihe roll room hav- 

Iment and planning were given 'disjiatchcs confirming rejiorts that tlie revolutionists their mothers 

and the delegates give opportu- j have occujiied .Atiiens. Thc revolution was bloodless. So far' f®7 

•t"h?.miv:rertv."" “?as known not a life has been lost. C onstantine has-issued a ! treasurer." showed ? biUanc~ 

I From Palo Alto the Jencks Athens urging- his followers not to resist and j Out of this amount vari- 

jtored on to Berkeley and Oakland , ^^iincuincing Crown Prince (icorge as his choice for his siicccs- 1 allowed and also 

and returned home hy the Ridge sor. Supporters of former Premier X'enizelos are 'ornuu'g I ?? orNMi^^’^rLle 

_ ■ J t't'tmct. Constantine is exjiected to leave .\thens and \ enize-l principal of the Intermediate 

CG.NKERE.NUE SETTLES .STRIKE Y""""", '''^ ('.reek cajlital from France within thc next , ’"‘ hool. .Mrs. A. .Morgan, courte- 

NEW YORK. Sept. 28. — The day.s. t'.eneral Tasontos, commander of the Atliens trarri- " ‘'hairmau of the association, 
.strike of shopmen on the Erie son, has been deposed. He is reported to have been arrestcil. !’cimm’^T^he gireii hTth^fedo^^^^^ 

jrnrheldArY??nUwn^o£' tte^arrsArthJIdgh 

yesterday, according to an an- to arrest the leaders ot the approaching rebels joined the "Yhool gymnasium on October 6. 

nouncement made at ti:e office.s revolution. Leaders of the rebels have posted manifestoes U’® meeting re- 

of the Erie today. ' throughout Athens-warning against disorders. LiafC.r enjoy??™' ^ 



Political Ad vert isemPnt 



Conic In and we will sliow 
yon what to look for in 
lectinK a plionop'i-aph. Wc 
will kladly point out tlic 
KO<k1 and bad points in all 

Fo!k)\ving Congressman Lineberger’s refusal to debate the 
issues of the campaign with Charles H. Randall, htith being candi¬ 
dates for Congress in the Ninth District, Mr. Randall has issued a 
second invitation to Linebcrgcr to appear publicly throughout the 
district. In his new defi Randall says: 

“You decline my rcsiiectful suggestion that we ajipcar bef( re 
the voters of the Ninth District in joint discussion on the ground 
that your official duties require your attentimi, and, furthermore, 
you think no criticism of your official record is possible anvway. 

“In reply I would say it is well known that yon have been 
absent from Wbishington since about .\ugust 1st and that you were 
not cm hand to represent this district when measures of great ini- 
jeortance were being considered and voted unon. namely the bonus 
and tariff bills, in which you prcvfess great concern, if vou have 
lime to campaign here while Congress is in session, why can you 
not find lime now that Congress ha;< adjourned? 

“.'secondly, my imitation to you, couched in most jeolite 

the Ninth District .are 
entitled to see their candidates am 1 heflr their defense <d the 
l>ri!ici|'les for wliicli tliey staml. Mow can you object to such 
a program? 

“If you think I am in harmony with all your voting record, 
I will ciuicklv disabuse yon when the debates otcen. 

“I do not agree with your a'lvcrse vote upon the proposals 
to rehabilitate tlie agricultural interests of tlie country through 
hians made Icy the War [•'inance Corporation, and I cannot tmcler- 
stam! your silent vote wdien an a])iiro])riation of $500,(K)().fX)0 in 
the form c)f an unsecured loan to the railroads was proposed. 

“1 do not agree with )-our affirmative ^'ote to destroy the 
seamen’s law by which sailors on vessels under the .American flag 
arc protected—you voted to destroy the safety provisions of 
that law. 

“I do most empb.atically condemn your vote to whitew.ish 
.Attornev Cieneral Daugherty upon his failure and refusal to prose¬ 
cute war grafters. A'oii did this in spite of the fact that the Rejettb- 
lican Rules Committee reported favorably on the investigation, and 
notwithstanding, comrades of yours in the great war implored 
Congress to probe this crime against the heroes of that struggle, 
vou voted with the “Old C.uard" to smother and strangle the in¬ 
vestigation. Mr. Daugherty is under impeachment charges ley 
Congress and is universally condemned by the pco])le f)f this eotm- 
trv. Mow do you defend your '.-otc? 

“1 do not agree with your vote for a tariff bill whidt commits 
grand larcenv upon the .\merican consumer, and which, according 
to leading Rcjniblican newspapers, will increase the cost of living 
by billions of dollars during the next year. 

“Ido not think the people of the Ninth District look with 
a|)pro\al ui)on vour alignment with the reactionary element of 
your partv, and I think they will more likely vote for one of pro¬ 
gressive tendencies. 

“’I hcse are things which I do not like to say on tlie stump ex- 
cejjt in your presence where you may defend yourself. I invite you 
to reconsider vour determination lU't to meet me before the people. 

Our business potic.v is sell¬ 
ing tlio best |>lioiiO};rH|>Iis, 
pianos and siiiall {{iMids at 
the lowest possible prices. 

Organization Making Plans i Wurses Will Tell of Work 
for Furthering of Work; | In France Establishing 
Luncheon in L. A. * Community Centers 

Sets Routes for Collection of 
Garbage; Tin Cans Get 
Different Territory 

The Women’s Auxiliary of the 
Ka^le Hock American Legion met 
Tuesday afternoon in the Eagle 
lloe): lihrary auditorium. 

At the business meeting of the 
afternoon Mr.s. A. It. was 
( lotted reerctary pro tent, and re¬ 
ported that she had secured sev¬ 
eral well-known speakers for the 
luncheon that is to he given by 
the auxiliary for members and 
friends in Los Angeles on Novem¬ 
ber 10.^ 

Mrs. .1. A. Alspaugh and Mrs. 
M, t’ranor wore appointed a com- 
iiiitt(a! to attcuid the county coun¬ 
cil tlial meets the first Friday in 
()clol)cr, at Third and Hill streets, 
liOs Angeles. 

I’rize Is Offered 

A prize is to he given to the 
meml)er of the auxiliary who se¬ 
cures the most new meml)ers in 
the tfetoijor drive, and it is hoped 
everyone will get t)usy. A regis¬ 
ter lias been placed in the Eagle 
Rock luililic lihrary, so that any¬ 
one interested may sign there. 

Mrs. f’. n. Wichter gave an in¬ 
teresting talk on the Wright bill, 
after which the meeting was ad 

All the members are requested 
to be present at the meeting of 
October 10, v/hich will be held at 
the usual hour in the lihrary audi¬ 
torium at Eagle Rock. 

Hancock r'Tif.sic Co 

Eiisl Colociido ill 114 

City Clerk Ren B. MartsoU of 
Eagle Rock Has authorized the fol¬ 
lowing statement in regard to col¬ 
lection for garbage and rubbish 
that is to he undertaken by the 
City Rubbish company, of Glen¬ 
dale, who were allowed the con- 
tract,for garbage and rubbish col¬ 
lection in Eagle Rock at the meet¬ 
ing of the Board of Trusees last 
Monday night. 

Rofites for garbage collection 
arc three in numlier and are des¬ 
ignated as “west,” “central” and 

Collection of garbage on the 
west route will he on Mondays and 
Thursdays, 'riiis route covers all 
fliat portion of the city lying west 
of Central avenue, and including 
the west side of Central avenue. 

On Cciitial Koiitc 
Clollection on the central route 
will he on Tuesdays and Fridays, 
and this route covers all that por¬ 
tion of the city ly-ing between Cen¬ 
tral avenue and Virginia avenue, 
including the west side of both 
Central and Virginia avenues. 

Collections on the eastern route 
will take place on Wednesdays 
and .Saturdays, and tliis route cov¬ 
ers all that portion of the city ly- 
in.g east and including the east 
side of Virginia avenue. 

Collecting Tin Cans 
Then tliere is what is known as 
'he “tin can” route, which means 
as its name implies, tlie collec¬ 
tion of tin cans. The city of 
Eagle Rock i.s divided into two 
sections, witli Glen Eyrie avenue 
as Hie line of division, and all 
lliat portion of the city lying west 
of Glen Eyrie will have tin cans 
collected on Wediie.sdays, and all 
that portion of the city east of 
Glen Eyrie on Mondays. 

All garbage and waste matter 
must iio placed on curbing' or alley 
line net later than 5 o’clock in 
the morning on tlie (Jay of col¬ 

W'lial (lai-b.agc Means 
The word garliage shall mean 
and include ail animal or vege¬ 
table refuse from kitchens; all 
lt( aseliold waste ttiat sliall have 
been prepared for or intended to 
he used as food, or sliall have re¬ 
sulted from the preparation of 
tood: aU table refuse and offal 
•and ever.v accumulation of animal 
and vegetable matter that attends 
(he preparation, consumption, de¬ 
cay, dealing in or usage of meats, 
lislt. fowl, fruits and ve.getables. 

Dead animals weighing more 
than ten pounds, dish water and 
waste water are not included in 
Hie meaning of the term garbage, 
according to the definition of the 
word as set forth by the garbage 

Personal Service You (’an 
Not Get Evei-ywln-re 


Plione Garvanza 218!) 





Biiiitlers Promise to Have 
Structure Completed in 
Near Future 

Only Four Blocks 
from Business 

“If promisos made to ns by the 
builders are vvortli anytliin.g, and 
we liave no reason to believe to 
the coiitrart, the new I’nited tiiea- 
ter ill Eagle Rock will he open to 
movie funs by October lijth, ac¬ 
cording to J. J, .May, a member 
of the operating committee of tlie 
ITiited theaters, who visited Eagle 
It is going to taV:e just Sl.'inojRock Wednesday afternoon to iii- 
mcre to have the Eagle Rock | spect the lieaiitifiil new Eagle 
l uild'ng permits reach the $100.- j Rock tlieuter tliat is now nearing 
000 mark for September, but as i compietioii. 

there are several, days more to I .Mr. .May was accompanied Iiy E. 
go. there is little donlit hut what'-V. Hanger, also a member of this 
this tignre will be readied. 1 iTge theatrical organization Hiat 

The August permits amounted ■ ov\ ns and operates moving picture 
to I theaters in .Vnalieim, Catalina Isl- 

Wednesda.v was a fairly good'and. Alhambra and Los Angeles, 
day in the Eagie Rock building j Asked as to tlie class of pio- 
deparlnieiit of the city hall, how-| Hires to lie shown in the new thea- 
cver. I ter, fhey stated that “I’icture.s of 

There were nine building per-1 the highest class, absolutely re¬ 
mits issued Wednesday that to-j gardless of price, were to be 
taled $19,270. The Los Angeles ; shown.” 

Security company topped the list -- - 

•with a'l application for a HI J| IH AII 11 ni/rnA 

lir use al 227 Xortli Virginia, and ; j U||U| U LUV 

Hie permit calling for the lowest j ff [ M j* I i'lj f ? S SD ii\| Ki | 
figure was issued to H. A. Miller, I 1 W’l fl-w i ,, 

to build a one-room at 2.29 | ZYII JP"H 

-Vortli Hartwick avenue, to cost' jljl/kiy Hi ipppiOr 

Tlicri' were six dwellings, two' yiii,.!? UU'll cl'uL 

additions, and one garagii on tlie ' 

Total for Present Month at 
Eagle Rock May Reach 
Hundred Thousand 

Alia, r.aliforiiia lias two more 
“first honors” hepped upon it, ac¬ 
cording to reports from t'ollector 
of Inlernal Revenue Rex Goodcell, 
at Los .^ngei(*s. In the numher 
of riding academies and sliooting 
galleri('s this stall* leads all others. 
In tile matl-er of ealiarets and roof 
gardens, ('alifornia is second only 
to .N’('w York. 

“Sudi figures as these, devel¬ 
oping almost daily, indicate, clear¬ 
ly. which way the wind is blow¬ 
ing," comments the coll(>ctor. 




Did yon read in yesterday’s Eve¬ 
ning \(*ws what I’aptain liich- 
monij I’, ilobson liad to say to the 
Chamber of Coninierce about 
Glemiale beeoniing the center of 
Hie scientific world’.’ 

IVell. lie wasn’t far wrong, for 
Glendale, and vi(;inity already 
boasts several leading scientists 
atiiong its population and the 
young person residing here lias 
access to the host of scientific edu¬ 

I’rbof of this is found in the 
following summary: 

Tlie leading laboratory, special¬ 
izing in glamiular therapeutirs, is 
located here; the great sutiply of 
ether gas for the western World 
is manufactnrf (I in Glendah*; liere. 
too, agar-agar is jiroduced by a 
great factory; surgical Hiread is 
made in nurtinnk; one of the lead¬ 
ing mental specialists lias his of¬ 
fices in this city; (he greatest 
sanitarium In America, excepting 
Battle Creek, is to lie built here 
within the next year; the world’s 
foremost authority on topography 
has his lieadituarturs in Glend.alc, 
and Hint is not all, luC. enough for 

\s for .siientifie educational fa- 
i-ililii'S, Hi'i (’alifornia institute of 
Technology and Mt, Wilson ojiscr- 
vatory are hut a few miles to Hie 
east of Clondale; tlie rnivei’Kity 
of Southern (lalifornia fo the soutli 
in I,os Angeles' and the .Southern 
Brancli, I'niversily of .Sou'liern 
California to the west ill Holly¬ 

Here is the id(*al residential 
Spot for Hie seeker of seientific 
ediieatioii. The siune is true of 
those seeking the artistic eareer 
while the business man already 
has found Glendale to be the ideal 
suburb because of its accessibility. 

and instructs the collector tliat if 
payment of the additional assess¬ 
ment of taxes is not iiiade within 
the pro.scribe'.l time he may pro¬ 
ceed by means of distraint to col¬ 
lect. « 

mailed by tbc collector on .March 
2, 1922. Second notice was mailed 
cii March 10, 1922 and Hie col¬ 
lector notified the corporation 
tliat if the taxes were not paid lie 
would distrain its property. 

I'nder section 2 20 of the rev¬ 
enue act of 1921 taxes for years 
prior to 19 21 must he assessed 
within five years after the return 
was filed, and no suit or proceed¬ 
ing for (he collection of the tax 
can ho made after Hie expiration 
of five years. 

Tlio corporation contended that 
neither of (licse requirements of 
the statute had been met and de¬ 
manded that the treasury depart¬ 
ment instruct the collector to re- 
fiain from sei-/.ing its property. 

’file department Iiolds Hiat sec¬ 
tion 2.20 refers only to judicial 
proceedings and not to summary 
proceedings by means of distraint 

i Empowered to Get 
^ Old Income Taxes 


.Acreage for .Siibiiivi.sion, Too. 

J()84 E. COl.OUADO RLVI). 
Is ^ly Address 

’rdeplione Garv. ‘18(17, anv time 


Collector of Internal Revenue 
Re.x Goodcell was instructed yes¬ 
terday by the treasury department 
Hiat he may proceed to collect old 
income tax hills bv distraining 
property, even though the »dis¬ 
traint warrant is issued after the 
five-year period of limitation pro¬ 
vided in the revenue act of 1921 
lias expired, if the in ques¬ 

tion were placed on Hie assess¬ 
ment roll prior lo Hie termination 
of the five-year limiti 

The rilling is based on the re¬ 
turn of a liig coriioration wliich 
was filed' on Fi'bi nary 27. 1917. 
Notice and deniaiid for ajldUlonal 
income' taxes duo for 191G was 


Mrs. R. S. Padrick of 617 East 
Windsor road is getting along 
nicely at the Glendale Research 
Hospital following an operation. 

2Irs. J. K. Smith of 318 Salem 
street was operated on this morn¬ 
ing at the Glendale Research Hos¬ 

Mr. and Mrs. George Tyrrell 
Shown Appreciation of 
Former Service 


.\m open well fabric to tu* cc- 
nicnicd to the faces of pulleys hac 
h''cp inviuitcd to iircvent id's 
from slipping. 

Burton McGinnis Now With 
Hayward & McCartney in 
Building, Loan Work 



To improve communication 
with ad.ioining countries the Bo¬ 
livian government will establish a 
school for coninierciai aviators. 

■Mr. and .Mrs. George Tyrrell, 
who Iiave liecn identified with (he 
ehnrch and Sunday school work 
in I’asa Verdugo for man.v years, 
and wlio moved recently to San 
Fernando, were siiriirised Tucs- 
(la.v night when seven aiitomo- 
I'ilos filled with their former co- 
workers, arrived to .spend a so¬ 
cial evening with tliciii in their 
new home. \ 

The scir-invitcd gqe.sts went 
sujiplit'ti with (lelicioiia Iiome- 
iniide cakes, and plenty of ice¬ 

Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell were pro- 
ppntfd with :t dozen mono.qramed 
sterling silvor tf'nypoons. as ri 
mark of apprecialioa t.f thoir 
laithful service, .ilrs. ,1. II. Hur- 
ri.s contributed to the evening’;: 
entertainment hy the rendition of 
several beautiful solos. 

Meniliers of the party were Rev. 
•luliiis Soper, Rev. .1. C. I-ivings- 
lon. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cotton. 
-Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Burris. Mr. 
and .Mrs. Robert D. Jones and 
daughter lilartlia. Mr. and Mrs. 
E. E. Masters, Loraiiie Masters. 
Mr. .mil .Mrs. O. E, Goetz and two 
ehildreii, Mr. an,' Mr.s. L. F, 
Drake, .Mis.s Drake, H. J. Olni- 

Med, Dr. iintl .Mi’s, J. E, Ecklos, 
Mr. and Mrs. Trott, Mrs. Bicker- 
son, Mary Woldke, Mr. and Mr.s. 
t’harles Walker. 

Contractor and Builder 

l•■(p^ First Class Carpenter Work 
Let Silsbee (Jive You a Figure. 
Interior Uinisli a Specitilty. 

Hayward & McCartne.v, realtors 
and loeal represeiitative.s of the 
Southern ('niifornia-Metropolitan 
Building /t Loan association, havo 
.secured the services of Burton 
McGinnis, an expert association 
man. He is a newcomer to Glen- 
dalt! .and formerly a resident of 
St. Ijiuis for twenty-four years, 
and of Siin Diego for three years. 

Mr. .McGinnis has tieen active in 
luiildiiig and loan association 
work for nourly twenty years and 
was formerly secretary of the 
Economy Duildiiig & Loan asso- 

elation, .St. Louis, secretary-treas¬ 
urer of the .Missouri State league 
and memlier of tlie executive com¬ 
mittee of the United States 
League of building and loan asso¬ 

Because of his long service in 
helping people to acquire homes 
under tlie popular building and 
loan plan, ho is known to his Inti¬ 
mate friends and business asso- 
et.atos as tliirton “Homes” McGill- 
iiis. He is a member of the local 
Kiwanis club and (Tiamber of 

The Southern California Metro¬ 
politan Loan association has 
maintained an office in Glendale 
for more than a year and during 
that time has loaned $iri5,7.'>0 to 
finance fifty-three homes in Glen¬ 

The association is the oldest in 
Sonlhern California and has re- 
■si'urees of nearly two and half 
million dollars. 

Says Oswald:— 

Attention Glcndalo —.'c uar fart' 
in Kagle Jtock and real estate 
U good. 


.%*s iL ( oio. iilvd., not k 

riiiMie «7 nS 

('I'lifnil I'bonc 9ar. 

Eagle Rock 

Entered as f^econd-class matter 
January 12 , 1922, at the po.stofflre 
at Glendale, ('allf., under act of 
congre.'ss of March 3, 1879. I»ub- 
listied daily excent Sunday. 

Collections of Garbage and Waste Matter Will Be Made 

As Follows: On and After Monday, October Tst, 1922 

Reynolds & 


116 N. Castle Ave. 
Eagle Rock City 
Ph. Garvanza 2772 
Ambulance Service 

Reliable Transfer 

I*li4»ne C«nrvnn«n ^226 
**Servl<‘^ 'riiMt SatfMfleM** 

I.eave orders at 122 S. Castle Ave. 

Ka^le J^ock, Calif. 

B. H. ■RICKETTS. 1725 W. Ave. 46 Route 

Wednesday and 

All that |>i>rti()ii of 
the City lyiiikf cast of 

iitiil iiiciiidiiig the west 

side of Townsend Ave¬ 

West Route 

Monday and Thursday 

.Ml that portion of 
tl’.e City lying west of 

and iiK’ludiiiff the west 
side of Central .\vcnue. 

-irST C0MI‘L.\l\T 

“Here, waiter, you’ve charged 
me $2 for cbver.” 

“Yos, sir. What's wrong?” 

• ‘‘Wionj^! Ain’t I eating on the 
lawit ?” 




The duty of a retail lumber yard does not consist only in 
selling lumber. To consider carefully the individual require¬ 
ments of each customer, to recommend only those materials 
which satisfactorily fill those requirements. 

To consclcTitlously ii«lvi.'<*^ our customers on the variuus build¬ 
ing problems that may arise. 

In addition to the above t iie use of our complete filing system 
is available, by means of wliich the prospective builder can get 
fn touch with contractors, carpenters, builder.s, plasterers and 
cCment workers. These are functions which this firm consider 
its eleiYientarydutiea. 

Wm. J. Bettingen Lumber Co. 


I’ark Avi*., iicai- Ci'iitral Gaivanza E.AGLE ROCK 

East Route 

Second and Fourth Wednesdays 

All that, portion of the City Iving 
east of Highlands Avenue and Glen 
Evrie .\venue. 

West Route 

Second and Fourth Mondays 

All that portion of the City lying 
west of Highlands Avenue and (lien 
Eyrie .\vcniie including the east side 
of said Avenues. 

222 Fast Colorado Blvd. 


Many i>eo])le suffer attacks by 
this arch-fiend, commonly called 
“nerve inflammation." The first 
warning is usually a sharp, stabbing 
pain, which may “come and go" or 
hurt constantly. You* may feel it 
ip the shoulder, neck, forearm, small 
of the ])ack, or dov n the thigh and 
leg to the heel. It is sometlme.s 
mistaken for sciatica, rlieumatism 
or neuralgia, which often end in 

No matter where you have nerve 
pains or what caused them, you can 
get (luick relief without u.sing nar¬ 
cotics or poison. Just apply Tysmol 
over the part that hurts, and in a 
few minutes the pain will be gone. 

Tysmol is absorbed through the 
pores of the skin. It has a soothing, 
healing effect upon the 'diseased 
nerves, gradually helping to restore 
tbem to healthy condition. 

‘Don't suffer any longer. Price 
$1 at Roberts & Echols. Tysmol 
Co., Mfg. Chemists, 400 Sutter Street, 
San Francisco,—Advertisement. 


on a VIEW LOT in beaunful EAGLE ROCK 
.$500 to $10(X) Down-Balance Same as Rent 

J, B. BROWN & CO. 

117 So. Central Avenue, Eagle Rock 


The word “garbage’’ shall mean and include all animal and vegetable refuse from 
kiicbeiis, all household wa^tc that shall have'been jirepared for or intended to he used 
as food, or shall have resulted from the jireparation of food, all table refuse and offal 
and every accumulation of animal, vegetable and other matter that attends the prep¬ 
aration. consnmjition, decay, dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowls, fruits and 
vegetahle.s. Dead animals weighing mure than ten pounds, dish water and waste w.ter 
are not included in the meaning of the term “garbage.” 

t ' B. B. MARTSOLF, 

City Clerk of the City of Eagle Rock. 

We have recently taken over the Eagle Rock 
Garage and in doing so feel that we can better 
serve our customers. Our business continues to 
grow and for the loyalty shown us we feel that 
no service is too good for our patrons. 



Central Route 



Tuesday and Friday 



.Ml that ])orti()n of 



the City lying between 



Central .\vcnuc tind 



Virc^Miiia Avenue, iii- 


• M 




fludiiig the side of 

said .Avenues. 


Ranch Among the Oaks 


KmiKMis Ptjso Itoblos Disti'ic't 

Bell Service Station 

liO avros af an arue 


< orfi»*r nelnivnre Ave. and 

W. <'o|orii(lo Itlvd. 

Call on E. H, i’lilforil Co. 


;?20 \V. Coldi'iidn 151 \(1. 

1 <'iMirle«y Efficiency Service 


east OB TEST 



I Glendale Personab DeatbandFimerak 


Glendale Personals 

Nine A*1 Good Companlea 
Alno Auto Insurance, Compen- 
aatton Insurance, Earthquake 
•nd Burglar Insurance. 


ion s. 

_ Mrs. Frank Monaghan of 520 
North Louise street, has returned 
from a two-days’ visit with her 
mother. Mrs. J. H. Stuchbery, in 
San Bernardino. 

Miss Grace Judd, daughter of 
Airs. .Maybelle Judd of 600 East 
Chestnut street, has gone north 
to enter her second year at Le- 
iand Stanford university. 

Glen. 8Sa 

.vliss Jennie Brown of 209 
I North Kenwood street and Miss 
^iisaii Thomas have returned 
from a two weeks’ vacation spent 
at Oak Knoll, Big Bear lake. 

_ 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Echols of 
541 North Jackson street enjoyed 
a fishing trip this past week-ehd 
al.ove Mill Creek, east of Red¬ 

I Mrs. Mabelle Judd of 600 East 
I Chestnut street enjoyed a trip 
I this past week end to San Diego. 

I She motored down with her 
I cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 
, Brown and Glen Foster of In- 
; diana. 

I " 

j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deal of 237 
! North Louise street entertained 
j as guests the early part of this 
' week their nephew and niece, Mr. 

I and Mrs. Charles Holmes, who 
I left yesterday for their home in 
; Detroit, Mich. 

Mrs. G. H. Rowe of 216 South 
] Orange street is anticipating the 
I arrival today of Mrs. Anna M. 
j Burns of Bakersfield, who will be 
I her guest for several days. She 
j will also entertain at dinner to- j 
I night Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Button 
j of Lankershim. 

Well Known Toilet 
Goods, of 
Boston, will he with 
us October 9 to 14, 
to teach you the 
proper nietliod of 
caring for the com¬ 
plexion as well as 
the scalp and hair. 

x^raua oiva. ana oroadway frontage the moment they realized 
that Glendale was the (astest growing city of its size in the world. 

These far-sighted folks all made money. The continued rapid 
growth of Glendale has made further expansion necPR.arvr 

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lockwood 
and son Bruce Bruce of 827 South 
(jlendale avenue have just re- 
turnea from a week’s vacation at 

-Mrs. Charles Marshall, of 525 
Soulh Central avenue, is enter¬ 
taining the members of Alpha 
cliapter of the Delphian club at 
her home this afternoon. 

Mrs. J, C. Tobias, of 210 East 
Palmer avenue, entertained as her 
guests recently Mr. and Mrs. 
Charles Holmes, of Detroit, Mich 

We are very fortun¬ 
ate in securing the 
services of ^frs. 
(jihhs, and, tlirottffli 
special arran,<rement, 
she will visit your 
home and give a 
facial niassaye cir 
scalp treatineiit free. 

AIRS. HARRV E. G(K>1> ! 

Mrs. Harry E. Good passed | 
away Tuesday, September 26, 
1922. at her residence, 325 West 
Wilson avenue, at the age of 65 
years. She was a native of Illin¬ 
ois and liad been a resident of 
Glendale for a number of years, 

' is survived by a daugh- 
Zetta Gibbons of Ivy 
I a son, Dore Good, of 

I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reith and ! 

I daughter, Wilhelmina, of 1101 
i East Wilson avenue, and guest 
Arthur Becker of El Paso, Tex.’ 

I spent Sunday with friends at Bal- 
! Iioa beach. 

Mr. and Mrs. (L B. Singleton 
of 318 West Wilson avenue en- j 
tertained as their guests recently 
-Mr. and .Mrs. W. K. Cleveland of ! 
Whittier and .Mr. and .Mrs. C. R 
Peterson pt Hollywood. 

Miss Blanche Vance, who has 
lieen spending the summer as the 
Iioiise guest of her aunt. Mrs. E. j, 
T. .Allen of 364 Hawthorne street, p 
will leave Sunday for her home in' ' 
Webb City, Mo. | , 

-Mr. and Airs. C. H. Justice, j 
cousins of .Mrs. W. AV. Stofft, of' i 
457 West Stocker street, and who i! 

rbert Besant, Mrs. Good 
larried in this ter, Mrs, 
ato their new street, anc 
aimer avenue, Denver, Colorado! 
me to friends. Funeral servic 

ormerly Miss tomorrow mornin 
South Louise o’clock at the Christian" Mission- 

iiry .Alliance church on Chestnul 
L. Oliver interment at Gnuui 

Glendale yes- L. G, Scoveru 

for the erec- company is in charge, 

ture of their 

r Oliver re- ^'‘KIA IN PERKY 

lot on North Melvin 

re he is now iit 


ing. Wednesday, 
people were 1922, at ; 
a card party liad been 

Heights offers these ideRl conditions 
buying business and residence lots. 

wise ones are 

<ir jilionc lor 
1 ajjpoiiitmcnt. 



Perry Jackson passed 
his home, 709 Soutli 
street, yesterday niorn- 
September 27, 
at the age of 71 years. He 
-..1 a resident of Glendale 
■0 years, coming here from 
ley. and was a native of 
iork, Mr. Jackson is sur- 
by a widow, Frances G. 



Free Instructions 
Knitting, Crocheting 
And Embroidering 

ley. Miss Margaret Crawford, char« of tkVyT ■ in 

Frank McGillis and Roy Selover 1 ^’asonic order and 

xioy oeiover. wpi held tomorrow afternoon 

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox, who •’/'•'■ay. at the Little Church of 
recently moved into the former Flowers at 3 o’clock. L. G 
home of .Air. and Mrs. Albert C l^^overn Undertaking company is 
Oliver at 1104 East Broadway, are charge. 

entertaining as guests Mrs. Paul- -- 

ine Osborne and son Richard of i EUNER.AL FOR I.NF.A.N’T 
Denver, Colo. Richard has en- i Funeral services for the infant 
rolled at Glendale High school as 'liiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton 
they expect to remain here until -'lorgan of 1136 Allen avenue 
the middle of December. "'Bl l>e held tomorrow Frid iv 

De Laney Yarn Shops 
Mi-s. .Mgr. 

East Broadway 
Glendale lUll-J 

Main Office—Verdugo Road at Montros 

ly.vch negro for .ATT.ACK 

SANDEKSVILLB, Ga., Sept. 28. 

Jim Johnson. negro, was 
lynched near here today for an 
assault alleged to have been com¬ 
mitted on a white woman. 





Community Service 
Representative Here 

Having severed connections 
with the firm of Smith-Babcock- 
Hamilton, I will open a Real Es¬ 
tate and Insurance office under 
tlie name of Hamilton Realty Co., 
witli temporary office in Room 4,’ 
102 East Broadway. Up-to-date 
listings of Glendale city, subur))an 
and lanch property, countrv and 
city exchanges. 

216 No. Jackson St. 

Res. Ph. Glen. 649-J 
Office Ph. Glen. 2108 
—Adveriseinent. 9 -‘’ 8-30 

Don T. Orput, representing the 
National Organization of Com¬ 
munity Service, with headquarters 
in New Aork City, lias arrived in 
Glendale, to take up with a local 
committee a community recrea¬ 
tional program for the city. 

Mr. Orput has been serving in 
the same capacity in other South¬ 
ern California cities. He will 
meet with the Glendale commit¬ 
tee early next week. 

.Air. and Mrs. Orput are to make 
their home at the Ramsey apart¬ 
ments at 119 North Kenwood 

‘The Sign of the Rose’ Is 
Picture Now Playing at 
Local Theatre 

Executive Committee Meets 
and Decides on Dates; 
Many Back Campaign 

The Largest Selection at the Lowest Prices 
Fresh Fi om the Ocean Daily 

Correct Time 
All The Time 

Have your watches and jewelry 
repaired by expert workmen. 
We have just been appointed 
P. E. watch inspectors for 

See us for Silverware, Cut 
Glass, China, Clocks and 

of the Salvation .Vrmy has been 
set for early Decembi r. 

I The executive cominitlee, at it-i 
meetings in the Cliainher of Com¬ 
merce rooms. Monday iii.glit, canio 
to that decision by unanimou.s 
i agreement, witli all memliers pros- 
ient. Most of tlie clubs and other 
organizations of the city will be 
lieliind the campaign to'raise the 
(luotu for Glendale. 

I Appointment of members of the 
general committee have already 
been made by several organiza¬ 

It was originally expected to 
put on the drive in Octolier, 
a number of other 
undertakings made it 
to t!ie executive 
postpone it 
and S. Th 
posed of Rev 
chairman. .] 

Bryde. J. L, F 
ley G, 

They will active!; 

Fine Young Broilers, lb. 

h^xtra Choice Fryers, lb.. 

Hens, lb. 

Extra Large Roosters, lb.. 

Belgian Hare, Fresh Dressed, lb. 

F’lione Glendale 2187 
206^i West Broadway 

XL • RTc not fooled by the 

familiar device of sell- 
(g ^ ing a few articles 

' Avithout jirofit whfle 

making up for it on 
M brands. The 

“Quality” docs not 
j ii g g 1 e prices, hut, 
more i m p o r t a n t , 
neither does it juggle 
quality! Here a’ou get the highest grade 

groceries and meats at uniformly reasonable 

prices. In addition, we give our jiatrons a de¬ 
pendable delivery service to all parts of the city. 
^ ou can ])lace your entire confidence in the 
Quality Grocerv and Market. 

Watchmaker and .Jeweler 
lOO E. Broadway. Glen. 

Pacific Electric Watch Inspector 


seem best 
committee to 
unti! Ilecenibe.r 6, 7 
e committeo i.s coni- 
Clifford A. Cole,; 
Julius Kranz, J. F. m,.- 
I’crcli, Rev. Hat'-. 
Preston and Dan Keity.' 

y prei)aro for I lie' 
.tr by hs.sisting in tin 

we carry the best line of 
11 links made on the coast. If 
you are in need of a trunk, in¬ 
vestigate this line and save 60 
per cent over the price of those 
nationally advertised Trunks by 
buying the local, which is just 
as good, and in manv wav.« 

August Ebsen, Prop 

^Vhen You 
Buy —Buy 
In Glendale 

133 So. Central Ave, 

Glendale, Calif, 

Every dollar you s|H‘nd 
in the stores of Glendale, 
that you exi>ect to spend 

Will Iielp make tJlen- 
dale grow. Boost it to 
50,000 in 192;$. 


Furniture Store 

Pleasurable Business Trips 

Tv’hether you travel for business or pleasure, you’ll 
maximum amount of benefit by going the Vale ai 
vard way. Promenade in the zoatfni sait-cang 
dance in the Veranda Cafe Ballroom. Enjoy tt 
derful meals and service. ' 

] The season’s activities for 
; Chapter L, P. E. O., opened yes¬ 
terday at the first fail meeting of 
; that organization held at the 
home of Mrs. Seymour Smith, 416 
West Wilson avesne, with Airs. 
Letitia Lusby, president, in 
charge. Following a short busi¬ 
ness session, Mrs. Charles Farn- 
ham gave an interesting account 
of her trip to Honolulu. .Mrs 
Ina Randolph aiso told of her 
trip to the State of Washisgton, 
during which .she spent some time 
on an island in Puget Sound. 

Mrs. Ed M. Lee was in charge 
of a very interesting and instruct¬ 
ive quiz on the P. E. O. constitu¬ 
tion and by-law's. The remainder 
of the afternoon was spent in sew- j 
ing for the Glendale Welfare I 

600-G9R Broadw’ 
Glen. 20-M’ 


Ed, N, Radke 


Jeweler and Optometrist 
109-B S. Brand Blvd. 

• Glen. 1233-K 

Phone Glendale 59 or Glendale 377 

AND heLlman] 

QUALITY Grocery 
and Market 

Glendale Girl Scouts, troop 
[ one, met yesterday afternoon at 
the Colorado street school, where 
they will hold their regular meet¬ 
ings during the coming months. 

After the scout ceremonies, 
merit l)adges were awarded as 
follows: Evelyn Hunt, home 
maker, scril)e, hostess and 
dancer; I,^icile Beach, dressma¬ 
ker; Carolyn Ayars, health 
diun and home maker; Frederica 
Browne, child nurse. 

Cecil Chase presided at tho 
short business meeting that fol¬ 
lowed. The meeting next Wednes¬ 
day will be open to tlie other 
troops, and invitations will be is- 

Will be plea.sed to have yon c 
at their office and talk over yc 
budding requirements with the 
Their architcrtural department 
at your service. , 1 . c. May 
the head of this department, 'li 
satisfied hundreds of qpstome 
Why not yon? Office, 205 
Broadway. Phone. Glen. 424 . 


Sailings every 

other Saturday theLaifte'r! 


A jury trial is now in process 
In Judge' F. H. Lowe’s court to 
ascertain whether Isaac Cline of 
4 36 West Wilson avenue is guilty 
of exceeding the speed limit on 
September 4. He was given a 
court summons by Officers G M 
Booth and M. H. Snyder. 

Corner Brand and Wilson, Glendale, Calif, 

Office anil DlRpIne 
No, U the New Court Sliopn 
ini E. llroad^vay. Oien. U479.W, 
rbe mont altra4*tiTe and compreben-* 
•Ive dJMptay of SaMh DiM>rR and (;iaMn 
In the ^ve*t, llrinic In >oiir e«itio 
Matea ai\d let ue help you to make 
your aelectionif. 

Open eveniara hy appointment. 

) B 1 N s O N B R OS. 

mre-proof stoi 

'lioiio Glendale 428 Nif 

3n4-.*t0« SO. BRAND Rl.VD., 

L. H. i 
Realty *: 

1034 Saa Prr- 
naado Road, j 
Saa Pernaado i 
Road Prop¬ 
erty bar Spr- , 
elalty. Phoae i 
eian. IBSl. I 


fas vaivsssAi o*a 

Part,, Rrpalra, Aeeeaaorlea 



W. H. Regelin of 505 Patterson 
avenue had his appendix removed 
yesterday afternoon at the Glen¬ 
dale Research Hospital. 


Dance—Tuesdays and 
days, “Twin Pines,’’ Su: 
Advertisement. 9-21-27 


Read The Evening News Classified Ads For Profit 







- iV IlltANKlIN 

How They Stand 


L. Pet, 

, Vernon .117 «4 .«4« 

, San Franelaeo .^.lltf 65 .641 

, Lon Anjcelea .101 SO ,558 

i Sait Lake . SS 04 .484 

, Seattle . 7S 100 .438 

I Oakland . 70 103 .434 

Portland . 72 108 .400 

1 Savraniento . 72 100 .308 


nree of Lads Due to Give; Support Pledged by City i 

Charlie Paddock arrested for must be ^sizzling as the result of | levclf 

speeding. In this case the judge ^ all stinging things that are j - - • w.' i.. 

id not award him a medal. being said of him for not defending j xe«- York . «i ni 

- his title in the western open golf : Pit«»i»urK . j . sr. b 7 

The Pacific Coast league is con-: championship. The excuse of j “s 

not award him a medal. 

* Show In CrashArrange 
Card for October 4 

Officials; Election Also The Pacific coast league is con-; championship. The excuse of i 

— , Qi 1 sidering doing away with fines for “previous engagements” is taken I i'hicaBo . 7 i» 

lakes riace I players and resorting entirely to as an indication that the profes- LI 

_ I suspension by way (ft punishment, gional i» beginning to think in 51 

4a a result of a lively meeting | Proponents of the system claim terms of money instead of consld- ' -' ^ 

l.aat night’s scheduled boxing | As a result of a lively meeting i terms of money instead of consid-' 

'ard which was to have been last night of the Glendale Mer- ' that a few dollars doesn t hurt ering the best interests of the' 

;taged in Yeoman hall, 1500'chants’ baseball team, Glendale absence of players game. I 

ionth San Fernando road, was 1 merchants and city officials, new the management of a club' - sf*''i,ou" 

postponed until next Wednesday “pep” was iniected into the team, nnd force them to locsk better to- Stick the name of Ronato Gar-! uetroii 
night, according to Carroll L. ' Not that the boys have been doing discipline of their players. ; dini in your hat and wait a while. ; ‘ ••h:”'''’ 

Hare and O. M. Clinton, manager ; so bad—far from it—but - We nre inniined th,. eeii„f .hn( * 

and matchmaker, respectively, of l thev are ?oinR to do even 

llONton . 51 98 

I _V 


\V; L. 

I \ew York .' 03 .57 

I St. LouIn . 00 61 

af07 i Southern Squad One Full 
Game Ahead of Seals; 

! Comment on Sports - • 

j After weeks of almost super¬ 
human effort, in the Ver -1 
I’cf. I non Tigers played the best ball 

Our Invalid Coach 
Responds to Calls 
Day or Night 

Phone Glendale 300 

Jewel City 
Undertaking Co. 


Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Phillips 
202 N. Brand, Glendale, Cal. 


Ijargest Stock in the City. 
Laying Personally Supervised. 


200 W. Broadway 


Ph. Gl. 07; Night, Gl. .320-W 


Glendale Auto Livery 

MovtnSf BasKase ExpreMA and 
I Ford RentalN Without llrlverM 

Grose Vulcanizing Co. 

I THE BEST GA80L1A'^:—22c 
i Maryland and lirdwy Gl. 22.51-J 



Glendale 1543-R 
017 N. Kenwood St., Glendale 

We are inclined to the belief that 

d matchmaker, respectively, of i thev are going to do even better. Jy Cobb is consmersd by many some day in the not very distant , i>bii»<ieiphla T: :;:::;.;;; (Jl 
Xing at the local organization ! it is announced. fijllowers (if baapball to be the best future. Gardini will be the heavy-! '««"'«» 

the Modern Woodmen of Amer-1 ^bout thirty local fans crowd- •„? uTthe clSabilUierof'a bush ' '""In' ,‘Champion of the I- 

I Lin, Qknn nfforintr Clip- Capabilities Of d Dusii world. He still has some expen- v 

player. When Cobb has picked; eiice to gain and ho is likely to 162 
The last minute postponement ; gestions and helping to make , ^ man as being a promising; meet with reverses, but ultimately i 

Is made necessary when it was i plans that will put Glendale on pj^yer who will make good, his u looks'as if he will come into: - 

Yesterday’s Results 

||;fhf pL^fR'co\T For Medical Freedom 

.aio i Essick and his trained hired , _1 

FlHiJSBlM ^r'rrL.croZr.rlm”! ,, ■ 

.aai I ining Seattle for the second con- rarjign fo) f^^TO'Tr'r^Tf^ ■ ALDILIV 1 VALIv 

-j j secutive time while the Seals were I UlLLBlJsjtM L^o LT^ll^U is cV i r-UlDrkDD X r'TriD 

I [being taugnt a pitching lesson by ; CT? rpin niTiMVnncrPfl nfotra W ! LrUKv/* IvAC 1 CN 1 \. 


learned that three of the boxers ; the baseball map and keep it | judgment has never gone awry. : possession of the title if he 

who were to appear were unable | there. . Can you think of any one who has tinues to improve as he has in the i 

to do any fighting. Arizona | posta was elected secre- failed to make good on a Cobb past year. I 

Wildcat, who was to have ap-| fgyy.,yga^„ygr, while John A. prophesy. Of <;ourse, Cobb boosted __ j 

reared in the main event against j pyjjj, continue to act in the | Jack Knight, who has slipped, but One hundred and ten points in ■ 

Young Stone of Glendale, was >’«-j capacity of manager. He is busy ! it must be remembered that its first two games were made by' 
ported in a motorcycle accident , ggg„rjng games and states that j Knight had the misfortune to be the Olympic club football team of' 
late yesterday afternoon. Al- win i,-. snme real contents : physically injured, so this would fermor r.r>iio(ri.jto o( , 

etroH ..Z;ZZZZ 7 W 73 '.r.zo; the Pacific Coast league. Bill, cut price sales. 

hieaKu . 77 74 .. 5 i» | Essick and his trained hired , _ 

Vv"«kioBlon^:;: si ;«»i hands yesterday .'n | 

biiaiiriphia . (!i s 7 .412 j passing San Francisco by trim-i WJUV.OV< VJJVilWCU.^ 

. e® "1®! I ining Seattle for the second con- RrJlNT fh)^'ioj'T?r^Tr^ 

I secutive time while the Seals were i liilaL&ljsjtM i^o LT^liwU iS c'J 

Yesterday’s Results j I •Pinches” Kunz up in Sacra- Is WlKlDfyii E 

mento. Vernon, with a percent-! _ _! 

- - ..rrp nf fi 4 H iR now a full came ' ^^4 W. Broadway Glen. 1255-M 

P 4 C’iFic C’OAST LE.UGUE .b4b, IS now a luii game , _ - 

Vernon, r.i Seattle, 4 . ahead of the Bay City entry. i - - - ~ ~ 

Snit «,ake, S( i.os Aiigeies, 7. Yesterday’s Vernon-Seattle en-■ r..»wTiw» 

tr„k?.rb'i*; 'V-ornacounter was almost a repetition of RED FEATHER 

- [Tuesday’s sizzling battle in which; AA A HTCDT A T G r'n 

\,\TlO-\. 4 l, LKAGl'E | Wally Hood tied the score in the IVIA 1 ILlvlALiO VeV.r. 

l'liilnuel|>bla, ."-Z; Mew York, 3-3. j ninth with a liome-run when the ! 340» Glemlale BiTil. Gl. 1901-W 

Vernon, 5; Seattle* 4. 

Snit Luke, 8| Lom Antfeleu* 7. 
8n<*ramento, 5; San FranrlMCO* 3. 
Oakland, 5; l*ortlanii, 0. 




late yesterday afternoon. 

there will be some real contents ; physically injured, so this would former collegiate stars against two i 

though the battler escaped w'ith ; long. H. H. Griffin is the j hardly be a case in point. 

minor injuries, he was too badly ' „g^^, captain of the team, and will | - 

shaken up for a fight last night. ^ ^rge the boys “on to victory” as I If tingling ears are an indica- 

Plan Weekly Kvent.s 

Next week’s fight card will be 

they say 

! hardly be a case in point. United State.s battlesliip teams, i 

I . , - This San Francisco club has taken I 

j ^ If tingling ears are an indica- up the game on a big scale and is ^ 
I tioii that someone is criticizing gunning to make trouble for the' 

5i»iu.5;‘VfSiI-»yMVn7<L loaded. With the, I 

ouiy KonieM played. ■ score Standing 4 to 1 against. j 

. ' ' ■ . I them at the beginning of the |! 

« J. Il*Li. ' ninth yesterday the erratic In- j ’ 

Leading riltters ~ i dlans hopped on Wheezer Bell of | 
® no-hit fame and didn’t stop until 

■ — ■■ — . I ■ the tying tally had crossed the ; 

v.YTio.v.Yi. i.E.AGl’E platter. Four safe hits were j 

. c. .. corralled in this almost disastrous ■ 

Hornsby, SI. I. s l.>0 (111, J.IS 2.(4 .4(10 
lIlKbrr, .147 .■’.IIS 11(1 212 .3.W TOUnd. 

(irimes, cbicoKo 133 41111 1111 17(1 .:(.">:{ Vemon was equal to the oc- 
iliiier, c-hif-a(e<, 121 401 Oil 1(12 ..lo2 pagiQ^ however,, and with the aid 
'rirrney, Pitts -1111 4.(1 .J4S , , , , , 

_ ot clever base running by Chad-,. 

.AMERiC'.vN i,e.\gi:e boume and a sacrifice fly by Ping 1 

Sisirr, St. Louis .13)1 .■'.7« 13(1 2311 .41.'. Bodie were able to slip over the i 

coi.ii, iiriroit .13.". .'.22 j-Jlj .307 winning run. Dell went the en-, 

SueMker. < leve,. l.II 426 8., 161 x x. ..i. m- n • 

iiwimHu, lietr’t IIK 4.'.r. 02 103 .:«s [ tire route for the Tigers, allowing I 

.Millrr, Pblia.137 .313 s4 170 .334 , eight hits which were well scat-; 

_—. tered until the final round. The 

„ ' 1 7 II ! heaving burden for Seattle was 

i Yesterduv S rloniers 'mme, each being equally as un- 

' ^ 'successful, by Williams, Kelly and 

; ____ j Sitter, the latter getting credit 

I M.VTloM.VL l.E.YGi E | for losing the contest. 

! r.'.Y.LLT ..K..O Seasou Outplayedr-Thiit’s All 

WYiKtiTsionr, phiia. "..TT 1 3 With both Rhyne and Kilduff, , 

I 4'or<l, iiosloa 4 2 their crack keystone combination. ' 

i , ,,c back in the lineup after bein.g 

I ^ ^ i.E.AGi E loi- .. several days with bruised el- 

! Z z bows, San Francisco had no ex- 

! - cuse for losing yesterday’s game, 

'V 1 U T.V Colonel Charley Pick’s So-! 

! IcinKS nave Lnance lone except for the fact that they 

U D 1 . outplayed. ’Frisco led . 

to UNnen rennant safely untn the sixth inning' 

when Shea was chased to the 

the first ot aseries of weekly Mayor Spencer Robinson and | 

bouts which are to be staged ! (’hief of Police J. D. Fraser weiei 
throughout the winter months, | present at the meeting. Each ] 
according to Mr. Haro. The spa- I made a short talk, promising the | 
cions Yeoman hall is being re- I boys that the city, too, is inter- 
modeled especially for the fights | ested in what they are doing, 
and with the special ventilation i City Will Help 

acilities in the building it is ex- | They promised that the city 

City Manager W. H. Reeves, i you, Walter Hagen’s appendages | university teams. 

Leading Hitters 




i,ccted that the various events | would improve the local grounds IflriJUSl LLflUULllU i IlLriL Ul Ill!ll3 tUll i 
■ ill be patronized and supporter^ j at Park avenue and San Fernando ; v/« ii iiiii ivi ij 

t.y Glendale fight fans from start I road in the near future, and linT TAH llinil i Tl I ■ A AmT I It I 

’.1 finish. The main auditorium ! would boost and be present at as lUl I I I 1111 IJ||'U I M B | '\ |'LU| AIM been enlarged by the removal j many games as possible. Ill| I I Mil ri|Mn | I ntS I A I >1 ll I UIIV i 

of a partition across the center ot | “We’re behind you,” Mayor ■ ■ IIWII I I if > I S/ vLIl I fill t 

I he room, so that a crowd of 500 Robinson told the men. 1 _ j 

people can now be taken care of [ The team plans to give a dance n • . ■ T . .1 

•/ith ease. j before long, it was announced, to big lime nayers Keceive, Featherweight Situation Hits; — 

Ralph Meyers, local lightweight help put a little money in the ClaSS LBSS Than Harri’ lA/rito Yniir (Tuin i 

who has been making a record j ir^asury and at the same lime Ulao5, L.C 00 lllaii ^ nSiQ, WPIIG TOUP DWH 

tiiat compares favorably with that i help the local fans to get together , $3000 Year. Claim DPCkinn FinhtFanc 

of his older brother, Johnny, will ' for a good time. . ! UeUlblUM, riyill railS j 

appear in next Wednesday night’.s i There will he no slacking up in ^ x-rfu,- x-nRir eur,. vs ' 

main event in a bout with Joe ! the signing of games, as it is the | /liORK, Sept. _ 8 . pen-, NEW YORK. Sept. 28. — The [ 

McGill, fast Inglewood j j" over the featherweight] 

bounder. The remainder of the out the winter. The men are •wi’ooaii as oiie ot the best paying . , i 

card will he announced within a !-said to be in excellent shape and ™‘®: v tli-it the New j 

Tow (Itvs ht© iDGC^tiiig .soiTiG of tliG Strong-; notions, nowovGr, cLfg sprGHd . i ork boxing coniniission is the un-i 

"_lest industrial teams in this part P'® salaries ^id ; disputed champion. ! 

Vernon was equal to the oc- 

As Class, Less Than 
$3000 Year, Claim 

NEW YORK, Sept. 28. — Ge 

Hard; Write Your Own j 
Decision, Fight Fans i 

NEW YORK. Sept. 28. — The ! 

card will he announced within a ! •‘laid to be in 
few (lavs. I ure meeting 

baseball as one of the best paying featherweight j Xiiii.mai . . 

sports for athletes. Some mis- silukticn. it seems that the N>w’j„ . j- 

taken notions, however, are spread , York boxing commission is tlie un-j iJUlKS HSVC vtlSinCe 

w 1 1 ^ B • ■ of the state. 

John D. Martin to - 

Watch City Series Age of 103; 

^ m m AS 

IlnlhlerN’ liHr<l>vare, PalntM* 
PlHMfer lliNHni, Hoofing* Etc, 

Hoase Wiring 


Yesterday’s Homers 

Jewel Electric Co. 

Glendale 568, 200-2 E. Bdwy. 
Repairing Appliances 


Prices Reasonable 

S12 E. Broadway—Glendale 180 
C. E. Phllllpa, Prop. 

Xtirlit Phone Glendale 36S~1t 

105 S. Maryland. Glen. 1626-\V 

We Move Everything 
Valley Transfer Co. 

029 E. Rroadway. Glen. 2718 

> D. C. Stevens 

Builder and Contractor 

219% E. Broadway, Glendale 

Estimates Furnished on Frame 
and Brick Buildings 
j Phone Glendale 680-J^ 



1207 N. Central Are. Glen. 6a7-W. 
Get your automobile atnriMl and re¬ 
paired. Prompt and efficient aerv- 
lee and moderate prices. 


]>lnver— Number SeaMOU 

ileiilliie, Phlla. . 1 14 

WrlglilKMme, Phlla. . 1 5 

Fonl* IIomUnu . 1 ^ 


Morgan Bros. Transfer Viohl-Baker Sign Co. 

Pomierly SIGNS 

(’HICAGO, Sept. 2S.—John D. 
\fartin, president of the Southern 
Baseball association, has been ap- 

Saw Many Changes 

PHILIPPI, W. Va.—John Hew- at least 

inted representative of Commis- itt of Valley District, one of the of the club 

icgaiuiijs lat; uig les paiu disputed clianipioii . l_ D 1 . outpiavea. r risco lea 

The commission lied the enn to: tO LmCh rCnnaHt safely until the sixth inning 

jj. Cannon, Who is helping the jotmnv Kilbane liecanse Ha wnnld when Shea was Chased to the 

players to form an organization. . * ^ ,, oui.i -- chnwerQ on fivo hitc ond four 

j Cannon says that the average sal- fcl.allenge of Johnn.Vi The Yanks will have Lheir op- ‘’hotsers on fite hits and four of (ho 1 K, I „ Dundee. i .... m runs. He was replaced by Hodee, 

■ player is j3000 a vear Dundee fought and beat Daiiiiy 1 "'ho allowed another run in the 

, One n-inht Imvo tho noinion tint ■ I'’vusli for the commission's titleiwhcn they meet the Red Sox in | eighth. Sacramento slammed out 

Knost of * the niaverv. were eettine after the soions had announced! IJoston In the first game the New | a total of thirteen hits while the 

jat iLst $5000 a year it the yelps i‘‘‘ •L* KObaije would be reinstated | York team has played since ^oHne sluggers were 

’of the club owners were taken at ^^****^‘? *^” lAinnoi. a victory for the Yanks, lose Out In Ninth 

i face value I bvilbane then signed an agree-! l^ose init in Aintii 

J Sdl- TV 4 ■ * 1 U“ lanaa wiii j i j 4 it j 

...Dundee. , .... , 1 runs. He was replaced by Hodse, 

I Dundee fought and beat Danny I"'ho allowed another run in the 
■ Frusli for the commissioii'’s title! wlicn they meet the Red Sox in] eighth. Sacramento slammed out 
that — , . - , - , j _ . , .he xjow ! ,'i total of thirteen hits while tile 

m L“‘nZa"cuml.'e'‘a".‘rh“; Iru. WM.. So. ,.p„„ ' ™o,;r'7r M,i' U.o^ to.loy or i,, on, O, 

Oncso rl.y c„a'o.„,o„.h.„ tooe- 'he .U.v.cod o, .0, year o„0 h.a. Oroo.M oo, how m,,e Com,. : f 

loll series, it was announced by nine days. His funeral was at- key was paying his stars and Fhil h„,u i^y "ell ing Du ee he I ators—will give them the rilthtjns process on its present lineup 

romnii.ssioiier Landis. tended by the largest throng ever , Douglas recent y claimed that he , If"'"® „,„et the Giants in the world before the beginning of next sea- 

otory for the Yanks 

San Francisco sluggers 
poling but ten. 

liose Out In Ninth 

tended iiy the largest throng ever i Douglas recently claimed that he 

The Chicago championship so- seen at a funeral in this district. I was getting only $G50U before KiUianr. Trl fi^nro m r.,.?* 

(ies. in which the White Sox and John Hewitt was born in 1819—. wp banished from the New York ngnie it oai. 

rubs will fight it out for the lo- the year that^ Florida was pur- Oiants 
f’;il .supremacy, will open next chased the same year Alabama 
Wednesday, October 4. came into tne union and the year , Don 


Chased the same year Alabama IVess .Agent Stuff j While the. commission undouht- 

canie into tne union and the year , Douglas was the best pitcher edly wa.s inspired by the loftiest 
.before Maine and Missouri became in the National league, and if his, nicdives. Its attitude on the Johnny 
] states. I salary was’the standard for the , Wilson case does not seem to be 

! would lose Ills license if he fought to meet the Giants in the world before tiie beginning of next sea- 
Kilbane. Try and figure it out! series. son did not seem to spur the 

I Doesn't Seem Fair D tho Yanks win one of their Angels on to greater things yes- 

I remaining games while the lerday, Killifer’s crew being 

Ipdiv vn ino r ff’^ t Diowiis will tlieii’ three, the stand-' nosed out in the ninth inning by 

^ H,'? V,'® " i»S will be: Salt Lake for the second con- 

I salary was’the standard for the ZVilson case does not seem to he | . york 94 *>0 .0 

! best players in the league, the, fair. Wilson is liarred from work- ‘ ’ .;,.j 

i players have good reasons to howl, ling in Now York tiecaiise he would;' 

players have good reasons to howl, [ing in Now York because he would;' ' 

] Cannon maintains that the club not accept the challenge of Harry; pi./yri,' 
owners keep boasting about the Grob. | 

salary paid to big stars and that I Greb wanted the niiddleweiglit I’ARIS, 


Salt Lake for the second con- 
W. L. Pet. secutive time within as many 
94 60 .610 days. Ote Crandall hurled for 
93 61 .604 the Wrigley-ites, his slants being 

- dented by the Bees for tnirteen 

DECISION safe smacks. The final score was 

-Francois 8 to 7. the tying and winning 

' tT. W^tsh 

•'Znt0rmmTi«mm2 2frw9 <5WvMir &parU^^Ui 

they intentionally allow figures championship before he won the; Descainps. manager of Georges runs being scored in tne last ot 

twice the amount of the real sal-! American light heavyweiglit crown today protested to the ■ the ninth after Los .Angeles had 

i ary paid to the stars to he pub -1 and when Wilson was deposed. French boxing federation against put over what was apparently the 

j lished and circulated. Greb was ordered to fight Dave like knockout decision awarded to winning tally in their half. 

; It was generally believed that Itosenberg for the title. Greb : “Battling” Siki. heavyweight, on' — ; — 

Balie Ruth was getting close to | then turned it down. i Sunday. According to the Echo Gas-producing plants using 

1 $100,000 a year from the Yanks, I If the commission does persist in Des Sports, Siki will fight the peat fuel are neing operated in 
.until Ban Johnson let the infor-jits refusal to recognize Wilson a.s w’innor of the Beckett-Moran ■ England, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, 

j Illation slip out that he wasn’t ] the middleweight championship, it match in London in November. | Russia and Germany. 

! getting half that sum. 

I at least should not deprive him of 

\ Salary disputes are not the only the opportunity to fight as tlie ex-. 
NEW YORK, Sept. 28. — Since I nothing more than a good minor , behind the orgaima- champion. . 

ihe New York Yanks are notably ! leaguer. 
f.n austere, mmidy lot, refusing to | IMilette, another Tiger cub en- | '^'rofur to'^ule'against Kr^banert* 

iiave aiivthinK to do with strange! joyed a sustained era of success i ® . i • . . *i » « .i *i • « . 

Pitchers; thefr expected meeting' against the Yanks in the early Pam r 

with Jack Scott and Hugh Me- season. So did Pruett, of the i !'« which doesn t give bane-Dundee light. 

Quillaii of the Giant.s’ staff, dur- Browns, first and last; while 01e-l.^“®!" ^ chance and they also kick xo Dccisk 

I tion of the players’ union. 

W’hile the boxing bosses might 

I men who are making the game | be a little more consistent in tlieir 

Pave aiiytliing to do with strange I joyed a sustained era of success , 
pitchers, their expected meeting' against the Yanks in the early! 

good for immense profits to the island against Kilbane. tliey did a 
ciub owners object to the form of | good tiling in stopping the Kil-. 
the contract which doesn’t give j bane-Dundee light, 
them a chance and they also kick Allow No Decisions 

VI iiix:: vjiuiiio oiull, XJlvwiio, iiiov uiiu iudkf ttiii*v loiruliTOI /t/xiTrl 'rv Vi • K 1 --- 

ing the world series has become, son. another Tiger, and Jim Ed-L," ' . , , *,'!'* ^ make have been twehu 

. i_ _ .. __ __1^*:,.. _jj xi_T_-- f llieiTl Virtual SiaVeS. t_ _ _.i .i__. 

the source of some speculation wards, of the Indians, also sub- 

among students of baseball form, dued Ruth and the rest of them , . , . j hppn 1 don’t permit decisions there. 

They have never been formally in-1 the first few times out. transferreil nut** n*f tPo m-.inri amount to anything there 

troduced to either and judging by! A new pitcher, a new delivery, '|p„„,,p„ Pniutc a .uiunZ''“"'‘i have to be a knockout. Dun- 

rotinris in New Jersey, and tliey 

Jesse’s Express 

Glendale 75 117 E. Rroadw«T 



F. C. Butterfield 

Special AHentton to Overflows 
124H K. ralifornla. Glen. S40-M 

I-'NliranteN FumiMhed oa 




Office 107 R. Doran SI. 
ReNiilence 534 N. iHaliel St. 

Low Building Co. 

—Contractors and Builders— 
Builders of 

“Pacific Rcady-Cnt Houses” 
Office 612 E. Broadway. 
Phone Glendale 898-R 


Phone Glendale, 1.5U4 
617 8 . Brand Ulvd. 

CT E V E N ’ C 



' Wall Paper, Window Shades, 
Hoofin;; and Plaster Wall Board. 
, 219E. Broadway. Gleii. 680-J. 

We Know How to Do It 
Glendale Carpet A 
Mattress AVork-s 

1411 S. Snn Fernando Road. Mat- 
j trooKes renovated; new <»ne«i, aax 
I kind; earpetn cleaned; nphelster- 
I tna* Oleadale 192X. 


rBlLLlfcJMAaC, , 
FIC SPORTS suyicc 

E T- ¥ 762 E. Hroad^vay^ Open Evenluic 

• jn« I Glendale 2201, lie». Iiilen. 23<»0-J-i 

FoldluK table for home treutiuenti 

no W Rdwv Phone Gl 881 and meiOal reaeueratlou. 



Own c4lmplete Grlndina Plant 
Phone for App(»lntinent—fitfice Glen¬ 
dale 108 -K—R<‘h, Glen. 30-J. 


Dr. Frank N. Arnold 


Flower Block, over Glendale Sav¬ 
ings Bank, Brand and BroadwaJ 
Hours: 9 to 12; 1:30 to 6 



DR. J, J. OTEY, KirkMvtlle, 1005 
DR. C. J. MORRIS KiVkMvIiie. 1011 
702 E. HroadNvay^ Open Evenlum 
Glendale 2201, Re». Glen. 23O0-J-I 
FoldluK table for home treutiuenta 



irouucea lo eiiuer uiiu .-i u„w p.tcuc., a uuw ^leagues to bolster up a minor 

their deportment in the past they n new curve and sometimes m<4st-; possessor 

are pot the kind to become un- ly a new face has served to dis-j^f an interest, 

duly familiar with strangers. , concert the temperamental in- „„„„„ 

! dee was knocked out once bv a 


The following tabulation shows the world’s series attendances, ■ SERVICE and 
=ints ,und division each vear since 1903. The series in 1903 was ^ 

duly familiar with strangers. i concert the temperamental in- 
Scott and McQuillan are not the; stincts of our noble Yanks, 
greatest pitchers in the world.; Prom present indications Mc- 
Neither .ire some of the American , Graw will start Nehf and Jess 

“ev, iav.c contract had an interest.' "’"Z* , .Jl 

ncert the temperamental in- ' he change, of course, was ac- 
nets of our noble Yanks. complished by a decrease in sal-i 

From present indications Me- ' i things. 

aw will start Nehf and Jess' Keens I'lavers Off ! Hooflee is one of the greatest 

irnes In the first two games rph„ n\a-.ol-a ..loim of the ring and lie would 

sheer accident and he hasn’t'the j receipts and division each year since 1903. The series in 

' not under the national commission; 

Year. ance. 

1903. 100,420 

1905. 91,723 

league moumlsraen that befud-, Barnes in the first two games The players claim there are ''""la ' 1905. 91:723 

liled the Yanks the first few times and counter with McQuillan or many good players now in thel*^^,“ "orthy champion if he cciuld ; ' 99 845 

they apeared against the Huggins ' Scott in the ttnrd. If. by soine minor iLgue -^ho could get jobs i ‘ Ioqt. 78 068 

(Ulry. We have in mind a young eleventh hour hocus pocus, Nehf „„ several clubs if a “working! Tong. G2 232 

man tiy the name ot Sterrit of the ; and Barnes can be brought to the agreement” were not working. 1 '® 1909. 145 295 

Detroit Tigers. He turned the: series in something near their The case of Pete Kilduff is one I! , qi o.! 124’l42 

club upside down the first time, speed of the 1921 games, in vvhere a salary dispute with the i nmse . loii 179.851 

he faced the Yanks. He was which they curve-balled the Brooklyn club caused him to be i 1912 251 901 

Yanks dizzy, the Giants’ cause : ggnt jjje minors and is causing Kfxal (il’AnflllTIf*' Kmil’ 191 3. 1 50 99 f> 

... -» \jrap|iiuig uuui 1913 . 159.992 

appears at first blush. It is understood that ail the le nilavoJ I-a Com., i i qi 5. 14.3*351 



Real Grappling Bout 
Is Offered to Fans! 




The Baldvm. Shirt 
-c? GJcitdak pzxxiuct 

Norton S Bode 

Court Shops 

211 E Broach^ 

•fciiea III 0L4*444=W44*1.C ^ g CaSG Ot 4*616 KlldUII IS 0116,^. IQIO 124 142 

speed of the 1921 games, in vvhere a salary dispute with the} __ _ 1911 179*851 

which they curve-balled the Brooklyn club caused him to be i i. n 1912 251 901 

Yanks dizzy, the Giants’ cause : ggnt jjje minors and is causing Ka 9| GraDDllTICf OAUt 1913. 150 992 

, may be quite the forlorn one it pim to stay there. ® ^ lYCAl \jrap|llUlg UUUl 1913. 150.992 

appears at first blush. It is understood that all the Ic fn Fnnc i 1915 143*351 

Nehf will not, ot necessity, regular players of the New York, V/llCICU Iv 182:859 

have to'be as strong as he was Giants have joined the proposed! , jl917. 186:654 

last year to win the first game, union; that twenty of the mem-1 With Bull Montana’s place in a igig. 128,483 

; He is a curve ball left hander and hers of the Cincinnati Reds and j match with Constantine Romanoff; 1919 ; 236:928 

often an ordinary pitcher of this I a generous representation of all; being taken by Wallace McDon-|j 920 178:737 

i type can make the Yanks do a lot j the other National League clubs; aid, Los Angeles police instructor' 1921 269:976 

of strange things. Ruth, tor ex-j are on the role. ■ | of w-restling, the members of the _!_ 

pmple, is hampered by left hand-' The organization has not been j Los Angeles Newsboys’ club were Totals .2 701,555 
I ers to some extent, Pipp altogeth- | so completed In the American ; last night treated to a high class i ’ 

err Whitey Witt is another no -1 League, because the organizers; grappling bout when the heavy-! STANDING OF 


$ 50,000 










































Nat'l ! 
Com. i 

; ' 6,841; 
10,655 I 
10,173 ' 
49.045 I 
32,598 I 
22.573 I 
38,550 i 
42,587 i 
17,961 : 
56,480 ' 
135i034 I 


Phone Glendale 1634 

109 W. Broadway 
E. P. Beck M. M. Beck 

Legal Guaraatee Giveru^ 

IVo need of #Cm/e—no pain—continue work 
\sk to see Gle-o-uie File Treatment. 

Broadway Pharmacy 

400 East Broadway 

$5,664,168 $2,889,029 $2,170,632 $606,125 

table weakling against port-sid- j haven’t had the opportunity to j weight mat artists were given a j 

The following table shows the standings of managers who have , 

ers and Schang, forced to turn | interview the American League i draw after an hour of see-sawing j jgd the two league pennant winners In the world’s series 

over to the opposite side of the i players. 

j back and forth. Following are 

Manager, Team and League. 

plate, does not hit as well as right | The names of all the players the results of the various boxing ; Bill Carrlgan, Boston Americans.-i-w. 2 

handed. I I*® announced as soon as the bouts: ; Jimmy Collins, Boston Americans. 1 

Ruth, Schang and Pipp, with | organization is actually completed. Kid Chili outpointed Young ; jake Stahl, Boston Americans...r.—-,i- 1 

i Meusel, are the punch of the L TZ TI ~ Cooper in four rounds, Joe Pox! Ed. Barrow, Boston Americans.i—- 1 

' Yanks. Stop any tw-o of the Quar- Wa|* nn ‘Goc HawLe’ was knocked out by Benny Miller j Fielder Jones. Chicago Americans. 1 

! let and per se, you stop the team. ! ** “ vi€»o Asawno jj,g second round. Young Benny ; Clarence Rowland, Chicago Americans. 1 

j But, assuming for the sake of ALa pAinalo ^Vnmn^ Leonard and Young Rocky Kan-' George Stallings, Boston Nationals. 1 

i argument, that either Nehf or rtlSU I ClllalC v dllljl sas .were given a draw decision, i Tris Speaker, Cleveland Americans.- 1 

I Barnes stops the Yanks at the -- j Kid Mike beat Kid Gnssippp, Bat- ; Connie Mack, Philadelphia Americans. 3 

Won. Lost. 

Also Female ^Vamp’j 

1 outset, what may be ex-1 YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — ^ Mayor! tling Jim and H. Miller were Frank Chance, Chicago Nationals. 2 

i pected when the latter face | William G. Reese has declared war I siven a draw, Joe Dunnig de- Fred Clark, Pittsburgh Nationals . 1 

McQuillan or Scott for the j on “gas hawks” who lure girls | teated Joe Brown. The Battle Pat Moran, Cincinnati Nationals. 1 

first time. On the ques-1 to automobiles, and also upon royal was won by Tommy Shan- John McGraw, New York Nationals. 2 

tion of whether they manhandle j women “vamps” who lead the non. Hugh Jennings, Detroit Americans. 0 

I this pair as they should, or allow young men astray. He issued or- - 

j themselves to become abashed in ders to the police through the ^ GLENDAL EVI 
I the presence of a stranger, hangs chief, ordering immediate arrest CLASSIFIED ADS 
j success or failure in the series. of both classes of offenders. SVLTSi 

Hugh Jennings, Detroit Americans. 0 

_ Wilbert Robinson, Brooklyn Nationals. 0 

y GLENDAL EVENING NEWS Fred Mitchell, Chicago Nationals. 0 

ISSIPIED ADS GET BE- Kid Gleason, Chicago Americans. 0^ 

iTS. ^ j Miller Huggins, New York Americans. 0 

1000 I 
000 I 
000 1 
000 I 
000 1 

—Delaying repairs on tho 
most essential part of 
yonr hom(?—“The Plumb¬ 
ing”—and call 


F. M. Collier, M. D. 

Eye, Ear, None and Throat 
Hoars; 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., and by 
appointment. Phoce Glen. IGSS. 
lOil-A N. Brand lllvd., Glendale. * 


2»1H N. Brand Blvd 
Phone Glen. 630-R 


Palmer School Graduates 


226 S, Louise St. Op. High School 
Phone Glendale 26-W _ 


Satisfaction Guaranteed 
Free Estimates 

Glendale Music Co. 

_T09_North Brand Glen, 90 

Panama Transfer & 
Storage Co. 

; Baggage Stored 7 Days Freft 
Tranks, Freight. Furniture, Pi- 
; anos. Genera] Hanling. Office, 
I Its E. Bmadwiv. Glendale ft9(1 



Complete Bookkeeping, Short¬ 
hand, and Secretarial Courses 
Individual Instruction 
New classes In all subjects 
now being formed 
Phone Glen. 85, 221 S. Brand Blvd. 



Oft limes one A 

doesn’t realize / 

Iiow dingy and / 

inent 'bec(>mes. 

ness and charm — / / 

is attributed to ^ 

wear, when l)r\- 

Cleaning wonld 

revive it to its 

original hcanty. 

Take a Ijiok at the ones you wore last sum 
mer—more than likely thev're good enoiig! 
to wear again this year. 'kheir origina 
freshness and brightness can he conijilelel) 
restored by our i»rocess. which reallv clean; 
the garment—cleans it through and throngl 
—removing all dirt ami spots, anil doing il 

The judge leaned forward upon 
his folded elbows, pointing his pen 
in Borkins’ direction. 

“Then you say this man is part 
and parcel of the scheme, Mr. 
Cleek?” he queried. 

“I do. And a very big part, 
too. But, let me qualify that 
statement by saying that if it 
hadn’t been for Borkins’ desire for 
revenge upon the man he served,! 
this whole ghastly affair would 
probably never have been re¬ 
vealed. Wynne would* have van- 
ished in the ordinary way. as Col¬ 
lins vanished afterward, and the 
superstitious horror would have 
gene on until there was not one 
per.son left in the village of 
Fetch worth who would have 
dared to venture an investigation 
of the flames. Then the work at 
the factory would have continued, 
with a possibly curtailed payroll. 
No need for "liigh-handed pirates: 
armed with revolvers then. That' 
was the end . the arch-fiend was ^ 
working for. The end that never' 
came.” I 

“H’m. And may I ask how you : 
discovered all this, before going 
into the case of Borkins?” put in ' 

knack for making friends in the 
right direction, chummed up to 
one of the men—whom I have al¬ 
ready named—Jim Dobbs. He fi¬ 
nally asked him to come and help 
with the loading of the boatp, and 

uzzy W’uzzyjthe Wolf is going over a rough, 
the hollow stony place I'll fall on the stones 
orning, Un- and get hurt,” said Mr. Bongears 
lis muskrat to himself. “What had I better 
. Then he,do?” 

[ He found that he could look 
ter. Nurse down through the hole he had 
ggily. “You partly cut in the bottom of the 
y. If you bag. He could see the ground and 
in't get my -.—just as he had feared—the Wolf 
myself.” was, at that moment, going over 
said Nurse a rough, stony place. 

[y bed mat- "i must wait a while,” whis- 
■d, and the pored the bunny. He kept on 
rough here looking through the hole in the 
bag until he saw that the ground 
nighty that was green. “I must be over a 
> nic-’ bed of soft moss now!” thought 
needles, I Uncle Wig.gily. “Here I go!” 

■ “T With that he slashed the hole 

ns- 1 ■ TIOVL- ’’ttle bigger, and otit 

“ ; of it he dropped—right on a soft, 

mi green moss in the 

■ent sforo ” "oods, SO he wasn’t in the least 

“T'm o-nilkr be fell SO softly that 

1 III gOUlls IJ Wnlf n#*vor Iioar.1 V. I 

gave him the chance of making a 
little overtime by simply keeping I | 
his mouth shut as to what went' 
on. I managed to get on the job j 

■op, and we did it three times’ in 
^hat fortnight—and a jolly diffi¬ 
cult task we found it, I don’t mind 
saying. But I felt that evidence 
was necessary, and while in the 
employ of ‘the master’ we car¬ 
ried on many investigations. And 
still in his service I made this 
rough map of the varied turnings 
of the secret passage, and the 
places to which they led. You 
can get a better idea of the ground 
if you glance at it.” He handed 
it up to the high desk, and paused 
a moment as the judge surveyed 
it through his spectacles. “The 
passage at Merriton Towers, and 
also at Withersby Hall—so con¬ 
veniently placed near that particu¬ 
lar part of the Fens, and therefore 
chosen by prellier for his work— 

217 South Brand 

Glendale 1503 

are both of ancient origin, dating 
back, I should say, to the time of 
the civil war. 

“Whose idea it was to connect 
the two passages up I could not 
say or when Borkins got into the 
pay of Brellier and played false 
to, a family that he had served for 
twenty years. But the fact re¬ 
mains. The two passages are 
linked up, and then continued at 
great labor in another direction 
to that fieid which lies off the 
Saltfleet Road and just at the 
back of the factory. And thus 
was made a convenient little sub- 

that’s What you are! A drorin’ Tou^ 'rranslcS”"of°"th“l “t^^nd 
affar*’? ''■hicb we have discovered” 

oryou'” "And how did you discover that 

“Didn’t you?” Cleek laughed i "’f®.flues- 

soundlessly. “Look here. judge at this i 

member Bill Jones, and his little i luuetu*'®- 

pal Sammie Robinson, from Ja-' "He happened to come to the, 
maica?” He writhed his features' factory one day while we were 
for a moment, slipped his hand I ^t work upon our machines. Some- 
into his pocket, and producing the °ne said, ‘Crickey! ’Ere’s the 
black moustache that had been • Cluster! Funny for i’m to be 
Dollop’s envy and admiration, 'prowlin’ round at this hour of the i 
stuck it upon his upper lip, pulled ffay—night’s better ta ’is likin’.’ 
out a check cap from the other ‘ ^ could hardly contain myself 
pocket, drew that upon his head, when I saw who it w’as even 
and peered at Borkins under the though I had already discovered oiitter. Th 
peak of it. “What-o, matey!” he passage to Withersby Hall. i either from 
remarked in a harsh cockney '’^d not yet realized that ‘Jona- 
voice. than Brent’ and Brellier were one 

“.Merciful ’Eavens!” gaspec 
lhat wortlfy. covering his 
hith his hands, one more incr 
:<)us witness of Cleek’s gre: 
gift. “Bill Jones it is. Gt 
Are you a devil?” 

“No, just an ordinary man 
dear friend, r^it you renter 
now, eh? Well, that does s 

^ By Lieut. John R.Ikw7N 
Instructor U. S.Am Sefivice 

IjiiildinjT a home is a jol) for experts—if you 
tvaiit lastiim results. 


A direct current arc transmitter 
is constituted of three essential 
parts; namely, the source of en¬ 
ergy. the arc converter and the 
oscillatory circuit. 

For a source of supply a direct 
current giving a potential of from 
200 to 1200 volts is utilized to 
provide energy for the arc trans¬ 
mitter, the required potential de¬ 
pending uj)on the size of the trans- 
is supply is obtained 
a motor generator, if 
outside electric power is available; 
if not, from a dynamo energized 

__ by some form of engine. Power 

1 a perfectly control is obtained in the ordinary 
London in, "ay by means of field rheostat. 
But when I H bas been demonstrated a d. c. 
After that I , ^rc contained in a hydrogenous at- 
nce then we "fosphere makes a most efficient 
; a pretty generator of high frequency oscil- 
y away with- Intory currents. As used today by 
to the otheri'tbe Federal Telegraph comoanv., 

other of carbon 

The electrodes 
I are placed in a strong transverse 
I magnetic field and the whole 
I placed in a metallic chamber con- 
! taining the hydrogen atmosphere, 
i In order that the copper electrode 
: and arc chamber will not be over¬ 
heated by the arc. these parts are 
cooled by water system similar to 
that used for cooling gasoline en¬ 

The output of the arc is then 
delivered to the oscillatory circuit 
which consists of an inductance 
and a capacitance. 

The antenna system itself con¬ 
stitutes the capacitance, and also 
a portion of the inductance: how¬ 
ever, it is necessary to provide ad¬ 
ditional inductance, as the anten¬ 
na does not contain a sufficient 
amount. The extra coil provided 
is termed the “antenna inductor.” 
As in other forms of radio, it is 
by changing this antenna induct¬ 
ance that the wave length radiated | 
may be adjusted to the desired 

'I'liat's why vSccuritv v^ervice is alisuiutcly iii- 
valiiahlc. It furnishes, for your l)enefit—cx- 
l)ert service in everytliin^ th.vt concerns the 
huiliiinjr of your home—Evervthino-! 

.\n<l wc will !eiii! people who want to build 
their own homes U|) to 70% of the total cost 
of house and lot. 

Descriptive Booklet on 

OuT Kq droppecL. 

soft green moss. And then he had 
a new idea. ‘"Ibis moss would 
make Nurse Jane a lovely soft 
bed!” thought the bunny. “I’ll 
cut some and take it home to her. 
It will be a better bed than I can 
buy at the store.” 

So, with the bread knife, dull as 
it was, the bunny cut enough moss 
to stuff a mattress. He piled it 
up and then went on to have the 
knife sharpened. He borrowed a 
wheelbarrow of the knifesharp- 
euer monkey and piled the whefd- 
barrow full of moss, wheeling it 
home to his muskrat lady house¬ 

“Ob, what a lovely moss bed!” 
cried Nurse Jane. 

“Clad you like it!” chuckled 
the bunny. “I had a lovely ad¬ 
venture, too,” and he told of cut- 
'ing his way out of the Wolf’s 
bag. And ah, my goodness! How- 
angry that Wolf was when he got 
to his den with the empty bag. 

And if* the stove poker doesn’t 
tinkle the coal scuttle and make it 
spill ashes on the dusting brush. 
I'll tell you next about Uncle W’ig- 
gily and the juniper berries. 

I.I.f, Hj’ ^fc’i'lure .News- 

I'UjuT Syndiiiite. 

Olendale Office, 130 So. Brand 

Tel. (ilcn. 408 



JSxRALPH BROWN, Radio Engineer 


Some experimenters, longer of | 
purse than others, would Iiave us; 
believe the crystal detector is oh-' * 

solete. It is, of course, undeni- , 
able that the vacuum tube used in 
modern circuits is inconiparahle IB 

with other rectifiers, hut excellent 
results are obtainable from good j 

This illustration shows a new | 
double type of stand for two types ' 
of mineral. By means of a switch . lost, as tliey ai 
either detector can he placed iif: almost instanta 
circuit ^^quickly. RliouUl one de-j stopping conder 
tector “knock out,” no signals are I the base. 

Easiest Terms. Used Cars Taken on First Payment 

Colorado at Orantre 

Glendale 2443 

New Composition Roofs Laid, Old Roofs Rebuilt or Repaired. 
Material and Labor Fully (iuaranteed. 

Estimates Cheerfiiily Given 


Glendale 49 460 West Los Feliz Road 

110 East Broadway 
Phone Glendale 364 

Glendale Evening News 

bus piirclinso<l the serial 
rights to 

“The Mucker” 

A Novel by 
Edgar Rice Burroughs 

Author of the “Tarzan” and 
the “Mai’tian” stories. 


From mines in Sweden that have 
been operated more or less con¬ 
tinuously since 122i? more than 
35,000,000 tons of ore are known 
to have been extracted. 

Mrs. A. W. Owers, Just Here 
From Canada, Arranges 
Comfortable Quarters 

Picture at T. D. L. Today 
Had Long Stage Run; 
Post Still Stars 

A tea shop, where the tired 
woman shopper may get a refresh¬ 
ing cup of this favorite beverage 
and also a light lunch or ice cream, 
is to be formally opened Saturday 
afternoon at Shop No. 6 of the 
Court Shops, 211 East Broadway, 
by Mrs. A. W^ Owers. This exclu¬ 
sive tea room is to be called “The 
Court Tea Shop.” 

Mrs. Owers has been a resident 
of Glendale for three weeks, com¬ 
ing here •from Saskatchewan, Can¬ 
ada, and resides in the Brandale 
apartments, at 716 South Brand 

Grass tables and chairs are be¬ 
ing placed and a general color 
scheme of gray and rose will be 
carried out in the decorations. 
When completed, this new shop 

! The Masquerader,” the First action oi sea water on cast 

I _, •i’on cannon raised in Eurone after 

Na.ional attraction which is tliej^n immersion of 133 years had 

current feature at the T. D. and I made them almost as soft as lead. 

Tj. theatre, comes to the screen - 

from tlie stage with a record that ELECTRIC POWER 

has probably never been eauailed • government cora- 

• ' ■ mission will study the advisabil- 

l<or more than three years it has ity of establishing a large central 
served as a vehicle for OOy Bates station for the production of elec- 
Post. following a stupendous run trie power. 

in the big cities, with a prolonged * _ 

tour pat covered every part of TO DISSOLV’E DRUGS 

.\merica, Canada and Australia. An electrically heated device 
'The screen version comes to ma- that can be operated from any 
terialization with every augury of light socket for dissolving drugs 
success, for it combines the same | for physicians and dentists has 
qualifications that were responsi-1 been invented. 

ble for the triumphs given it on I - 

the stage. Richard Walton Tully, j TO REFINE GASOLINE 
who produced the stage p'iay, is I The Argentine government has 
also responsible for the cinema j established a refinery for the pro¬ 
production. the picture marking j duction of gasoline from natural 
his debut in the motion picture; Ba,s with a monthly capacity of 
field. Guy Bates Post resumed 40,000 gallons. 

Ills accustomed roles of John - 

Cliilcote and John Loder. James REDUCE GOLD MIXING 
Young directed the picture which Less than half as much gold 
had the discerning hand of Wil- was mined in New South Wales in 
fred Buckland as art director in tbe first five months this year as 
the arrangement of scenes and ap- the similar period last year, 
pointments. - - I 

Edgar Rice Burroughs is fa- 
nious as a writer yn two con¬ 
tinents. “ The Muckei* ** is 
by many to be* one 
of tlie Ix'sl books he lias writ¬ 
ten. It will apj>ear as a ser- 
lal exclu-slvely in The Glen¬ 
dale Evening .N e w s, begin¬ 
ning next Saturday, Septem¬ 
ber 30. 



Don't inbis a single issue, 
for “The Mucker is a 
thrilling »tory. 


^‘The Mucker” 

Starts in The 

Glendale Evening Neivs 

The Ton family. 


-^ , d^escendants the roi 

of emigrants from Holland who cut gh 
settled near Chicago, will hold an attract 
annual reunion, and more than Alth 
400 Tons are expected at the par- first bii 
ty just when they are needed in'she is 
the coal yard. It is intended to I the o[ 
be the swellest if not the heaviest i special 
affair of the season. Ithe en 

Old Gent—“Young man, wJial 
breed is that dog?” ' ^ 

Kid—“A hash hound.” 

“Hash hound?” 

“Yep. A little bit of every- 

Refracting Specialist 

113 South Brand Blvd, 

Phone Glendale 219 

X-ray apparatus has reached a 
power with which photographs can 
be taken of objects 150 feet away. 

See Steelman 






ow Jnany 

Robinsrons Nen^s Shop 

Is 76 Steps from 

Broadway and Brand 

Located on the E^st side at 


which makes it the most convenient exclusive 
shop for Men, selling high-grade Clothing and 
Furnishings, in the city. 


hall stocks arc larger and more varied in selection 
than we have ever attemiitcd to show. 

We extend yon a cordial invitation to call and 
inspect our comprehensive Fall showings. 

Just 111 Steps to the 



►. L. Gregg 

hardware Co. 










107 North Brand Blvd. 





Keeps You Stepping 

— does the old style gas range. Stepping, always towards the 
stove to keep foods from burning on its over heatetl burners. 

The first .sten with a 


1111 "Im 

111 V 


is your inclination to investi¬ 
gate. The next step, putting in 
the fu(Ml. The last step, re-| 
turning hours later to find it 
hakisl deliriously. The lightest 
steps are when you pay the 1-2 
size gas bills. Xo flame strikes 
irtiii. Presented to woinankind 
by the inventor of “Loraine 
oven control.” 

It Is 320 Steps to 



209 So. Brand Open .Saturday Nights Glendale 047 

Step Out in Clothes 

—properly cleaned by the 

most up-to-the-minute meth¬ 
ods — our methods, -which 
give the original newness to 
your garments, without 

those disagreeable odors. 

It Is 260 Steps to 

—and Dyers=rr= 

221 E. Broadway Glen. 72 

F a vorii 











store Hofim to 5:30 

Saturday 0 to 6 

Carney, Forme r Glendale Merchant Estim 

.raSST®! I JailieS W. PedrSOIl 



Phone Glendale 238<^~Prlvate 
Rranoh Rxchaniee to all Depta. 

It Is 24.1 Steps to Pendroy’s 



"we cordially invite you 




, Visit the Following Departments 

Plrsf Kloor 

Silks, Woolens. Cotton Piece Goods, 
l>oniestics, Notions, Patte»'n». Hibbon, 
Trimmins^s, Drug Sundries, Neckwear. 
Handkerchiefs, Stationery, Parasols, 
Hosiery, Knit I'nderwear, Gloves, Bag’s, 
and Shoes. 

Second Floor 

Ready-to-Wear. Mil¬ 
linery, Silk and Mus¬ 
lin Underwear. Cor¬ 
sets, Infant and Chil¬ 
dren’s Wear. 

ViMit onr ReMt 
ItooHi, Second 


It a Meeting 

Kverj- thing 
for your com¬ 

Third Floor* 

Rugs, Draperies, Lamp.s, Art 
Good.s, Luggage. Furniture, Bed¬ 
ding, Bric-a-Brac, Linoleum, 



House Fur- 
n i s h i n g s, 
China, Glass¬ 
ware, Toys— 
Complete de¬ 

Is 3iP0 Steps from Broadway and Brand to 

^ FasMoii (]entcU 


«C ’1’ 1C • 

opecialized Service 

We cordially invite you to Glendale’s newest and most complete 
store for women—where you will receive SERVICE in the highest 
degree—by people who have had years of experience in dealing 
with the retail trade. Immediate attention, and above all a pleasant 
smile, greets you on entering our store. Complete assortment of 
Women’s Apparel at all times, and our prices are always less for 

“Merchandise of Merit Only ” 

. yiou Save Dollars 


By walking a few extra steps. We 
\ are out of the high rent district. Come 
^ in and see for yourself. 


Hereafter our store will be open 
Wednesday and Saturday Eves. 


It’s 520 Steps to 

Grossman-Miller SjS 

North Brand at California I’hone Glendale 847 

It’s Only 172 Steps to 



210 £• Broadway Glendale 

You’ll Walk a Long Way 
to Get As Good 


As Are Found at 

PpCfrflT^C 118 West 

A Vggy □ Broadway 





Armstrong Linoleum 

You are invited to inspect our complete 
stock. You will find that our prices are 

“liinoleum for Every Room 
In the House” 

Just I.*,! Steps to Broadway and Brand 

When You “Step” Our 
Way, Call In and Buy 
a .Box for the 

Folks at Home! 

Just 336 Steps to Broadway Shoe Store 



replace FREE of choree 
to the Wearer, any pair d 
“ST AR BBAND" Shoes with tf»ia STAR 
•tan^d ofilheheel.ctjntmnin^ Xj 
I ^^/leatherboartLpapcr 
fibre-board (substitutes 
insoldd bceb or counters 

“Stv Brud Shaes Are Better” 

Solid Leather, Well Made, 

Correct in Style, Right in Price 

Quality Guaranteed Always 


• Home of Quality Footwear 

312 E. Broadway Opposite Fire Hall 

Just 321 Steps Out of the High Rent 
District to the 


Fu rniture Co. 

306-308 E. Broadway, Glendale 

TheLure of Good Furniture 

Memories of a beautiful home 

with its associations of a happy 
youth are the most precious 
heritage that any child can 

The family gatherings around 
the big table—with the lamp ,• 
light shining on the faces of 
loved ones and occasional 
glimpses of rich mahogany or 
mellow oak carries an inspir¬ 
ing influence all through our 

To(day the uplifting power of 

the home and, the true strong 
character it gives the growing 
child is sadly missing. 

What influences are you plac¬ 
ing before your children? 

Let us help you make the home 
the deciding influence. 

Convenient terms of pa 3 rment may be 

arranged for any purchase you may 

wish to make.—This allows you to enjoy 
your well furnished home while pay¬ 
ing for it. 

J. Herbert Smith 

Seymour G. Smith 

Just 143 Steps to the 




Glen. 167 

116-118 North Brand Boulevard 



FIRST I’HIZE—$1.5.00 CaMli, given by 
Bank, won by Dave Carney, 110 So. 
prominent business man of Glendale, I 
Carney only missed \\ M. Hollister’s 
the twenty-seven firms, which was v- 

SECOND PRIZE—A .$10.00 Beautiful 
the Pendroy Dry Goods Co., was wo 
estate man. 

THIRD PRIZE—$6.73 27x60-in. Axm 
furniture in store, given by the Trice 
42.3 West Oak street. J 

FOCRTH I'RIZE—$6.00 Beautiful Go 
Walker Jewelry Co., 116 E. Broadw^., 

FIFTH PRIZE—$5.00 Beautiful Silk 
store, 132 South Brand, was won by 

SIXTH PRIZE—$3.00 Polychrome Doo 
man-Miller Furniture Co., comer Cal 
man, 30.5 West Alexander street. 

by The (ileiiilale Fventng N'ens was won 
hy Henry Rulierts, «;t;t K. Maple. 

if>neil Hofte ariven liy Sherrod*. Specialty 
Shop. 207 K. Broadway', was w-on by Mr's. 
A\, A. Stailt, 40S XV. Lexington Drive. 

RABX JI MPKR SXVIA'G given bv Page 
Furniture t o., :(00-3tls Glendale \ve., won 
If} Evelyn Herry, 200 Hillside Drive. 

given by Coker & Tnylor. Plumbers, 2fS 
S. Brand Blvd., won liy S. E. Anderson 
■t2:t AX. Oak SI. 

fr.'.”*.*,.!’'l. xpiES’ Fi:|.I, KASHIOA'KD 
IHOF.MX SII.Iv HOSE given by Gordon's 

.V.2 w tven by Kdith Elliott 

22.5 XX. Dryden. 

$2.1X1 COVGOl.I-nxi RIG given by I,. C 
DaviM, liiiioleiiniN nnct ShadeH, 210 F 
nrtiadwa.v, ^von by Calvin Drake. 125 ^ 
Maryland. ’ 


Tbrongh error In not registering tbel 
names nt Buster llrotvn Shoe Store, 

tentanls yrere disoiialirird from p_ 

Hn"rver, JameM \V, Pearaon Kuen.^ed th 
exact niiniher of atepM an atenped to thi 
afore by Mr. Holllater. 

Speelal prlxe o^ s,, C. Davia of *1.75 DOOl 
naa. won by Jen 

Just 174 Steps to 


Ladies and Children’s Furnishings 



Specializing in 




Men, Women and Children 
Women’s Silk, $1,20, 
$1.55, $2.10, $2.55, $2.85 pn 

Children’s Lisle 

35c, 50c, 55c, 65c pair 

Men’s Silk Sox, 75c pair 

It Will Certain 
the 95 St€ 
to T 

and see if you can 
values we are offei 
Ring.s, Watches, ] 

verware, etc., Iiave: 

your mea.nsA ^ ^, 

H6 East Bro"' way. 

Two Stores-—C 



m the Southeast Corner of Br oadway and Brand Blvd.? 

es Nearest Correct Number 

V^ins Second Place. 

i‘M. Hollister 

sident Glendale Chamber 
ft Commerce; Who Acted 
5 the ‘‘Official Stepper*' 

L This Interesting Contest. \ 


>n«laJe Branch, Securily Trust & Savinss 
luine street, who for many years, was a' 
IK the owner of ('arney's sIkk* store. >Ir. 
eKok record by six steps, figuring each of 
>se. * 

Ij^nd White Tavo Tone Sweater, given by 
f James Pearson, Avell known local real 

Rug or equal credit on any article of 
ture Co., wa!4 won by Jeiuiie Hinthome, 


ch Pin Avitli emerald set, given by the 
won by .S. C. Singer, 112 AV. Broadway. 

N given by Hatz, I.ailies Heady-to-Wear 
. J. Coleman, 50.5 W. .Alexander street. 

ds OP Candle Sticks, given by the Gross- 
lia and Brand, was won Iiy H. J. Colc- 

CI:T FI.OWKR lltSKl’.T Riven lij- 
filendale FloriHt, lao s. Ilninil, wnn 1>> 
H. Vnn .\rsilul Siiillh, .514 \. Jnekson 

*1.75 l.IXEX GI EST TOW EI.S Riven l>y 
*lrlH]i Linen Store, 117 \. Hrnnii, xvtin liy 
Mrn. M. J. Miller, «2(1 X. Ixaliel. 

* COI.l MBIA REt'ORl) Rl^'en l»y Iven- 
''ny Mnsle t'o., won by MInm llessle I’arker, 

en by PeRRy'a Sweet SIiop, won by Allee 
M. Miller, .'3» X'. lNal>el. 

BAMROO A’ARD RAKE Riven liy .Iniui's 
. Rboades, See. tilenilale t'lianiber t'oni- 
nieree, by llenrv I'arker. for. San Fer¬ 
nando Road and llrand Illvd. 

*1.00 EVERSHARI* I’EXt'll.,. Riven .,i»v 
-Glendale Book Store, won by Mrs. Ilaxel 


W.OO BOX OP f'I<; \BS c^iveii liy Rolierts 
KcIioIm <o ]iersoii eHtiiiiatliiu: iienreMl 
Bumber of MtepM t<» I heir Mtore, Avon by 
S. C. Sfni^er, 11'2 AWmI vvboM<* 

BnitAver v\aN exactly rlRhl— ‘2r» NtepM. 

' to perMon neareMt eMtiinatin»; MfepM to hi.<x 
thurne, 42:t \V. tiak St. 



A Jazz in 

every step 
from Broad¬ 
way to 

Music Shop 

It Is 328 Steps to 




ay You to Take 
Necessary ’ 


cate the remarkable ' 

I Jewelry just now. 

ets. Necklaces, Sil- 

II priced well within 
n d see the display 

ivelry Co. 

Phone Glendale 1153-J. 
le and Burbank 

It Is 163 Steps to the Irish Linen Store 


Our End o’ The Month Prices 
Will Save You Money 

Ladies’ Silk Hose, broken lines but a goeft assort- AC 

nient, end o’ the month.;. 

Misses’ and Children’s half and three-quarter Og CA 

hose, end o’ the month...,. mvC.4\1)DUC 

Ladies’ fine cotton union suits, sleeveless, knee- d* | /x/x 

length, end o’ the month.. 

l^ots and lots of liminants of laces of all kinds, also our entire 
lot of |)ie<e gwids remnants for end o’ the month—half i>ri<c 
and less. 

12 Momie Iniijortecl Pongee, 33-inch, yd....$1.00 

In order to better acquaint you with our notion department 
and demonstrate the fact that you can btiy notions at this 
•store as cheaply as anywhere we will for the end o’ the month 
sell you $1.25 worth of notions for $1.00. See our bargain 
tables of samples consisting of wash cloths, towels, ironing- 
hoard covers, scarfs and fancy goods for one-third to one-half 
less than value. ■ -• 


117 North Brand Blvd. 

Glendale, Calif. 

. ^ Month-End 


regular end of the month 
Fi'iday and Saturday 
- - Igl ill offers many wonderful op- 
V * \ ])ortunitie.s to buy for less. 

1 > ll Every item e.xactly as adver- 

\ f j ’ t^sed and backed W oCir im- 

\ / qualified guarantee. 

Dresses, Coats 
and Capes 

remaining from earlier shipments are included in this 
sale at a ])rice that doesn t represent, in many cases, the 
cost of material alone. Useful garments for many oc¬ 
casions, arc specially priced at 

$ 10.00 Each 
Cotton Shirt Waists 

An especially good value in voile and organdy blouses, 
white and sand, during this sale are 

$ 1 .OO Ea. 

The assortment in sizes 
from 40 to 46 is large 

and.varied and are way / \ 

below manufacturer’s' / / j 

cost."some of them for- aI 
mcrly sold as high 

The Dollar 
Counter I 

made an immediate hit. Here yon will find many inter- 
>ar^ains, broken lots, and odds and ends in cam- 
iso cs, tcd(h-s, union suits, etc. Each represents an un¬ 
usual value. 

Friday and Saturday—Two Big Remaining 
1 Month End Sale Days 

It Is 135 Steps to 


132 S. Brand Glendale 

NaCW •: 

A Nenio Wonderlift Cor* 
set Insures Increased En¬ 
ergy for Work and Play 

It lifts up the abdominal or¬ 
gans, and holds them in their 
normal positions. This relieves 
the strain on the muscles and 
ligaments of the abdomen and 
back. You can do more in a 
day nd feel less tired. Both 
your appearance and your 
health are benefited. 

No. 5.')4—Jledium bust and 
skirt. White coutil; sizes 23 
to 36—*7.25. 

That Hollister Steps, 

70 Dozen 

Army Socks 

Splendid Value 

6 Pairs for 



Army Blankets 

• Like New' 




Just received a larg^e shipment of g;enuine army corn 
_ beef hash. 2-lb. can, special, 25c * 

It Is 278 Steps to 


Army & Navy Store 

117 ITT • • _ •« 

W. C. \\ aring Brand at Harvard 


We Are Just 25 Steps from the 
S.E.Corner of Bra fid and Broadway 

so that we can conveniently serve the greatest number of people 

in Glendale. 

And Remember This 

W e are really within a few steps’ distance from all, as 

We Are Always As Near You As Your Phone 

^iver ^rneGLEN. 195 

Roberts & Echols 

Just i 

102 East Broadway 




The 143 Steps You Take from the 
. corner of Brand and Broadway to the 

Trice Furniture Co. 

118 W. Broadway 

Will certainly pay you 
good dividends when 
purchasing Furniture. 
We call particular atten¬ 
tion this week to our 
showing of 

Dining Room 


Including the late styles in Square, Oval and Oblong Tables with 
chairs to match, in Walnut and Mahogany. By inspection only 
can you realize the values we offer. Come in 

Why Expose Yourself? 

—to the disagreeable weather 
elements encountered in motor¬ 
ing with an open top, when it 
is possible to enjoy all kinds of 
• weather and ride in comfort in 
one of our 


California Tops 

Individually and expertly made 
and at a very reasonable cost. 


—that the Battery is the life 
of your car? 

U. S. L, Batteries 

are standard—backed by years 
of experience. Our electrical 
repair department is equipped 
to handle all kinds of electrical 
work. Satisfaction guaranteed 

Glendale De Luxe Glendale Battery and 

Auto Top Company Ignition Works 

Just 230 Steps to 

120 South Maryland 

Glendale 2328-W 

Special Prize 

We Will Give a Prize of 

A Pair of Shoes Your Choke 

to the first person registering with us the 
nearest correct number of steps to our 

Any purchase, no matter how small, 
will entitle you to register. Step in and 
record your answer. 

It Is 171 Steps to 



122 N. Brand Blvd. 

• \ 

It Is 386 Steps to 

’*■ w .. V 

Ralph W. Browne 

**Portraits of Quality” 

215 North Brand Blvd. 


A New Line of Eastern Stand Frames 
for Your Favorite Photograph at New 
Low Prices. Frames formerly worth 
S8.00 npw sell at $5.25. Come in and 
see them. 

Although we are very busy a few sittings 
may be had by appointment. 

Phone Glendale 1938 

Just 92 Steps from 
Broadway & Brand to 




Cut Flowers 

. For All Occasions' 

Member of F. T. D. 

' Phoce den. 1155 

Auto Delivery 


J. T. Allen, Prop. 

' V 

120 S. Brand Blvd. 


81 Steps to 
The I 


C. H. Bott, Prop.' 




113 So. Brand ^ 
Glen. 219 

in tiM HaatA 

Brighten Up Your Living Room With a New 
Carpet Pattern Linoleum 

It’s sanitary and so easy to keep clean. We have the 
largest selection, of all grades, for every room in the house, 
to be found ii^ Glendale. Our prices are right and a good 
job of laying is guaranteed. Ask our customers. 

It*s Just 172 Steps to \ 


Phone 1255.M. ^ V - .f 124 W. Broadway 


Pudding Pan 






GLENDXlE evening news, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 

hy Runtih Csunaeroini 


I wonder if they will ever be 
plump again. 

You know who they are. The 
people we mean when we talk 
about what they say or what they 
are wearing. 

So now I wonder if they will 
ever wear fat again.' 

Will the pendulum ever swing 
the other way and shall we stop 
admiring slimness and subtle 
plumpness and well marked 

“Nice and Plump” • 

I suppose it surprises the flap¬ 
per to know that there ever was a 
day when slimness was not ex¬ 
travagantly admired, when peo¬ 
ple spoke of ‘‘nice and plump,” 
when banting had not been heard 
of, and when people we now call 
slim and graceful were referred to 
as skinny or bony. 

But there was. Well I remem¬ 
ber them for reasons I will not 
furtlier elucidate, but will leave 
you to guess at. 

In those days a fine figure of a 
.woman never weighed less than 
150, and often well over thijt. So 
long as a woman had a well, 
marked waist and did not degen¬ 
erate into the meat bag class, she 
was considered to have a good 
figure no matter what she tipped 
the scales at. People never talked | 

about getting fat unless they were 
approaching 200 and, three chins 
Double chins were not admired 
but they were not feared as they 
are today. Prosperous men ct 4 0 
or 50 expected to have stomachs. 
That was a hall mark, as it were, 
of their prosperity. 

The .‘\nti-Fat Adds 
It you want to get a perfect 
idea of the contrast between the 
two ages get hold of an old maga¬ 
zine of 15 or 20 years ago and 
look at the anti-fat adds. Behold 
the person they picture as too fat. 
One wonders why such a person 
should have been willing to get rid 
of any of her pounds because it 
seems as if she could have made 
fabulous money exhibiting it in a 
circus. And then turn to the mod¬ 
ern magazine and its “you caft 
weigh what you should” adver-^ 
tisement. And the lady who 
weighs what she shouldn’t has 1 
what would have been called a 
perfect figure in,the old days. j 
There is no question but what 
we have gone to extremes in our 
admiration of slenderness. And 
there is also no question but what 
every extreme of fashion is almost 
surely compensated by the oppo -1 
site extreme. Is this going to I 
happen in the matter of fat? It 1 
doesn’t seem conceivable, does it? | 
Tomorrow—Let It Fall I 

A new iad Iroin fair Baris—carryiiifr tlolls to eVenins: af¬ 
fairs. 1 he little niaiiiiikins have colored wij^s to correspoikl 
with the color ami desijrn of the frocks worn by the fair Paris- 
iennes. Likewise is the Spanish costume of wearing a single 
rose on one sitle of the head coming into vogue in Paris. 


The city streets are once more 
filling up with returned vacation¬ 
ists. One sees dozens of girls with 
bright eyes and sunburned skins, 
who look refreshed and rested and 
thoroughly ready for the work or 
play of the winter. Their square- 
neck dresses will show a red “V” 
in front, their thin white blouses 
the glow of sunburned shoulders 
beneath. They look so attractive 
and yet everyone of them is wor¬ 
rying as to how to remove this 
gorgeously healthy tan. 

Personally, I hate to see the sun¬ 
burn disappear from these fresh 
young faces, hut as it will fade 
out of itself into the most un¬ 
healthy looking yellow, I suppose 
the best thing is to hasten the 
process and bleach the skin to its 
normal white. There are thou¬ 
sands of ways to remove sunburn 
with the most optimistic claims 
set forward by the maker of this 
or that special preparation. Per¬ 
sonally, I favor a few simple 
creams and lotions. 

As the skin is already dry the 
most logical sort of bleach would 
be a cream. Lettuce creams and 
jieroxide creams are both very 
good, though it'is difficult to pur¬ 
chase a really satisfactory peroxide 
cream and almost impossible to 
make one. If you have my for¬ 
mula tor a fine cold cream you can 
substitute cucumber juice for the 
rose water and produce a splendid ' 
home-made bleaching emollient. ; 
If you haven't it here Is a similar j 
formula easily made. [ 

I'ucuiiibcr cream i 

Almond oil.4 ounces i 

Spermaceti.1 ounce 

White wax.1 ounce 

eucumber juice.2 ounces 

•Cucumbers boiled, mashed and 
strained ntake the juice. 

D. L.—A curling fluid made i 
from quince seed could not hurt! 
the hair. The cost of the perina-' 

I nent wave varies according to lo- 
' cality. Necessarily such work 
would be more expensive in the 1 
large cities where rents are high; 
$30 to $35 is the average price. 

: M. C.—-It does not seem pos- 

'sible that the mouth could enlarge 
after a person has grown to adult; 
age. It may appear to have done i 
so if you have lost much weight: | 

I or you may be so conscious of this , 
feature that you are using it in a | 
nervous way and stiffening the ^ 

: muscles. A large mouth or one i 
with full lips, ik ill always be a ' 

I pretty mouth it there is mobility. 
The lip exercises given in a recent 
' chat will accomplish this for any¬ 
one who practices them for even 
a short time. | 

Anxious—An excessive amount ■ 

of oil, dandruff and falling hair, 
all show that the scalp is in need 
of treatments. If you cannot 
have this done by an expert, try 
massaging the scalp vigorously 
every day and include with this 
the best hair tonic several times 
each week. I 

Tomorrow—Home Manicure. ■ 

All inquiries addressed to Miss 
Forbes in care of the ‘‘Beauty 
Chats” department will be answered ' 
in these columns in their turn. This 
requires considerable time, however, I 
owing to the great number received. 
So, if a personal or quicker reply 
is desired, a stamped and self-ad¬ 
dressed envelope must be enclosed I 
with the question.—The Editor. 
I’rotected by Matthew Adams. 


The jmat deposits of East Prus- i' 
sia, estimated to contain a billion 
tons, are being developed by ma- ' 
chinery that cuts the fuel' into' 
blocks that are ready for use 

when dried. _ i 

_!,__ 1 


With the feet hollowed to form ^ 
sound chalnbers. a bridge invented ! 
in England for stringed instru- j 
ments is claimed to produce j 
greater resonance and fuller tones.! 

Florence Au^ cKa«e 




Creamed Chipped Beet on Toast 
Green Corn Griddle Cakes 


Stuffed Peppers, Tomato Sauce 
Baked Pears, Cream 
Okra Soup 

Beef Stew Dumplings 

Lima Beans, Buttered 
Tomatoes, French Dressing 
Cold Rice d’udding Nut Wafers 

Green Corn Griddle Cakes—To 
the yolks of 2 eggs, well beaten, 
add 2 cups finely grated green 
corn, ^ teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons 
melted butter and 1 cup milk. 
Then add 1 cup of flour, which 
has been sifted with 1 teaspoon 
baking powder; heat thoroughly 
then fold in the sliffly beaten 
whites of 2 eggs. 

Stuffed Peppers—Cut the stem 
end from six sweet green peppers 
and remove all seeds, add % tea¬ 
spoon soda to each pepper, fill 
with water and allow to stand 30 
minutes. Mix 1 cup of white 
sauce with cup rice, 3 onions, 
which liaye been cooked in 3 
tablespoons butter, and chopped 
fine, 1 tablespoon chopped 
green pepper and % teaspoon, of 
paprika. Drain pepper cases and 
fill with mixture, cover tops with 
buttered crumbs and bake 30 min-' 
utes in hot oven. Wash, stem and ! 
slice thin 1 pint of okra. Chop 3 ] 

j large tomatoes fine, being care- 
i ful to preserve the juice. Chop 
1 onion fine and cook in 1 table- 
: spoon butter: then add to it the 
tomatoes, 1 sprig of thyme, .1 bay 
leaf, one sprig of parsley and one 
I small red pepper pod, without the 
^ seed. Let stew 5 minutes, add the 
: okra, stirring constantly, until 
; well browned; then add the juice 
' of the tomatoes, 5 cups of hot 
water; cover and let simmer 1% 
hours. Season with salt and pep- 
; per and serve with wafers. 

Okra Sou|)—Wash and stem 1 
pint of okra and then slice it very 
thin. Chop 3 large tomatoes fine, 
being careful to preserve the juice. 
Chop 1 onion very fine and 
fry them in 1 tahIesi>oon butter; 
then add 1 sprig eacli of parsley 
and thyme, chopped, 1 bay leaf, a 
small .red pepper pod, tomatoes 
and after stewing about 5 min¬ 
utes add the okra, stirring con¬ 
stantly until well browned; then 
add the juice of the tomatoes and 
5 cups of hot water. lA>t simmer 
gently tor about 1 % hours. Sea¬ 
son to taste with salt and pepper 
and serve hot. 

(’old Kii'e Pudding—Put 1 quart 
of milk ill a buttered pudding dish 
with 2 tablespoons raw rice; 2 
tablesi>»ons sugar, and put dish in 
moderate oven for an hour or 
more, and as a crust forms on top, 
turn it undernearth and the bot¬ 
tom part lip, and repeat until the 
whole is soft and creamy and pale 
brown—then let' the top brown. 
Serve very cold with a spoonful 
of orange marmalade on top. 

'Vhis offer good only from Sept. 28th to Oct. 7lh 

“Wear- Ever” 


■We are making 
this offer solely for 
the purpose of af- 
fording you an op- 
portunity to give 
“Wear-Ever” a 
real service test in Cov. 
your own kitchen. (^egul 

We want you to SEE the 
difference, FEEL the differ- 

Jie^u/ar Price ^.95 and KNOW 

the difference 
jd ^ between “Wear- 

XI K ■ ^ Ever” aluminum 
dmatm cooking utensils 

I and utensils of 

Cover only 20c c) * less thick metal 
(Regular price 28 which, conse- 

2 the quently, are offered at a 

liffer- cheaper price. 

Note! All “JVear-Ever” utensils may be 
purchased how at greatly reduced prices 


Hardware Co. 

227 N. Brand 
Glendale 425 




San Fernando Road at Brand 
Glendale 2361‘=J 

j hether the reader’s taste runs ] Other Stories” by Ethel Dell, “Isa- 
I along the lines of fiction or non-| bel Stirling” by Schaeffer, ‘‘Black 
, fiction, much interesting reading i Bartlemy's Treasure” by Fariiol, 
jwill he found in the new books ‘‘Sin of Monsieur Pettipon” by 
I which ha-ve been added to the Connell, “The King Fisher” by 
. shelves at the Glendale branch : Bottome, “V'irgin of the Sun” by 
ihbrary at Los Feliz and Brand Haggard, "How Many Cards?” by 
I boulevard. : Ostrander, “A Man to His Mate” 

! The author who styles himself i by Dunn, ‘‘The Last Trail” by 
‘‘‘A Gentleman with a Duster” in | ^ane Grey. ‘‘Top o’ the Morning” 

J ihis “Painted Windows” deals with I by McManus, “One Man in His 
I the religious question, especially ! Time” by Glasgow, “The Ice 
I in England, by making a study of . by Leverage, “Pierre and 

religious personalities. The ob- Luce” by Roland, “Man to Man” 
ject of.the liook is to try to dis-; by Gregory, “The Young Phy- 
cover in this way some of the|sician’’ by Young, “The Big-Town 
needs of the church at the present i Bound-Up” by Raine, “The Turn¬ 
time, and as he conceals his iden- ■ stile of Night” by Allison, “Sun- 
tity under the nora-de-plume, he; •^ry Accounts” by Cobb, “The 
does not hesitate to present a Tidal Wave” by Dell, “Hidden 
I very frank characterization of 1 Creek” by Burt, “Rejuvenation of 
■some prominent persons of widely i .^nnt Mary” by Warner, ‘‘Humor- 
' different faiths, including Bishop! ®sque” by Hearst and “First Per- 
j Gore, Dean Inge, Father Knox, j son Singular” by Benet. 

Dr. Jacks, Miss Maude Royden and A complete new set of the 
Bramwell Booth. ! Burgess Bed Time Story book have 

Other non-fiction books include | been placed on the shelves for the 
“Short History of American Lit- children. Other new juvenile 
erature” by Trent and others,! books include “The Children’s 
“Chemistp- of Familiar Things” Book” by Scudder, “Stories from 
by SadtlcT, “Ladies’ Home Jour- Plato and Others” by Burt, “Tell 
nal Rook of Bungalows,” “A Me Another Story” by Bailey, “In- 
I Thousand Mile Walk the Gulf” sect Folk” by Merely, “Young" Peo- 
iby John Muir, “The Cruise of the | pie’s History of the American Rev- 
I Corwin” and “Travels in Alaska” | olution” by Tomlinson, “Plymouth 
j by John Muir, “Lincoln Lessons i and The Pilgrims” by Lord “The 
1 for Today” by Newkirk, “My Life i Monkey That Would Not Kill” by 
iOLSong” by Mine. Tetrazini, “The Drummond, “The Lance of Ka- 
|Life of Thomas Starr King” by nana” by French, “The Wind in 
IVVendte, nChild versus Parent” the Willows” by Grahame. “The 
I by Wise, “Minds and Manners of Scottish Chiefs” by Porter", “The 
I Wild Animals” by Hornaday, Adventures of Odysseus and the 
, Literature” by Long, Tale of Troy” by Colum, “Joan of 

I How We Think” by Dewey, Arc” by Madison, “The Peter 
I Smoke and Steel” poems by Carl Patter Book” by Jackson “Over 
Sandburg, “Pipefuls” by Morley, There With the Yankee” bv 
; Letters of Hamilton W. Ralphson, “Burnham Breakers” 

; Mabie by Morse, “The Art of ■ by Green, “The Pathfinder or the 
Lawn Tennis by Tilden, “Trf-j Missing Tender-foot” by Douglas 
j umph of the Man Who Acts” by “Dick Prescott’s First Year at I 

Point” by Hancock, “Pin- 
i k , Tahiti Days” by ochio in Africa” by Cherubini 

McQuarrie. “Religion and Health” “Easy Stories’' by Turner ‘‘The 

,, .. . Field Primer” by Field," “The 

ihe new fiction books number Expression Primer” by Talbert 

f of an and “Blackey the Crow" by Bur- 

Eagle . and Safety Curtain and gess. ^ 

Diet and Health , 

I 1 SPIIHTUAUTV By Lulu Hunt Peters.MB. / 

I Ifiel and Heabh.udihKeJiia the Caloriesj 


I WTio said it was a disgrace to i it in any other way. It is simply | 
I be fat? I didn’t. I know that in jjjg a-b-c of the knowledge of nu- 
la report of a lecture I gave in i i .. ! 

Boston last winter—which was because this j 

apparently sent out broadcast, for | of nutrition has not been 

I have had letters from all over i known, (hat so many of our adult 

I the United States regarding it—j population are overweight. 

II was credited with saying that i Now, I shall repeat my state- 

I It was a disgrace to be fat. meiit, which, by being ^nisquoted, ' 

I never said it! It is not true has brought down such a load of; 
i that it is a disgrace to be fat, so anathemas on my innocent head, j 
I would not make such a state-' It will be a disgrace to be fat when 
1 ment. What I did say was this: the fundamentals of the laws of 
i It will be a digrace to be fat as nutrition are known. This is not' 

I soon as the proper knowledge of far in the future. It will be a 
I dietetics becomes universal. disgrace to be fat because no one | 

! Saying that it will be a disgrace should have the right to lower his i 
I to be fat is altogether different i efficiency and undermine hht 
I from saying it is a disgrace to he | health, thus making himself less! 

I tat. Some of our most wonder- j useful to humanity. 

I ful women and men in the United j Tomorrow—I, I, I; I, Myself; I 
1 States are considerably over -1 —Chapter XXVIII. 

weight, men and women who are; - ' 

national figures as leaders in con-i (Copyright 1922 George Matthew i 
striictive work. j Adams) * 1 

It would be rather audacious not j _ 

to say impudent for me to say! __ 

that such people as these were 
disgraceful because they were! 

I overweiglit. I never said it! Gosh, | j ^ 

j I’m scurrying to cover. m IM^V v 

Up to the present time a large! I V V 'mb ^ 

I majority of our population have ; KB ^ I 

I had no instruction whatever in the i ^ 

fundamentals of dietetics. Until! 

recently the ignorance on the fun-; 1 * 

damentals of proper nutrition of j I 

the human animal has been a' IAJI I bA 11 

state that was common to all ex- II 

cept a few who were specializing^ ^ 

in the subject. There was a great! 

deal more known about the nu-' 1 • j ^ 

trition of our domestic animals. |l^v I 

It is not to be wondered at that I ■ I B 

so many of our people have shown |^l I |^ | T 

the results of this ignorance; it; w 

is to be wondered that more have j ' 

not done so. 1 - 

This state of affairs, this ignor¬ 
ance regarding the fundamentals u j j r • ^ 

of nutrition, is now rapidly giving rlundrecls Ot Items tnrOU 
way to knowledge on the subject, i • • 

Much research work has been many instanc< 

done and many books and maga¬ 
zine articles have been written on £ 

the subject. There is hardly a 

daily paper that does not have its —————-- 

health features. Of course, in the 

mass ot writings on the subject 1 C* M- 

there is a great deal that is faulty, I 

and some that is ludicrous. Some! 
of it obviously is written by indi- 
vidualii who are facile with the 
pen, but who show that they have' 
had no knowledge of chemistry or 
physiology or any other science. 

You will read such comical 
statements as, “Food in certain 
|'’ombination.s will make fat, while 
lie same foods in combination witli 
other foods will actually consume 
the fat.” This is not true. Foods 
is foods as sure as pigs is pigs. ! 
and any food—even though it be 
but a leaf ot lettuce—will make! 
fat if it happens to be more than 
the healthy system needs. ' 

You read a jabbering concern¬ 
ing “mucous forming” foods. 

There are no foods that form mu¬ 
cous. The most wholesome of 
foods if eaten in excess Dr to the 
exclusion of other needed foods, , 
may help throw the system out of 
balance and help undermine its re¬ 
sistance. In this state the mucous 
niembranes as well as other organs I 
may be affected, but there is no! 
such thing as a “mucous forming” 

There are many other droll ideas 
expounded frequently,' but even! 

•A'ith these errors there is a lot' 
that is good and interest stimu¬ 
lating. I 

A knowledge of the fuel or en- I 
3rgy value of foods has Been one } 
jf the things that has been most: 
lacking. Until recently the word ! 

Calorie has had a formidable, i 
cientilic sound, and it was thought 
‘hat only scientific research work¬ 
ers and students could know any-! 
thing about calories. Now the 
word calorie is as familiarly used 
as yard or bushel or quart, other ’ 

“erms of measurement. For a cal¬ 
orie is. simply the unit measure, 
of the energy or fuel value of 
foods. It is also the unit ot meas- ' 
ure of heat. , 

No scientific person ever uses' 


• AND 



Gl. 1331-J 

110 W. Harvard St. 

Shades, Linoleums, Curtain Rods, 
Congoleum Rugs 

Mcasurementa Taken and Estimates Gladly Given 
aio E. Broadway. Glen. 2012. 

Great Stock Reducing 

Sale to make room for our 

big stock of Holiday goods 

Hundrecis of items throughout the store are priced very low to close out. In 
many instances quantities are small, so be here early to 
get your share of the bargains 

Sale Starts Friday Morning 

Look For The Red Tags 
Throughout The Store 

Corsets, Priced 79c 

Regular $1.00 Corsets 

Curtain Scrims 10c 

Tard tvide scrims, regular 
15c and 19c quality 

Men’s Union Suits 49c 

White nainsook Athletic 
style, sizes 38 to 44 

$1.29 Table Cloths 95c 

Hemstitched all around 
size 58.\58 inch 




VVe can supply clean Decom¬ 
posed Granite in quantities to 
suit, free from dirt. Makes a 
driveway equal to cement at 


Also contract to make drives 
complete. Mail card and we 
will call. 

415 West Lomita Ave. 


For Painting, Paper¬ 
hanging and Decorating 



Over Eleven Years In the 
Business In Glendale 
Just Ask My Old Customers 
Phone Glendale 1500 


Spring Clothes 1 An 
Pins, 3 dozen_lU” 

, 49c Brassieres Now 35c 

Several styles to close out 

44c Aluminum Sink 
Drainers Now 25c 

65c Coffee Pots 39c 

1 and 1 Vj quart size 
gray enameiware 

Aluminum Kettles 79c 

6 quart size with cover, 
regular $1.15 quality 

^ Alarm Clocks 95c 

Stock reducing sale.price 

10c Envelopes, 2 pks 15c 

39c Box Stationery 
Now 29c 

Rag Rugs Priced $1.00 

'Good quality, size 24x48 in. 

Whisk Brooms 23c 

Two kinds, special 

Hand Bags 69c 

Odds and ends, 
values to $1.29 

Many Other Items Through¬ 
out The Store at Sale Prices 

$1.29 Enamel Tea Kettle 

Large size, gray ware 

$1.35 Camp Coffee Pots 


8-quart enameiware 

10-Qt. Tin Pails 15c 

7-Drawer Spice 
Cabinets 49c 

9-Drawer Spice 

Cabinets 59c 

Turkish Towels 

2 for 35c 

Good weight, size 16.\32 

regular 25c towel 

Aluminum Ware 95c 

Every Piece Guaranteed— 
Rice Boilers, Percolators, 
Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, 
Roasters, Mixing Bowls, 
Water Pails, Preserving 
Kettles—choice of a big 
variety at. 95c 

Look For The Red Tags 
Throughout The Store 

Boilers Reduced 

$2.98 Boilers now.$2.59 

$2.85 Boilers now.$2.39 

$2.69 B))ilers now.$2.19 

$1.98 Boilers now. $1.79 

Wash Boards Reduced 

Zinc Wasli Boards.39c 

Pdass Wash Boards. 59c 

Brass Wasli Boards. 59c 

Men’s Leather Gloves 


Leather Gauntlets 

LUX—Limit 3 pkgs. 
to customer. *1110 
3 packages for... 

Grass Rugs 
at . 

Imported Grass Rugs— 
18x36 inches, stock re¬ 
ducing sale price.15c 

Children’s Hose 19c 

Odds and ends of darnless 
hose, priced to close out. .19c 

Cotton Batts 73c 

Full size for a comforter, 
stock reducing price. 73c 

$2.19 Table Cloths $1.79 

Alercerized damask, size 
72x72 inch, hemstitched • 
all around 

Hemmed Napkins 10c 

of plain Indianhead 

Dust Pans, Priced 8c 

Limit 7 bars. OCo 
7 bars for. 

79c Heavy Mail Boxes 


White Enamel Pitchers 

3p2 and 4 quart sizes 
values to $1.73 

Blue Seal Congoleum 

9x10^4 size reduced to $10.98 
9x12 size reduced to.. ..$11.49 

Enameiware, Priced 49c 

Odds and ends of higher 
jiriced preserving kettles and 
convex sauce pans, values 
to $1.00. ‘ 

$1.45 Dresser Scarfs 

10c Brillo, 2 for 15c 

For cleaning and polishing 
aluminum ware.2 for 15c 

15% Off on ail Decorated 
pinnerware during this sale 

20% Off on Several Lots of 
Enameiware to close out 

Look For The Red Sale 
Signs Throughout Store 

FISHER’S Variety Store 

212 E. Broadway 

Sale Starts Friday Morning 

Red Front Store 




t ♦?> 








Next Door to The News Office 

137 South Brand Bouelvard 


Business Men’s Lunch Counter and Tables 

All Women Cooks. Strictly Home Made 

F’astry and Home Cooked Food. 

Quick Lunch—Watch the Crowd 


Special 75c Dinner from Soup to Nuts 

If You Are Not Satisfied When You Eat Here, Tear L'p Your Check and 
Walk Out. L. M. West, Prop. 

Some One Will Win the Cash Equivalent to 


Tlie first persons who brins this page to Tlic Glendale Kvening Xews office on 
or 1>efore October 12, 1022, Avith the endorsement of each iwh-ertiser on tlie face 
of each ad Avith the hour and date wlien a meal, costing 50c or more, was pur- 
chase<I, will r<><’eive the following prizes: ^ I 

FIRST .$15.00 In Cash 

$ Q C SECOND ..$ 5.00 In Cash $ O C 

^ iJ THIRD .$ 3.00 In Cash ^ qj 

FOURTH .$ 2.00 In Cash 



It Will I’ay You W’ell to Get Acquainted With Various Maces to Eat In Glen¬ 
dale. Remember, You Must Visit Every One to Win the Prize. Xot More Than 
Four Meals a Day Will Be Credlte<l. Get’s Go! 


The Quickest Service and Right Prices. Our Leaders: 

Regular Wdek Day Dinner 35c 
Ham and Eggs Rib Steak 

Bread, Butter, Potatoes and Coffee Bread, Butter, T’otatoes and Coffee 

35c 40c 

Sunday Chicken Dinners 85c 

fCe Sell Meal Tickets—$5.50 for $5.00 Cash 


1363.'2 North Brand Where People Eat-Opposite Seelig’s Market 

Meet Me at the 


1415 South San Fernando Road 

Frances Van Horn, Prop. 

Located in the Heart of Southern Glendale’s Business Distric^ 

I lt)t Cakes aiui Steaks from 6 to 9 a. m. 

Special Dinner Bill from 11 to 2. Evening 

Dinners from 5 to 8. Pastries and Cooking, 

‘Home’ Style by Woman Cook 

- -You Will Appreciate This Good Cafe- 

Real Old Fashioned 


at the 


(Nanita’s Home) 

Off of Verdugo Road on Los Angeles AA'enue, near Montrose 
Out in tlie Green X'erdngo Hills Where Tamales, linchiladas. Chili Con Came, 
Tortilas and Beans Taste the Best 

Special Chicken Dinners May Be Reserved by Writing Box 61, R, F. D. 11, 
Los Angeles. Cooking by Original Spanish Women 

Free Dancing During Dining 

Merchants’ Lunch 

at POPE & TOLLETT’S for 50c 

Every Day Except Sunday 
When We Feature a Big 

For 75c and $1.00 




Call Once and You, 

Will Call Again 


ms. Brand Blvd. 

Phone Glen. 1000-W Formerly BUDDIE'S PLACE 

212i South Brand 

When You Are Hungry LUNCH BOX 

—this is the place to come. You Avill like our foods, you Avill 
like our service, you will like the homeiike atmosphere. 

Try' Our Special 

Chicken Dinners, $1.00 











Phone Glendale 1454-R 



Breakfast and Noon Luncheons 

“Something Different Every Day”' 



Enll Line of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Have You Gotten One of Our 
Bashful 'I rick Locks? Ask for Coupons.. Come in and Get Acquainted. 


220^ 2 East Broadway 

E. J. Ulrich, Prop. 

Home Dairy Lunch 

219 South Brand Boulevard 
F. J. KELLY, Prop. 




Real Quick Service—Both Counter and Tables 
Soft Drinks and Ice Cream 



in CHAFFEE’S Market 

113-115 North Brand Blvd. 



Also Tamales and Chili, Ready to Take Home 

We Cater to Children and Ladies 

You May Come In and Get 


at the 

Glendale Sanitarium 

Dining Room, Between Jackson and Isabel on Bniadway 

Breakfast at 8 a. m. Dinner at 1 p. m. 

Supper at 6 p. m. Special Sunday Dinners 


Our Dining Room is Open to the I’uhlic, the Same as Any Cafe. European Plan 

The Restaurant Men and Others Co-oper¬ 
ating In This Page Desire to Get Acquainted 
With the People of Glendale. Even If You 
Do Not Enter the Contest Clip Out This Page 
As a Directory of “Where to Eat.” Mention 
the Fact That You Saw the Ad In The Glen¬ 
dale Evening News. 




Club Breakfasts After 5 a. m. ^ “ 

Waffles in the Wee Hours of Night 

Luncheon and Supper Specials 

A la Carte Service, Superb Coffee 

at the 


^ A1 Flowers and «Tohii Howell, Props, 

$5.50 Meal Tickets for $5.00. Get One! 

» Lunches Packed for the Working Man 

When in Tropic'o District Visit Ihillman Xo. 2 at 442 West liOs Feliz Hoad 

Accused of Slaying 
Wife, Now on Trial 

SAX FRANTISCO. Sept. 28.— 
The state began presentation of 
the evidence today through which 
it evpects to prove the complicity 
of Henry Wilkens, auto mechanic. 
In the automobile holdup last 
iday which resulted in the killing 
of his wife. Anna Wilkens, with 
whose murder he is charged. 

Xino men and three women 
' constitute the jury that will sit 
ill judgment. Two alternates were 
also selected and will sit through¬ 
out the trial. 


Driven by compressed air, a ro¬ 
tary stone polisher is the iaven- 
tlon of an Ohio man._ a - ... 

I Allied Powers Gain 
; Athens Public Opinion 

WASHIX'GTON, D. C., Sept. 28. 
—Since the entrance of revolu¬ 
tionary troops into Athens, public 
opinion has voiced strongly in fa¬ 
vor of the allied powers, said of¬ 
ficial dispatches received at the 
Greek legation here today. 

“The people, mad with enthu¬ 
siasm, proceeded to the British, 
French and Italian legations 
cheering the allies of Greece,” 
said the cablegram. “This spon¬ 
taneous manifestation in which all 
classes took part shows that the* 
true judgment of the Greek peo¬ 
ple has always remained pure and 
faithful to the allied powers.” 

Murder Attempt on Fortress Blows Up; Trunk Cheap; Find 
Irish Cabmet Fails Forty Persons Killed It Held Much Gold 

Correct Location of Capt. Tozer Heads Plans for Refunding 
Dye Works Is Given Near East Squadron Debts Are Considered 

DUBLIN’, Sept. 28.—A plot to 
blow up the provisional govern¬ 
ment building and assassinate the 
members of tne cabinet was frus¬ 
trated today. A mine tvas dis¬ 
covered beneath the building. Two 
clerks were reported to have been 

Captain Censidine of the Free 
State army was killed when his 
troops wer} attacked from am- 
b ish in county Clare. j 


‘ A Frenchman has invented a 
conneotlon for alarm clocks to I 
light alcohol cooking stoves at set; 

ROME, Sept. 28.—Many per-j 
sons were reported killed and; 
wounded today when a fortress; 
at Spezia was blown up by light- ' 
ning. Two villages were razed. 
Houses six miles from the scene 
were destroyed. A revised estl-' 
mate this evening put the dead 
at forty, including a marshal of 
the Italian army. 

The explosion was accompanied 
by appalling scenes. All the hos¬ 
pitals for miles around were 
filled to overflowing. Santerenzo ! 
was badly damaged by explosions; 
of huge stores of gun powder i 
whicli were set off by fire. ^ 

PARIS.—Diogenes was a pretty ^ 
poor detective. He failed to 
“cherechez la femme.” 

Madame Clermont paid the 
equivalent of $1.50 for a trunk 
at an auction sale. The trunk 
was filled with old rags. 

Among the rags Madame found 
a sack containing gold pieces 
amounting to about $1,500. 

“Here is some money I found 
in the trunk,” she told the auc-. 
tioneer. “I am an honest woman. 
To whom does it belong?” It 
was turned over to the state. 

—-- ■ ( 

Metallic handles have been 
patented that can be attached to ! 
cups from which the original ban- J 
dies beve been broken. 

The Boulevard Dye Works, lo¬ 
cated formerly on Brand boule¬ 
vard, near Lexington' drive, is now 
on Lexington drive in the same 
building, “just around the corn¬ 
er.” Inadvertently their location 
was given as on Doran street, but 
it is Lexington and Brand where 
their establishment is located. 


The Minneapolis inventor of a 
tractor operated soil tiller in 
which revolving knives cut and 
grind the earth, claims that it does 
more work than three men can 
with two tractors and five plows 
and harrows. 

WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. — 
Captain Charles M. Tozer was des¬ 
ignated today by Secretary of the 
Navy to command the squadron 
of twelve destroyers which have 
been ordered to proceed from Nor¬ 
folk to Constantinople to pro¬ 
tect American interests in the 
Near East. Captain Tozer is now 
commander of th# destroyer Hop¬ 
kins, off the Virginia capes. The 
Hopkins will serve as the flag¬ 
ship of the squadron. 


A machine has been invented 
which prints and forms cardboard 
or fibre shipping boxes from 
sheets as they pass through it. 

WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 28. 
—The government has not deter¬ 
mined the method by which ma¬ 
turing indebtedness amounting to 
$ 2 , 000 , 000,000 will be refunded 
before January 1, it was officially 
stated at tlie treasury department 
! today. Secretary Mellon, it was 
said, has not reached a decision 
definitely whether the funding 
■ operations will take the form of 
a bond issue, long time treasury 
noies, or .short time treasury cer- 
I tificates of indebtedness. 


Longer life is the claim of their 
1 inventor for overalls that can. be 
worn either side in froht. -- y t- W - 





THE GLENDALE EVENING NEWS I esta te for sale Ireal estate for sale' real estate for sai 

--- Dally Except Sunday _| . GLEN DALE PROP KRTY ; gLeXPAI^^ ; " GLEXl)AEET^*KOraRTY 

A. T. COWAN - . . . . Publisher and Proprietor' I LI«~_ beautiei l home ov the 

_ Office of Publication, 139 South Brand Boulevard | IvCfll tlOHlC 15&P^2linS HIIA,SII>E BEST GT,EXI>\LE Bl'YS 

- ‘ PHONE GLENDALE 132 _j WKv Pqv Ronf? ! Verdugo Woodlands, 3-4' A beautiful iive-roc 

evening news has the complete leased “.Clll. fruit, vegetables and lawn j liouse with two bed roon 

_WIDE REPORT OP THE INTERNATIONAL N^WS SERVICE ,5-'IOO<> — CASH ,$!J(>() I exclusive, quiet and restful and all. hardwood floors, noo 

- -z ---—- 4-rooni and breakfast nook ga-'*'° next-door neighbors; 5 rooms: built-in features, real Bac 

Mierea as second-claSB »atter, January 12, 1922, at the Postoffice at I rage, new; all oak floors everv “'^"'* garage; short drive to elder tile fireplace, woo 

me nda^e^ Cal., under the Act of Congresa of March 3, 1879 'built-in feature, closets and linen l^roadway and Brand; while it stone b'ath and sink, garag 


GLEXBALiE PKOi’ERTY i t’ni'VTiiv miAiisifcnrv 'i , 

single Copy. 6 Cents; One Year. »6.00: Six Months, I heater, llp'y ucNGAIiOlV 

|2^Bj^Three_Momhs. $1-40; Two Months, $1, 00;* One Month. 60c : You cun t d.iplicai^e'^-^h^'p^^ I 

GLENDAL E. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922 'plenty room* for chickens. ’ , under $7o00. Owner very anxious | 

■-------_C\SH .>(il»K)() '1° ^'**1 1®*^® $6000. This' 


“cnn^fL GLENDALE PROPERTY jnook, set tuh, glas.sed-in sleeping I 





; Y’OIR OPPORTUNITY , FOR S.4LE—See me for the icnp^ rTnvnn ^ 

i To own a country home, 6 acres ' best lot on West Lexington Dr-' - , U f ompleteiy fur- 

I exceptionaiiy rich soil, aqueduct also a good one on West Wilson ’ up to-date apartment, 2 

I water, house, garage, stable, fruit; Both good buvs and well located'i kitchen, fine 

land berries. $5000, will sell oriAt home evenings W H Arm section; ready October 

I 1 ® “-'strong, 35.3 West Lexington Dr 1 1^^ J'cmtDoran. 

I Glen. 1332-W. _^ HK^T-Furnished or u„- 

' OUT OK TOWX PROPKRXY soo^l lot in Glendale tor $450, ‘ind 3 ror>ni apart- 

I -—7----balance terms. Owner. Pli. Bur- end modern in every 

VILLA SITES bank 128-M. ' Aespect. Notliing in Glendale to 

i $130 BALBO.^ BEACH !---^ i every convenience. 

j “palisades, $130 ; FOR EXCHANGE 

copy for classified ads should 

for sale or EXCHANGE—I 1/3 block to car lines and stores. Proiessional 

“ ®- “• Six rooms, bath, fireplace, cel-j .\ real Bargain. Look this over a minutes walk to Brand 

First ln8ertlon--Mnimum charge, I, a,., garage. $250 electric range, and lie convinced. ) Bfoadway. $ 1,,000 buys it. 

30 cents, including four lines | pergola 20x43 with cement CASH SI 700 ! . 

I^ ® ® floor, electric light- 5-room dandy, Colonial home. *-RD(»M H05IE OM,l .$.<100 

Additional lines 5 cents per gfj croquet ground, beautiful. garage, all oak floors, tile fire- ’ 

„ J;**®- . . I orchard, 50 choice fruit trees, 6 ! place, French gray finish, enclosed '*•*‘””^1*'’ ' eR* I..\TEST, ,‘j>47.>0 

Subsequent consecutive insertions years old, 16 varifeties, lawn, bath tub, set tubs and heater,^ brand new. Only 
—o cents per line. Minimum shade trees, shrubs and flowers, : shingle roof, basement, beautiful 

®®***®- half acre, or more land if de-i lot and lawn, all fenced, very. * $4^00 

Ads inserted under “Announce- gjred, one of the best and pretti-! close in. real bargain ' i i'™ can be bought with $500 

ments-will be charge for at the est homes in town $8000 clear,: sr„-><> 0 —Cnsli SleOD i ‘ .x-.wv 

rate of 10c per line. easy terms. Mark S. Collins, own-| 5-rnom bungalow and garage, t 

Not responsible for errors In ads ^r, 238 West Honolulu Blvd., Lai sleeping porch, Keystone sink and , , -/2 AC.REh 

iecelved over the telephone. Crescenta. Glen. 2046-J-2. jha^h; every built-in feature, plas- 

No display advertising accepted - - tered and papered walls; corner j .x- 

on this page. -- ---- lot r,(ixi:t 7 weii CldhsEiN 

nook, set tub, glassed-in sleepingper month., including interest, 
porch, good lawn and shade; oii!yi‘°°*'® ^ great ^ may take $750 down it you 

f'a block to car lines and stores. P'^ce fof doctor or professional r can pay $60 per month on 
.\ real Bargain. Look this over .5 minutes walk to Brand balance. 

and l>e convinced. I and Broadway. $17,000 buys it.. Five rooms, two bedrooms. 

BEST GLEXD.ALE BIYS To own a country home, 6 acres best Ic 

A beautiful five-room j exceptionally rich soil, aqueduct also a 
liouse with two bed rooms, | water, house, garage, stable, fruit i Both c 
all- hardwood floors, nook, land berries. $5000, will sell oriAt hoi 
built-in features, real Bach- j trade. Call owner after 5 p. m.'ctrona 
elder tile- fireplace, wood- i Glen. 1332-W. j'—^ 

stone b'ath and sink, garage, ! " —j DOR 

$5500. 1250 cash. i OUT OP TOM’N PROPERTY ' p®®** ' 

Fine home of five rooms 1 '—-- balanci 

and two bedrooms, hardwood VILL.A SITES |bank 1 

floors, nook, fireplace, built- i B.kLBO.A BEACH ' 

in features, garage on fine UALISADES, $130 

lot in splendid locality. Very choice lots for summer | 

$5250, $1000, balance $50 cottage, within one to three!_ 

per month., including interest, . blocks of State Coast Boulevard. ^ 

may take $750 down it you iJust a tew blocks to ocean and' ^ 

Office Hours—6:30 a. m. to 9:30 
p. m., except Sunday. 

139 South Brand boulevard. 
Phone Glendale 132. _ 

“reaTestate for sale' 

_ i 


FOR SALE—House, 4 rooms, 
lot 40x140, pleasant level valley. 
1939 W. 4th St., Fairvlew Tract, 
on Burbank car line. 

FOR SALE—By owner, a bar¬ 
gain, beautiful corner residence, 
close in, five large rooms, built-in 
bookcase, large cabinet kitchen, I 
garage, chicken shed and fencing, j 
also lawn and shrubbery. Only; 
$6000 if bought at once. Terms. ‘ 

est homes in town $8000 clear,: ik.q.Wi)—Casli Sl'iOi) ' ^ tv »viu» r?<vxi\ i 

easy terms. Mark S. Collins, own-' 5-rnom bungalow and garage, | 

er, 238 West Honolulu Blvd., La I sleeping porch, Keystone sink and , -/2 ACltEh 

Crescenta. Glen. 2046-J-2. jha^h; every built-in feature, plas- 

tered and papered walls; corner j "‘Yv — ' 

GOBUY-DON'TGOBYTHIS |!,?‘J;"^Yd’'=chl':jl\' realtargAm «3000:'will sell for' 

Handsome 5-room stucco nnu senoouA real oargain, 

on Lexington Drive that worth Where can -VOV’ \TI' 1 

must be seen to be appreci- !icoURTESV AND RE.AI; HKLP| 
ated. Take my word for this _ >..»()() — t ash ■ (w-Arpix-j, iv ci i. vn\i i.- • 

being one of the best buys in i •' large rooms and 3-room' lUST PHONF-'\||.'_" ’ 

Glendale. It is modern in garage in tear; on conior, all ’.i r|./v .J wAlTivr 

every way, substantially con- oak floors, eveiy built-in feature,! i-irt a All/' It Tk A nrrrvn I 

structed along new and en- ^ up-to-the-minute, large froiit% and ' 1 *I\AWIa lla 1 nKlvEilA ' 

trancing lines and is a home : side porch, dandy lawn, well lo- 

of which you could be ■ cated, close in. .\ real sziap. I'lace i ItE.AL E.ST.ATE 

justly proud. See this be- I will pay for itself. AVEST Wl.NItSGIt UO.\I> 

Glendale. It is modern in 
every way, substantially con¬ 
structed along new and en¬ 
trancing lines and is a home 
of which you could be 
justly proud. See this be¬ 
fore you buy. Only $6500, 
$1500 handles. 

Kali Kirk 

with E. H. R. Graham, 
a 1120 E. Colorado 
Phone Glen. 134S-M 

all hardwood floors, built-in 
features, fireplace, nook, ga¬ 
rage, close to heart of town, 
$4750, $1_000 cash. 

Four-room Spanish stucco 
house, one bed room and dis¬ 
appearing bed, all hardwood 
floors, automatic water heat¬ 
er, floor furnace, sprinkling 
system, tile roof, woodstone 
hath and sink. A Veal Gem 
of a home at a sacrifice. 
Price for quick action $4600, 
$800 cash, balance $50 per 
month, including interest. 


213 No. Brand Glen. 2681 
Builder of Distinctive Homes' 

-i’ALisADEs, $i3‘o | FOR EXCHANGE : ‘por rent'"'‘T 

Very choice lots for summer hGK RENT — Furnished and 

cottage, within one to three! RK.AL ESTATE ! infurnlshed bouses and apart- 

blocks of State Coast Boulevard. - -i ments. 

Just a tew blocks to ocean and COI NTRV PROPERTY W. L. TRUITT 

bay. Fine fishing and bathing. TEH.ACH.API , Glendale T969-R 812 S. Brand 

Lots are selling fast at $130 to , Full-boaring apple and pear or-l PENT_ fuhnishr'h iiii 

S220: terms, $10 cash, $10 per, adjoining city on east', i ismeu ok 

month. See : plenp' water, 10 to 40 acres— IF IT'S WOIUTH RENTING WE 

I PECOS H. CALAHAN ! "'a“t 1 or more houses, flats or UAVF IT C\I I OR PHONF 
1366 W. Elk Ave. Ph. Gl. 287-R iproperty; deal with own-, SUBURB AN 'llEALTY ro ivF 

' 7.m. T-Or T.’,. ' ' TMvt, 'ni>',.a'V.'T. 2 S'''Vii«T’H,'S 

FOR RENT — Furnished and 
infurnlshed bouses and apart¬ 


Glendale 196S-R 812 S. Brand 

I 400x1 40, 

iiislied; Ramsey Apts., 119 No. 

jgr,apes, high and sightly. ?60u0. | i Apt 

.See Brigham, 2nd house on Com-l(jale. Wilshire 4997 L \ ,--i* _ 

, mon wealth, north of Micliigan -vrr;— vtw-.-t. --^--! J’t)K It EXT-—-3-ro< 


I Six rooms, close in, W. Wilson, ; 
hardwood floors, all built-in fea-' 
I tures, nice lawn front and rear,, 
young fruit trees. .A real home; i 


Ninth Unit 
Lots $550 to $800 

,$2.5 C.ASH AND $10 AND $15 

* FtiTrTvTTTiVYTFF"—tTirfTii-Y ' ItEX r~-3-room furnished 

-FOR I.XCHAXGE $1000 equity, apartmerit. Separate entrance, 

,|Iasadena lot for real estate of-iiarg,, „atio, flowers, etc $45 per 
tice and equipment. Box ,408 i mbuth. Cal! aftei noon.s.' 6 ] 5 No. 

I Cilenu ale Ne ws._ _ * 'llou^in] St., (Uen. 11411-M. 

FOR SAI.E or Exchange—For EOR ItENT—5-ioom house 

I Glendale property, ideal home site close in, $15 per month 
;iu Flintridge, east front 75x293, DUTTON, THE HOME EA’NDFR 
I on paved street, near school and Glendale and Colorado 

[Flintridge Country Club; owner,!— t.-mT—i/ttiGt c 
■Glen. 24H1-W, 631 No. Howard, RENT— 6 -room hunga- 

Fi-ri, c-vr-iT . o 'infurnlshed, garage, one 

! ^ - lots on block from Glondal-* Avenue 

|\\estern Ave.. near car line, with:iumk: pemionth. Inquire 

This beautiful property first | 2-room garage and toilet. Price i Mrs. M. I.. Tight, G12 hi. Hroad 
put on tne market about three; $2500. Will exchange eijuity of v/ay. (lien 3 057' 
weeks ago is now three-fourths $1500 for (Mtuity in 4-room hung. i>/M> .A.Vvf'rii —^ -- 

1 will pay tor itselt. V / young fruit trees. A real home: iis now three-fourths $li 00 for (Miuity in 4-room hung. 'wao -- 

, , S! 0 ,,-.(l(t—CASH .$,',(><»(» ilLLLI HONE (.LE.VDALE 2181-J price $CU 00 , $1800 cash; you sold and we predict that the re-! HA.MLl.V N HEI'BURN ' 

I 9-room 2-story home and ga- cii i,- umni, ' can’t bt»at this tor the money. I maining lots will be taken within j 293 W. Broadway. Ph. Glen. 996-.I ii'QU'P- 

I rage, all hardwood floors, 4 beau- . hA\E$IOO( HERE IS A SNAP i the next teu days. —-—- Ped with Direct Action gas ranges. 

' A 7, V ... - lartra pniiTAHi m frAnflull can- ** I j • _____ , jmu Snillh HronH 

j tiful bed rooms, living and din 

SAVE $1000 

Five large rooms in foothill sec- 

4 .buuu It nought at once. Terms.' if you jiuve trouble renting!district .v. East. ! , V. 'T 

Owner at 377 W, Milford St. a house because you have chil-l (Op:n Sunday) ! Looms. _ hi 

Glendale 2137-R. fdren, let me show you a new i«««'"D B.AliVEV or MR. SMITH ®lose to_ schools; 

FOR S.ALE-At barg^nT's"-h®;®® $2900. $300 cash pay-j J. £. BARNEY ! nook; a verv nic! 

room hoiiSA iNn <'n»’TAOf lr»f •9?xv ni 6 nt. i v A « ,, 

Five-rooms, modern, in two! The terms on the Ninth Unit are | REAL ESTATE WANTED 

ndred bloclc So. Columbus; ! lower than anything we have ever:____ 

ice $300(1, witli only $250 cash offered and it is the last piece we! W.AX'q'ED to tiny small chickc'u 
d balance easy. Tliis should will have at as low prices and as rancli from owner $3000 to 
)p you from'naying rent. close to transportation. $5000 ' Will pay '$‘>50() down 

IL.AI THT I, l,.\ CRESCENTA Temporary Homes Permitted. 'Address Box 41]’Glendale Eve- 
HOME Don’t pay rent. Como out to-!„ing News. 

Price $9000 Down $4500 | day and select a lot for a home. ' 

8 rooms, modern in every re-; Call Mr. Hepburn. Gl^, 1099-.T, ! WANTED 

FOR SALE—At bargain, 8 - ihome for $2900. $300 cash pay-1 I C i:>AI>lWi7Y 

room house on corner lot I25x i *** 1 y 

160, with beautiful trees and! STAFFORD , R/xol 

Ehrubs, located in beautiful Casa' '*^'^' Broadw ay JHen. 142 l\cdl luSISlC 

Verdugo foothills, corner Louisej FOR SALE—Five room modern 131 X’. Brand Blvd Glen ’’590 
and Mountain Sts. Leaving city house, garage, lawn, fruit, lot 65x i—iYlYo ,7 uvL.Y n-i-., Y 
and must sell at once. 160, fine close in location, owner L 

FOR SALE OR RENT—Houses I S»l"e east; price $6300. terms. ' Address Box’ rii nl 

furnished and unfurnished. pip- See owner, 339 W est Lomita St. dale X’ews j 

neer Real Estate, 400 S. Brand. ' FOR SALE or RENT—A 7-j 7 
KOOTHILL HALE ACRE H0ME!^°®“ house, 4 bedrooms, on car, FOR SALE— 

WITH I'OULTRy INCOME | lin®, West Broadway, Eagle Rock.' 

Close-in, siglitly place, increas- Ph. Glen, 21.54-J. _j WILL ACCEPT 

Ing in value. Owner moving north $500 CASH 

Will sell reasonably A modern xjew. neat bungalow, 3 rooms' AN5 REASONABI.E 

place with new and latest poultry ^nd hath, on car line Northwest 

orS"a‘nd g;:e7fLT"H;'^:‘^ 

203 w. Bro;dway. Ph. G.e^^96-J i EQUITY 



IR SMI’l’II ®*°®® ’® ^(chools; 1 bed room, 1 
■ dir,, lied, oak floors, breakfast 

I^Y nook; a very nice home. $4500— 

^ I $750 Cash. 

j-g ; New 6 Rooms in foothill sec- 

Don, 3 large bed rooms, liigh class 
Glen. 2590 constructidn and a beautiful home, 
_Cozy 9 biocks to Brand. $6700— 

oi th iMaiy- $.', * 

300 Glen- Xew .j-Room Colonial, $47a0— 
$7.50 C:tsli. Tills is the best 
liouse for the money ia Glendale; 
.close in. 

! Salem lot—$900—$24.5 Cash, 
rj, ! Wilson lot—$1350—$350 Cash. 

i Elk lot—$1500—$750 Cash. 


Glen SIC 217 N. Brand 

' ' ' ped with Direct Action gas ranges. 

. lyypp. ; 209 South Brand. 

__i FOR itKX’T—Houses anil apart- 

,, , ments funiished or nnruinlshed. 

all chickcm howKS 

1122 E. Elk _ Glen. 220 7-J 

idale eVg- ilEN'T—Castle apartment, 

completely fumislied, also fur- 
iiislied bungalow. 225 No. Brand. 

FOR RENT--Furnished or uti- 

spect, basoineiit, furnace and solar or Mr. Hamlin. Glen. 1051-R If you want to sell or rent your furnished, ‘ preferrahly unfur 


Parks-Ma!one Realty 


217 N. Brand ^ 

3 31 S. Brand Blvd. 

Glen, in'! 

*3''' up. ]6113-W. L. .4., or Box A-399, care ^-‘'urel 

Court sites, in, $2000 up. icf News. FDR 

Rooming liouse, A-1, $3 ;j 00 f WAN’rioirvi'^OMM'; (apartment, one room apartment 

rr; 7 a“ot!'''e^^ ^ «nfu.iiis 7 d houses. '-'h room, aduRs. terms 

7l! located! $ r0()0 up ^ ; Close-in if possible. reasoimhle.Jll:, Xo. Glendale Avo. 

MAMII THM RC&I TY pn . 7 unfurnished. Xew 1 -OR RK.NT — Garage, 

I nHIVHLIUltl Hk-HLI I LU. business people in Glendale. Call paytly fumislied, suitable for 

1102 E. Broadway Glen. 2108 ^22. [working man or woman. 416 N, 

-, .Vluryland. 

r'''OR S.\LE—Residence lot eOx, WANTED TO RENT ' for RE.VT- -FUc oxtra large 
1 ,u. facing north on 4\ est Wtlson,! --- --- 

7 nu7v Ai idv W4 WesJ SVANTE!) TO RENT—A small liimislied, garage. 2 blocks City 
Rread! |,7.'®*'i houso Of apartmoiit, furnished; Hall; adults only. 707 Orange 

IJroadw.iy oi 1 li. Glen. 1431-5V. | two adults; reasonable rent. Ad-. Grove. 

XII ST itF I dress E. H. H., care Evenin.g News. . 

_ ' ■;' ;-—-;- _I POIt REXT— .-Xpartments close 

! T..nt :>0-\l(>o on Griswold ftt.,i WAXTEit—Space for real es- in. everythin.g new and strictly 
near Colorado, at $120i), and an ; fate office, ground floor, store modern. Apply 126 K Elk St 
, extr.a large lot on Verdugo Roud j room, central location. Box 4(17, 

I for $180(1; terms on either. I Glendale News. I'OR REXl-P .ye-room housa 

I I Ti'i'iTT on East I’aliiier, $15. 

E()R Rl'LNT — Large 2-rooin 

(apartment, one room apartment 

lets. Sell with or without stock, i 
0,H1 610 .Sixth St. (Glenwood Rd.) i 


FOR s \ I F Three large rooms, bath, hard- 

Vrti^ic 7 io 1 income floors throughout, built-ins,, 

arranged that ' '"rg® porch with sta, tub and heat-' 

rmte(7 VarL" n^Hn g^rig®' >®t 3 7 % xl 30.located 

rf?nL©(j, Ptitio, flowGi*s, ^nn Ti^ !■' » 

NO. Howard St.. G,e„. 114U-M. j n7inc.‘int. 



7 large rooms in one of the 209 W. Broadway Glen. 2147-R. 

pretty streets of Glendale. Units- fhp sTTf—' 

„ m... An ne 

ENDICOTT & LARSON rXtifprlcI l^ed- $^o"oo’’wr! 


! IMV EQUITY i 4 rooms and sleeping porch, lot 

i5Ux13S, on paved street, garage. 
I FIFTEEN' TIlOrSAX’D DOLLARS' $700 cash. $35 per month. 


H.\MI,I'.V a HU'ltlTt.N 

;2((3 W. Broadway. I'li. Glen. 996-J 

116 S. Ikrand 

Glen. 822 

80 feet, priced $8.50 up. 


812 So. Brand Blvd. Glen. 1968-R 


Excellent apartment house site, - 

Business Block 

Near Brand and Broadway 
100 EtKit Frontage 

tlSO.located .Ml features ' ! 

Lve., Eagle Soutliern gum fini.sli I n,, . , I' GGAU’HED I 

mortgage Spriiikhw svstein lawn ^ i’® ‘’"'‘I'’® Rumse house is lo- 

$7.5(1 cash, p:aat front.’ lot 6.5x14(1 Ibeautiful Verdugo, 

1 C. int. IPsa hmidrec! per month I iiUs. close to car A clean, com-! 

TEU I will ii iiidle 6 ', loi table, turnished house and ga-• 

Will rent $125 per month. ®''Uipment. Lot 

®n. 2147-R. Also liafc lot Eagle Rock. ' ' ® W,* i 

e houso on, I’l'®ne Glendale KITG-R. !,,, ^ 

n Glendale; — — • __ | 


lok. Avm If that interests you, let me I Four-room hun.galow which 
Lot alone show you a dnndv income propert.v : $210(1 to hnilil. located on a 

$1000 Yvill where values are lioiind lo in’-U2O00 io_t. cIos<> in; price <om- 
e buy and j crease, close in, some terms. ' P'®’®’ $1200 cash. $35 per 

rv. if vou, Mc.Millan, 122 W. Broadway. month. j 

10 days on: for q\fF oi; timhf y J’'iv®-rnoni and nook bungalow, 

e owner at' J -,. ^ 7 15x1 S garage, lot 176 ft. deep, 

owner at j-pa,. , \\ ,i, ,.„„sider a goouiB,,^ ,,g 

-:®ar . Inq uire IIP. Kim .St. ! ished in colors to suit you. $5250.' 

I •> ROG'I—!i!:{'J7.A .$100(1 cash, lialance like rent. i 

UCIV I AVith $7.50 down you can buy' U. F. OR <i. S. HOW El.1. i 

roadway this new Iningalow, located noarD:29 E. Broadway Glen. 2718; 

tune 'Hie cars on east front lot. Balance . 

Excellent apartment house site' ' >®as®d, good income; price' *‘‘0 per month. Nothing “phony” 

lot 57x135, only 175 feet off ^<*'•000 it sold within next two:®'i®i't 'i‘is- I>'s h real bungalow 

Brand Blvd.. on Lomita Ave with "’eel's' ?20,000 cash will handle.! i"'® a 'Inn''/ Hie price, see 

six room house in good condition, ^**X^V* L„- ‘ 

iiardwood floors, fireplace, etc- Exclusive Agent .2^:> E._B_roadway. Glen. ■ 

iiardwood floors, fireplace, etc.;’ Exclusive Agent |20i> E. Broadway. J 

will easily rent for $50 per month’. HO East B roadway. Glendale I FOR SALE—5 rooms, all ha 
I defy anyone to beat this bar- 8««00 ! wood floors, a strictly modi 

gain In Glendale. Price $6300, Only $1800 down, living room,'‘*°“® t®r only $5250, $1500 ca 
$3000 cash. bal. $50 ner month, dining room. Tiffany finish, beau-! HOWES 

ED HEX’NES i tiful huilt-in features, French ' Glen.^2207 

“Where Prices Are Right” doors in dining room leading out WHY DA'ERI.OGU The SN.\I 
719 So. Brand Glen. 114-R to a real patio, 2 airy bed rooms' 5 large rooms and nook, t! 

FOR SALE—Seven-room house fi"'* '®udiug off of hall, 2 I floors throughout. .Near scho 

and garage, $6000; would con- I."*'" cl®sets, kitchen with abun-land car. Oak finish. Gara 
sider five-room house 'in ex- cupboard space. large’Only $5250, $1000 cash. 

change. screened back porch, 2 | F|\|n|C0TT & LARSON 

Five-room house and garage, 'a^nilry trays, instantaneous heat-' f', ' 

$3700; 3 blocks to Brand; lot 7’ lawn, back and j ft® ^ Hrand Glen. 822 

alone worth $2000. Phone ori large rose garden, flowers, i nup CTYPI nQI\/C:C ADC 

call .at once it interested, tor you! >>®uutiful view j UUK EXCLUSIVES ARE 

know bargains like this don’t lastly! ® *i®st' ALWAYS BARRAINta 

long in Glendale. G F rpsidtmtial section, large lot. lib- HUVVHIib DHiAUHIIYi) 

? ’phony ” ' LE.AIi HOAIE AND Olt.ANGE j 

bungalow i , ('ItOX E 

3 1 I-arge heatiliful lot n0x30fi ft.. 

I’ <■(). : covered with fruit and 34 bearing, 

Glen." 4 24 ! ®'''''Ult® trees on one of Glendale's; 

2 ; tlirough-paveii streets; large 6 -' 

' room reinforced .stucco house and 


Will you ho offered 
such bargains as tliese 

.\ well-huilt, 8 - 
ronm modern liome, located 
on .\’. Isabel, close to schools, 
stores and car. Has 4 lied 
rooms and sleeping porcli, 
roomy kitclien witli all built- 
in features, large (lining din¬ 
ing room wii)i built-in liiiftet. 
((‘liar, cement porch across 
front of liouse, extra large 
garag", cliicken jiark, lot 
MI-1,5(1. Price $6-'i()U, $2n00 
cash. hal. easy. 

.msoit —cash .'<i(io<» 

Mako? you your own laiid- 
^lord. An idtal 4-ioom mod¬ 
ern hoiiK* on W. IMoneor Dr. 
Two Tiiru. airy bed rooms, 
handy kitchen with all huilt- 
ins, hardward floors thruont, 
screened poreh with station¬ 
ary tubs, Iniilt-in bath, lot 
■.(1x121. garage. I’riced for 
immediate sale. Easy terms. 
See Mr. ftobi.son witli 
116 W. Wilson. Glen. 172-W 



!i() 2 E. Broadway Glen. 2108 ' 

r'''OR ,S.\LE—Residence lot eOx, 
]7i(. facing north on West Wilson, I 
owner will sell this lot worth 


I 812 So. Brand Blvd. Glen. 1968-R 

i FOR SALE— 5 'iooms ■•Tfr 'dl' ““ko «- OWNER MUST SELL 
iwood fl7r.7 a’’ sHieDy‘*mo(l'e'i'n ®-''°®'® stucco. Individual 

I home for onlv $5250, .$1500 cash '9®s'K«' 9® H. lot, double garage. 

.1. E. HOWES " Hcors. 3 rooms finished and | vicinity of new High school. 


I have tlie best small sub¬ 
division in Glendale today, 
to-wit: 10 lots on Lomita, 

with frontages on Adams and 
Sycamore Canyon Road, cov¬ 
ered with orange and assort¬ 
ed fruit trees and bordered 
with shade trees. Surveyed, 
slaked and map aceepted by 
the city. Only $10,,500—- 
$5,500 cash and 3-year 1st 
mortgage of 77r, carrying a 
release clause. Now, investi¬ 
gate Hiis and don’t let it get 
away. Courtesy to agents. 

Kail Kirk 

With E. II. R. Graham, 
1120 E. Colorado 

Phone Glendale 1348-M 



F rno nrux Dutton the HO.AiE EY.NDER 

rUn ncN I Uolorado and Glendale 

t HOUSES AND APARTMENTS” . UEN'T—Furnished 4-room 

-----^ apartment. 724 East Broadway. 

I FOR RENT—ModeriK nicely- Gleu. 73-.I. 
fumislied Colonial bungalow, close FOR RENT—October 3, fur^ 
(in. Best in Glendale for the nislied house. 5 rooms, sleeiiing 
I money. Inquire 301 S. Central Av. porch, laundry porch, garage, 
FOR RENT—Beautiful 7-room 'in'"® fniut porch. lawn, $65. 
modern house, 3 bedrooms and ^-I'ults preferred, no agents. 224 
I liasement, tile bath and sink; au- ‘’;'®' l’®lniont St. Inquire in rear, 
, tomatic water heater. On car Gleu. 1i)13-.T. 
line and in excellent condition. P'di; Itl-XNT—Four-room house, 
Owner.^len. 94-L ^ furnished or unfurnislied. garage! 

FOR RE.NT —’ Uunfurnished' >a'vii, flowers. 632 Alexander, 
beautiful 5-room, two-slory stuc- Hien. 2094-,r. 

lOo, sleeping rooms upstairs. To FDR RE.N'T—Five-room biinga- 
1 adults. 517_N. Central Ave. low, very desirable, 1 block from 
! FOR ItENT—Five-room house, uu® Broadway. Call at 

I unfurnished. 429 Fernando Court. ”®®i® a®‘>>'ess; $50 per month. 

11 n N. Orange. 

I FOR RENT—Unfurnished bun- ——r,T,v™-- 

! gaiow at 724 Nortli Brand; all RENT - 

i built-in features, hardwood foors, , ®®''®' ■* rooms and attlo 

[perfect lieating system, instantau-! ® ®®Ti®H room, modern, close in; 
leoiis hot water. Phone Gen. '®'!y reasonable. 

1 654-T? Inirnislied Hiree-room house. 

call at once it interested, for you „V 'lew 

know bargains like this don't last located in best 

long in Glendale. C. E. Williams 

471 AV. Windsor Road, Glen. p(“' T-T*; vi-^’^ Broadway, 

2184-J. Y 

FOR SM.E—$150 down buvs ‘"AN’T BEAT IT 

garage house, 100 ft. front, water, Elve-room bungalow and sleep- 

elec., flowers, dandy soil. 2 blocks porch, lawn, sBade, close to 


$3900—6-room modern bunga¬ 
low, close in. on Doran 
St.. 3 bed rooms. Paneled 
walls, beamed ceilings.,., uailU.V son, Z DIOCKS o..auc, (lose HI , oniinrla 

car, 1400 ft. altitude, Montrose, ^r®®® and Broadway; must sell ,i,)ms iiorthw 

where asthma unknown. $1500, once; price $5600, must have' 

$150 down, $20 per month. 

120 N, Brand Glen. 2269-M 

A STARTER^^^tm^ 

Two new modern houses on j 
alley, close in, large lot with room 
lor duplex or another liouse; best 
value in Glendale if you are look¬ 
ing for income property 


216 N. Jackson or 102 E. Bdwy. 

Glen. 649-.T. Glen, 2108 
Seven-room beautiful home on 
M.4RYI..AN’I>, Hardwood floors. 4 
'bed rooms, fruit galore; price 
$7500, terms. Owner says sell. 


half cash. 


112 E. Broadway _Glen. 924 


A dandy new four-room 
bungalow, built-in features, 
wall bed, bath, nice light fix¬ 
tures, garage, large lot for 
chickens and garden, one 
block from car line; must sell 
at once, $3000, terms. Box 
A-410, Glendale Evening 

’ I mahogany, beautiful fireplace, tile, and let me show it. No obliga- 100x150, between Brand andilG54-U. Inirnislied three-room house. 

SNAPS?, hath and shower, large airy bed , tioiis to huv. I Central, transitive business prop- — 7rr;:Z ,—-room, all home privileges. 

F Oak' rooms, hall ways, closets and linen I ! ertv should engage vour serious RENT—One-half untur- garage. 

schools, closet, large front porch, boauti-' 0.\KRII)(;E KitOTHlM. HO.MF. attrition. With our ranidlv e.x-''"Ouir® MARY E. LINDSAY 

Garage. , ful lawn and shrubliery, automatic . Artistic 7-rooni liome « in de- panding ’business area these lots' ^''ECIALIST 

sprinkler. A real home and in- liRlitful residence section, 3-1 acre ^vill double in value in the ®'^' 49t-J. _| Cor. Adams-Palmer. Glen. 311-W 

SON ,co®iP on fruit alone. $14,000.,®''®*®® fruit shruhs, rose garden, y^.^. price $15,000 for each 50: RENT-Four-room uufiir- KOlt RENT—Furnished 5 rooms 

$5(1(10 cash. Would take good ®'®“ f Wocks from and one-halt cash. Let us show nis'i®ii aputment on So. Brand, and garage. $60 or on year’s 

• [Clear lot. I school; exclusive, quiet and rest- yo,, this and other Colorado St. ’*33 per month, including water lease, $55. 

*Dp (Opon Sunday) ) I liono owiifir,, (tlen. i)29-I\r. and electricity. Courtesy to j, K. HOAVKS 

.SKK MU HAUXKY or MIC <'()K\KK, H.VIUiAlX | BURTON REALTY CO. Glen. 3S1-J, Hal Uavcn-'n22 K. Kik. ‘ Glen 2207-J. 

NS \1 rooms on pood corner, ,200% W. Broadway Glen. 92 5 P-^-*____! v/a,. pwt ^rh^aa ^ v 

I 1 .J 1 N. Brand Blvd. Glen. -aJO dope in. I.arpe earate with two' . FOR RKXT—Four-room unfur- * i i ^ * Three room fur- 

DorTn /PrCAI Uinn/IP PI APC ^ sleeping rooms adjoining, lots of ' , ^ upp^r appartment, close 1 94 

Paneled’ A REAL HOME PLACE ' built-in features, cellar. Got worth 220 Ilawthorue St.. Monte ' . ’ ^ ^ ul, Glen. ..OOl-R . 

■eilings.i Extra large lot with 7 spacious ! $2,500; an unusual offering, Maple— XlgL^.J^Pts, _. EUHNIHHED BOOMS 

)ot lot. i®®®®l^ ''^"I's'i®'' i® s®uf'ie'ii Rupi I ®®®''' reduc-i,^ wilaon—50x140 $1550 ' RENT — Modern house .. -... 

nds. “"9 built-in , lieu __ IGriswolri St Tpnna .i’r,n ''' 'Hi garage. $20 per mouth. 4:!37 ^DR RENT — One upstairs 

•thwest. dV T"®® Double garage. I R. N. STRYKER ' Randolph St’— 60 ft ■front '‘$1900 ''i* f'®®® •'"’e.. south off Uaik • ®®®'®. 'veil furnished, suitable for 

_ Onlv fine hlnck from car If vnii I ...i. uv ii. ii uiiv.. f i s vn , two _ i:.._ 


, h'OR RENT—Four-room unfur- 

FOR KENT—Three room fur¬ 
nished apartment and garage. 

built-in features, cellar. Lot worth "" '.^enu-ai., 4 ,ioui 

$2500; an unusual offering,! ®®®i’ Maple— 

.$5.500 —$1500 cash. Big reduc -1 '’®® 

lion for rasl, 'V. Wilson—50x140.$1.5,5C 

oak floors. 50 foot lot. i ®®®®l^ ''"'“'s'l®'' i® s®uf'iei® Rupi | ®®»''' *’®‘*“®''w Wilson—50x140 $155o' RENT — Modern 

As good as it sounds. 6 ®ilt-in Amu ®*‘'^1 Griswold St Terms.*1150 s^®vage. $20 per mouth. 

New r.-rooms, northwest, on,’^ j-roM^car*" R. N. STRYKER 'Randolph St.’—60 ft.'f'rout!;$1900;'-i* f'®''® south off 

fomplete i® every P®®’ “hfs 217 N. Brand W. Stocker-60xl50.$1200U^*^®' 

Undoes"" ^ ‘^"^Nnot.UtoVook'urtheriU^^^^^^^ SACRIFICE [ Broa.hvay-E. of Kenilworth- FOR RENT-Boautifully 

imiiiiicb^ I i $2600. ntshed tour-room bungalow 

*47.50—.New r.-rooms, northwest. Imiea siuk. imuoie gt 
Complete in every par- [ Hnly one block from car. 1 
tioular. $ 100 () cash s®® P*®®® >’ 0 ® ' 

handles. ®®*- "'ant to look further. $11 

$5500—New 7-roonis, 3 bed Terms. 

rooms and large break- ENDICOTT & LARSC 

fast r^ni. Double ga-j g Brand Glen, t 

rage. On 1-4 acre lot. I-- - - 

close in, nortliwest. I FOR SALE OR fiXCHANi 

*72.50—7 rooms, close in on Wil- O®® ®f t^® i®®?® modern hoin 
son Str., 3 bed rooms, sun I‘"®'*‘'®'®- I"" tr®®tage, sp 
room, breakfast room. A' ""S system. S-room house 
wonderful Iiome and a '’a«''vood floors, 2 nice hedroo^is, 
real value ' I ’ disappearing beds, double ga¬ 
ll,5,0 00—.Northwest, close iii.r®*^®'., '’®'®® $15,000 with terms, 

casiilwould see tliis place you would! * ^rami 

not want to look further. $31,r»00.i SACRIFICE 1 

, J. . .pcnw Five-room bungalow, 3 rooms! 

eak- tNUIUUI I Of LAnoUN plastered house on rear, rents $30: 
fl®"! 116 S. Brand Glen 822 month; 1 block from Brand car; I 

*°E - — i'll fines for *52.50. terms. S(t<-i 

Vista Apt s. _ El'HNIHHED BOOMS 

FOR RENT — Modern house ' ',1'' ' - - - - --- ^ 

witli garage. $20 per month. 4:137 FOIt RENT — One upstairs 
La Ciede .\ve., south off Uaik- room, well furnished, suitable for 
Ave. [two gentlenieii; close to car line. 

137 Burchett, Pli. Glen. 1903-R. 
FDR KENT—Sleeping room 

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— for'*this'^and othef'^bargaint! 
One of the most modern homes in I>llTr l ipg w'Mi 

Glendale, 100 ft. frontage, sprink- p, qta vtcnijn 


year’s lease onlv, reliable adults. ®"*' garage. Reasonable. ■ Apply 
iGlen. 2.562-M. ’ .after 6 o’clock. 211 South Ken- 

FOR RENT—Nifty up-to-date 
new 4-room house, huilt-in effects. 

FOR RENT—Front bed room 

1 42 S. Brand 


112 % s. Brand 

GtMHI BUYS ; 40x167 Linden St.$ 650 

Brand new strictly modern five-! '''■ Horan. .. 1275 


5 large rooms, strictly modern. Fvci„=rvc ,Wo.,ta 

lioTiiP lar^oh'’ exchange for good alfalfa »’oom in good location, $5250, ^Vilson.. 1.3:.0 

loouiiii home. ranch $1000 cash. 160x140 w. Salem.... IGOO 

grounds iully developed. I p, HOWES Strictly modern 5-room in fin-I Salem... 2000 

Jn»estigate this one. i -iioq ■t* -liiu oomr t 0.«5t inputimi m-i inrcro /xr\T*T>£ji« 1 /x* '93x200 Hichlaiid_ 22 oo 

Glen. 10651 P^hrage. lawn cared for. water‘^hd hath connected, near 2 car 
■ i.x’o i P®i(l. Reasonable. 1007 Virginia iigbt and airy. 205 Day- 

i.lI.NS , ; ton (^ourt. 

I _ _———- ... - 

650 $ 10(1 RENT—New five-room FOR RENT—Modern furnished 

275 300 '” 1 ®^®'®"'- funiished, sleeping room, one or two gentleinen pre- 

350 850 P®®®'*’ Ijrcaktast nook, garage, all: fe rred. 4 2:i E. Windsor Road. 

600 800 ' ®®®v® »i®»®®s-241 West l.exiiigton . FOR RENT—1 or 2 very de- 

000 1200! FOR RENT—Fumislied cot-' sirable furnished rooms witli bath. 

200 Terms Lage, inquire at 351 w. Haw- garage if desired. 237 N. Jack- 

.(zuuia, sLriciiy moaern. Exclusive Agents 

1-29 N. Brand Blvd f 

—''' “eryrhotanTcold'wa^^^^ FOR SALE-Five-room well- ;T80y'’witif *?00^inwn‘“ba,’t"(: 66x Open Sunday | .FOR HENT-Completely Otr--™-®. -- 

$250 CASH laundry equipment in garage' 2 built house, hardwood floors, all "ith $1000 down balance 160, a r(-al snap at $1650. See Mr. Barney or Mr. Smith nisbetl 4-room bungalow. Every- I-OR RENT—Comfortable room 

2-room temporary house and blocks from school, stores and modern conveniences, near school o,A,, , I'.AUR & STUMPF -I. E. HARNEY, KE.AL ESTATE I'bing new, attractive. 641% N.! next to bath, mmmer rates. 416 

lot with $160 worth of furniture, transportation. Price $5650, easy ®®<l transportation. one block ' ’ ” ‘ ‘’-l^ -vie- _Glen . 77-W io2 S. Brand. Glen. 7C1-J. i N- Brand Blvd. . Glen» 2590 j Oi'®®g e-_ } Pmneer Drive. Glen. 799-R. 

In beautiful Northwest section, terms. Call owner. Gle n. 2465-w’. fr®®! ®ew park and swimming FOR SALE—Completely fur- —-—---^ FOR SALE—A~finelo^t750xl50’, FOR RENT—Furnished apart-' FOR RENT—Fumislied roomi 

two blocks from car line. Price U)OK 4T THIS pool, backyard fixed up with nished Spanish type stucco, locat- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 blocks from north end Brand m®®*®- 2 rooms and bath, new and! VV. Lomita near Brand. Glendale 

$10u0 easy terms. New 6-room modam h..nv,V,;w ^®®'’®' "■®"^i’' I'®®golas. vines, ed i® highest part of Casa Ver-- : Blvd. Special price for imme- i'iP-to-'lat®-Bfilvedere Apts., 235% :233-J. 

Glen. 2 

- » r-.. ■ ..IIWL aiiu CUJU Wiltur ailU • '/i*. - iivc-rooni Well-I^roAi^ ^iaaa 1 _ i. * -•.v...a.x,.xn uidh n.:i, 1 

$250 CASH laundry equipment in garage; 2 built liouse. hardwood floors, all: f,?’^ ^ 160, a r(-al snap at $1650. 

2-room temporary house and blocks from school, stores and modern conveniences, near school! 7®,«®®®‘® H ^ I PARR & STUMPF 

lot with $160 worth of furniture, transportation. Price $5650. easy a®<l transportation. one block -—iUi?!?:_Gl en. 77-M 102 S. Brand. Glen, 

Kenneth Road district lot, 66x 

$1 050, easy terms. 

203 V/. Broadway. Ph. Glen. 996 

New 6-room modern bungalow "■®"'‘’' I’®®^®'®^. vines. ®(i i® rignest part ot t:asa Ver- 

built-in features firenlace 3 bed’ '®"’® “"''i Hne playground for cliil- dugo, surpassing view of moun- 
96-J rooms, large kitchen large =eree„ ''®®®' P"'i®gs. slides, etc., $6950, t®'®® and ocean, contains eight 

FOR SALE—Six rooms foothill P®rch with 2 set tubs fine batb-i^?-^ Commission to agepts. ro®ms "'th laundry and furnace 

section, lot 50x200, well built and room. 2 toilets, garage lawn and I 7"' Patterson ave. Will trade for ®o®ms in basement, doubles 
attractive. Owner going out of flowers, lot 50x145 street workL’""^ Beach property. "'ith chauffeur’s or maid’s room, 

.X._ - *.. . - r __ * i„ _ . X . , - • cN/u x/iiv - __ _ . _ _ fiownirtnirc iiitorirtp fiTiiol-i a/I in 

town, SO offers for only |5500, and paid for; price $5500, KOIl SALE—Wonderful oppor- f 4 rt.„_ * i*, i-.-\cimugt ;—•**75 1 , ■* - oiun. n-j. i k** u * •*: 1 • 1 r* 

some terms. terms; % cash. bal. $50 per tunity, $.500 down, bal. -same as nf!’’» a ^ ’ oil on canvas acre apple ranch. 11 yr. trees, va-; ®^®‘l;. ^ ,—FOR-tT ENT ' — Unfurnished ' n-®f®®f Gentlemen 

Corner on Central, 6 -room month. rent, new f.-room bungalow, fur- ** ■®i®'y of other fruits, heavy crops; , BURTON REALTY CO. modern 4 -room bungalow close ' Hr'v ’ Lexington 

house and grounds, 100x100. cov- New 5-roora modern bungalow, nisbed. 708 E. Palmer. Glendale. Ho'irs, upstairs finished iii 4-room modern house, garage,] ?b0% W. Broadway Glen. 925 j„ inquire l^l So Louise ' — ~ _ 

ered with fruit; a snap at $6600, 2 bed rooms, oak floors, built-in Fb. 59.5071 Los Angeles. nioportion, furniture new and of fine locality for turkey or chicken A DCAt DIIV - ” ’ ’ FOR RENT—Comfortable room 

favorable terms. features, garage, lot 50x140 FOR SAI F—hv- oT—7-c®™Pl®tely land- ranch; exceptional climate, close: ” ntAL BUT FOR RENT—Furnished 3-room : adjoining bath, suitable for one 

hovo 'Kot*c/<ninD ^zxll St T*POt » a n a i\ « . TO 0111 SCtiPOCl DJ 3. ITldStor iRlldSC^PG fn town nnH •Jrrn/x 'n,»rtr»a Tv-i *. j ^ i SPUrtillGIlt fU Elldv Kldp®.. 1? OntTI Ol’ I WO /Ana TaI/n/’^It f »»/Ani 

FOlt S.ALE—Wonderful oppor- ;'.®"’®®7‘®a bU®®'®® .finished in 
nitv «. 5 (in ,in,x„ I.oi figured gum, with oil on canvas 



Blvd. Special price for imme- ' "P’in-date. Belvedere Apts., 235% :233-J. 

fin!,"fve'’ Mary-7®®®'',__' FOR RENT-Large sunny bed 

mna A\e. _ i IfENT—ITnfurnw^lied new,‘room, also slooping porcii, close 

WEST COLORADO NEAR ' rooms, half of doul.le bungalow j in. 24t: Xo. Orange St. 

SAN FERNANDO ROAD 13^'"^ MaenoHa° sT! ®® 2 ve^y de- 

100x125, price $5000, $3000 o^r,A_j •* S '! sirable furnixShed rooms with bath. 

tiished in For SALE or Exchange_4^i 100x125, price $5000, $3000 qIgti ^ 2154 -j 

'‘.®®® apple ranch, 11 yr. trees, va-: ®^®‘l;. ___ “FOR- Te 

ered with fruit; a snap at $6600, 2 bed rooms, oak floors, built-in ^ -59.5071 Los Angeles, 
favorable terms. features, garage, lot 50x140, pOR SAI E—hv nvv„e7 

aVlnv vea.- nm"''" n’’1^77-"’ '"'77 7^7"^ master landscape to town and schools. Price’$5500 Frominent corner Glendale Ave i apartment in Rudy Bldg.. Room ] or two people! one 
f.‘;l“s - h^7dwrd’ or^s'!'";:," beaS anrefegLTL;^^^^^ 7*’ '®® no„-r"es[de“rleu’' ^ Rudy Bldg., or Gien. lOI-J. Jci^^ Glen. 944-W. ! 

120 feet. If you are looking fe^cd hq non PnR ri«n P®®P®®ty ®r $5000 all | this week for $6250; terms; will! 'FOR RENT-New, unrurnished 'ill;___ 

We have other bargains, so call street work in; price $4300. bungalow vear old’ all’built in arpiittLt f master tanascape to town and schools. Price $5: 
us up and hear about them. terms; $1200 cash, bal. $50 per tea fires hrfdwood nL7 w architect For a quick sale this $3000 mtge., 1-^1. exchange 

W. WALLACE PLUMB CO. „ io.,2.*r,.!'"‘lr;ou iin'okK 'c.ii” 'oi.t S.™'”'" 

SI> N. or... *W. ai». J2Q.a «. E. Ol... »s v m“S. ‘.TOi; 2.sf S/- «■ 

( block from 
810 So. Ceu- 

quickly double In value. . (flats, large rooms, every built-in FOR RE.NT—Very desirable 
SELL CO. I JESSIE A. RUSSELL CO. feature. Very close-in. Rent I room, breakfast and dinner if de- 
OUn. 1141>'W 20S a. Brand Blvd, aien. $S5.00. 12J. East Lomita. ' cired. 512 £. RaUlth. 





^-1 -:;---- ' FOR SALE—Young registered 

TO LET—Tjflrge, well furiiislied *-*-1 Maple. Glen. 654-J. 

room near bath, i blocks from 


AlALK ~ 






Brand Blvd,; business people pre- POULTRY, BIRDS & PETS GENERAL HOUSECLEANING 
.0 K. Lomita. (,len. 12S9. —..— - FLOORS WAXED, POLISHE 

run RENT—One small be(L FOR SALl 
room, one large, nicely I'uiW.sbed I qucckloss ducks, 
bed room, suitable for 2 ladles or buudred. W. 1 

S A T, E • 

c each; S30 

Glendale 1159-.1 and 368-Vy 


W. M. Bronson, 120 er. 86 day. 

couple employed: 1 short block to, V’. Montrose, Ca Crescenta, end 
Brand. tl02 N. Orange. i ear line. 

FOR RENT—Furnished room, i FOR SALE—Pedigreed Boston 
hath. Screen porch, private en-,bnll puppies, 7 weeks. Call after 
trance. 306 N. Jackson, Glen, i •’ P- m. or Synday morning. 1114 
202-J. i North Adams Place. 

experienced build- 
Hapid and neat. 

Carpenter, 403 Inncoln Ave, 


bull puppies 7 weeks. Call after_ FFM VIE ' " ' florar design.s 

V morning. 1144 --. -and ail floral decorations, see Ver- 

. orth Adams Place. WANtLd—S ewing of all'kinds ‘^" 8 ° Woodlands Gardens, Junc- 

FOlt SALE—Rabbits, 4 does, done. Fifst-class and reasonable. Canada Blvd. and Verdugo 

one buck, $5; also one Rhode Mrs. T..eiser, 1 365 E. Acacia St. Flowers fresh from the 

Cemetery Mausoleum Crematory 
"Among the Hills" 
Junction Glendale Ave. and San 
Fernando Road 


"Glendale’s Only Cemetery” 
Grand View Avenue at Sixth St. 
Phone Glendale 2697 

Classified Business - Professional Directory 

FOR RENT—Furnished front; FOlt SALE- 
room with kitchen privileges if de- cue buck, $5; 
sired. 1122 So. Central, Glen, i I‘*'and Red Ro 
2233-J. lets. Glen. 71 


FEMALE flowers, floral design.s 

—---- and all floral decorations, see Ver- 

WANTEIl-—Sewing of all'kinds Woodlands Gardens, June- 

one buck, $5; also one Rhode Mrs. T..eiser, 1 365 E. 
Island Red Rooster and 12 pul- near Verdueo Road, 
lets. Glen. 710. —I,-'* W.-TT -T.— rJlT 

FOR RENT—Furnished room, 

very reasonable, to quiet woman,, Airedale dog, 9 months old 

with kitchen privileges. 222 N. 
Belmont St. 

FOR RE.N'T—Clean, sunny room 
in new honu*. best residenco dis¬ 
trict, $4 per week, ladv proferrod.' 
457 West Patterson Ave., Glen ‘ 
919-M. _ ■' 

_stoi;es,^)ffices. etc. 

FOR REX'r—Oilice si>ace in; 
Rnd.v Bhig., Room 4, Rudy Bldg..j 
nr Glen. HU-.I. 

FOR RE.N'T—Desk room, 300 I 
K. Brand, cor. Colorado. 

■- - WA.N'TKD—Experienced Chris- 

SALE — Thoroughbred tian woman wiih good references 
log, 9 months old. 420 de.sires liousekceping, cooking, 
^ care of children by day or hour. 

B/ioTrtn WI-IIICM 1-0 Inquire 1115 N. Central, Mrs. 


“^ WANTED—By competent steno- 

Road. Flowers fresh from the 
■’ i fields daily. 


.g: dealers 

I This is to notify you that my 
place at 400 So. Adams has been 
i sold. Geo. Bentley. 

" hou'ie at 723 No. Isabel and the 


Builder of Pine Homes 
Repair work a specialty 
3 72 W. I.exington Drive 
Glendale 2C49-M. 

STONEWORK & building esti¬ 
mates; fireplaces, walls, foun¬ 
tains. J. R. BUTLER. Gl. 61-Rll. 


Houses, bungalows and apart¬ 


fessional Directory I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To 

(the iiiiallfieil electors of Glendale i 
' I'nir... School District of I.oe 

. PITnviTirRT? i 'ngeles County that. In acconhitn , 

rCKNlllnFi I with the provi.sions of the ladilliali 

——JVC--'’otie of tlie Stale of California, no 

WANTED — Wo pay cash foi election sliall he held on the 
second hand furniture. Phone’ 2 i)tii d.ay of October. 
for nnnntntnient nioTidale 0 (lW I'OH'OK idai'es named In tl,. 

tor appo intment, ^lendale ,0W her.lnaftor dr.-lsnateil Ineclmtc It. 

READ’S Decorative Art 'Shop—, J’"*” '[Igh School l dairlct, he 

TT I 1 * • • . ** i tvvot-n the hours of 8 a. ni. anil 

Upholstering, repairing, refln-! e p. m. iduring which period and 
ishing, enameling, polishing. | hciweon which i our.s the poll.s shiill 
Mattresses and cushions reno- '^■hich election ilie 

. , , . , Cl HDostion of is.’^iiinjr anti seillnv 

vated and to order. 219 South ; htmtls of Mils Union iiiph School, 
(ilendale Ave. Glendale 934. | District to the amount of 'I'HUKK' 


GARDENING, YARD WORK, Etc. i mon^'^for'^puVMtiMn^ MKh I 

-------- I SOhOOl lOtS, fOT bUildlllS OF pUfChaS* I 

TOm 158],810 

About $24,000 Worth Issued 
In Day; Mark for Year 
Now at $4,695,371 

typisL now (Miiployed. experienced door are sold. 

1921 Ford Coupe .... .. .$475 
1913 Hupmohile . ..$100 

We have Fords from $75 to “ -''’.‘'’’''f.'V'i ''’•'csent location, 11 4 West Broad- 

$.500. j .^I^i' crmmdo Kd., Lo.s Angeles. way, opening on or ahont NOV. 

r. L. SMITH \\ A.\T!':i)—Position assi.stant fRiiL under new tnanagemt'nl and 

Colorado at Ortinge Glen. 2443 bookkeeper and typist, fight locat i on, k’nidher notiie later. 

For,’ s.M.c \Tnd,.i~iq->i t,’’ T) years experieiice, Uelcronces. voTir'ic ni.' iiiva^vi it-pi/iv. ..i,-. 

in sales promotion, costing, and 
general offico work, position in. 
or netir Glendale; short hours jire-^ 


first-class carpentry work, rea¬ 
sonable prices. Glendale 977-J. 

50R N. Isabel St., Glen. 2698-W 



evejiing or Sat- nAFiNFTT 

ami after SKI*T. 23 

' door.^. windows 
sonahIV. 1 2 1 "> 

screens, etr.. 

GARDENING, YARD WORK, Etc. j rMsinV mon4 Lr purchiMn^ M I *24.000 worth of building 

—-- school lots, for building or purchas -1 uGfG issu 6 d y 6 st 6 rday at 

I contract for new. lawns and more hij?h school buiui-• the city hall. This amount 

243 Vine Ave. set out trees and shrubbery. d'lUons’'tohtg"school “iniihi'^morning 

TOM FUNZINO , | mg or buildings, for insuring high : ‘O'" ‘he month, so far, to $587,870 

810 E. Chestnut Glen 353-W «''bo<’l buildings, for supplying high I and for the year, to date, $4,695,- 

.---! school buildings with furniture or ''71 

WANTED—One-horse hauling. ' "eeessary apparatus, and for im- j “ - 

Plowing leveling tree work also I’'’.'’'lna the grounds, shall he suh- Yesterday the following per- 
piowing, leveling wee work, also u, ,|uallfied elector.s of! mits were issued: 

yard work. 1432 E. Maple, Glen, .said Dlstrlet and he voted upon. I jf -p Pickett 5 rooms 
2448-J. The sahi bonus proito.scd to he, tcuo c„.v,’ 

■ issued and sold shall he of the de- "b"'" Gardcn.i 

H.IIRCUTTIXG nomination of One Thousand Dollars avenue . .$ 3,500 

------ each, and .shall bear interest at the! W. Johnson, 5 rooms anil 

Prices Reduced to 40c I pavah'le a*^nualu-%imrsh’au he’'nu^^^^^^ garage. 524 Alexan- 

HAIR BOBBING Our SPECIALTY i bci tsi from 1 to :iG0 consecutively, i dor street . 3,600 

Patron* f'allpft Ttnon i I'ayahle a.s follows: f.. p. Jamison. 4 rooms 

244 8-J. 


rvnijic All 11 a Prices Reduced to 40c I 

utJKK .<vil kinds, HAIR BOBBING Our SPECIALTY i 

.iiic.olti ^ IXG H AIR will he closed at their 1-t64-\Y. 

Patrons Called Upon 
, Glendale Ave. Glen. 128 j 

pr-isont location, 114 West Broad¬ 
way, oppiiing on or about NOV. 

FOR RENT—Large hall 40x60 
dance floor. 

H. L. MILI.ER CO. Glen. 853 

Wilsoti, Glon.; 12 1 N. Glendale Ave. 


FOR SALK-Model 1921 F. B. a, ‘1 1 a, 

j Chevrolet Roadster, fine condi-■ '’'bmjale Netvs. 


nOO.M ANT) ROARD - Private 
home. ploH.^ant stirrounrlinKS. 
rates reasonable. (lien. 24 12-W. 
34.'> N. (’«‘(lar. 

I-'OR RION'J’— lioorn ami board 
In privati! home or board alone. 
:<H N. Orange. 

WANTED—Few more table 
boartler.s. good home cooking. 
310 N. .Jackson. 

FOR itKN'J’—Pest * boa nl, room 
udth running water, garage, rea- 
lonable. 147 So. Belmont, Glen. 

BOARD A.XI) ROOM lor 0011 - 
valescenfs and elderly people. 
1293 So. Boynton, cor. Cypress. 
Glen. 117.5-V.’. 



-s\rt i{i>\x oM.v 

Full-size steel ivoiy bed. Sini- 
inon:t Gink siiring, 4 p Ih. all cot¬ 
ton malu'pss complete. $26.75. 

Ition. at a bargain. 204 \V. I WAT 

I Burchett. family 

FOR SALE—I.ate 1921 Dodge” ,, 

only run 8 OOO miles: a bargain, ,, 

terms. i>t” 

.MTo c-o. 

245 iSt). Br.'uid Glen. 22 1 WAT 

FDR SALE—7-passenger Hud- li.'jM,''' 
Fon. 640 model. Apply 131 N. /.E' ., 

Belmont, bettveen 5 ; 3 o and 7:30 

p. m. ' i 

FDR SAEE^MHXwellYw'in.YnU- ' 
cbanicallv perfect: like new. Price 
'$2r.n. 12 5 XV. I.aurel. 

I EDI' SALK—Ford speedster in comiiei 
! good mechanical condition; a bar- \-4 0 s 

(gain. Clop,. S29-1;. --^ 

V.' \ ' 

! rcu SALE—$350, 1921 Ford ’honnV 
■touring, liemountahle rims, start- clotlmV 
jcr. new hiittery, good condition; No. Ho 
■ 19 20 Gardena 'Ave.. Glendale. _1__ 

5VANTED—All your fancy and 


Having withdrawn from llie 

family latindry done carefully by firni of Pinilli, Babcock .and H;im- 
liand, 11 years’ experience; bring illnn ot 204 Fast Broadv^y. I will 

Sisters Eauudry, open a real estate and instiri 

!'i21 East Wilson Ave., Glendale,, office tinder the name of llamil- 
Pb.ono (rlon. 23R-\AU tn^i T»f'n1fv (’onipany, wIMi tcni- 

“TvaX: fiTl) —I>o.-dlio7i as~l.odk- •’’'''■‘"■y "Hice at 102 East Broad- 
keeper and typist by young lady J'!' V,'’"'”.. ’’ * ''■ Clan. 2108. 

with experience. Box A-389, • 'h'BuiRqn._ 

(lloiidale Evening News. NOTK'E is heri'lty given ihnl 

Ivory chiffonier, $19.."0. ■ 

Your choice of mahogany, w.t!- (Rni 
nut or oak rockers, loose auto Ft Hi 
seat, genuine le-'itlier. $l(;.5i>. I cabinet 
Breakfast set. to-in. table, f^j. 
hardwood; -1 chairs to match.! .i-eo 

r o n r /\ , il i 

■ us.-'d piano. Address BoxA-413 
wti- (Rrmlal? Fivening News, 
auto po|. sale—W ill sacrifice my 

n 5'’R) and 7 '*Mi ^'''''"1^'" Bvmiiiig News. NOTK'E is hori'lty given ihnl 

'■"‘v iv.,NTH.i-uofi„c,i ™„.„ '/!■ 

MaX'veirttvin'nitT ' *0 ''®sist in small (('. S.) t B‘®Kel- 

o- the family; LttUn.arNo"' 

r 'iiii'iai • pbiiu cook. tiTicl '.viJliiis;, loiitl •./x,,. 'i,a 4 >>i ♦ i i • it * 

- . or children: no laundry, small V”" 

hold speedster in comitena.-xtion. reterence.a Box , T ‘^tdiz Road, Glen- 

condition; a bar- \-4OS, Glendale Evening News 'tnle. < alifornia. 

-R. ' tl- . ' va Tr-T, -’■— Monies and papers covering 

$35(1 19’M Ford t " *>in'sale are now in escrow in this 

,. Ki ’ and children'.s hank. 

P'iees nasonahlp. 6115 GLENDALE BKANf'H, RPCURl- 
ive.? Glendale Mo’.vard, Bh. lileif. 74:’,-R. , 1'V TRUST SAVINGS BANK. 

ISTRUMENTS .NOTH-K of wmm, mf.kti-ng' 

:ir'^tncie.d vi;: 

View iNi’ifl (llpn II** I- I i-i- “ t “ c . T* . South PniTid lioulovard. 

Men l.o.ui. t.ien, |,r p Klnigberg ol the t nt -1 (.p|ifn,-„i:,. 

MusU'dispose Of Branch, will ccmiuct 'u'Tlasa'RL of the 

lora Phonograph, IHstoiy at the Wilson M-. Inter-'Sion 

pay difference for mediate School beginning on Tims- pieae-, it,.. ti 

UIdress BoxA-413 dny. Dclolier 3r,l at 3::;d p. m. uh r i n,',t ‘ T t J r 
„ Tl... ,,•.11 _i . ... annn.'l moeling ot stoek- 

clOtlies, puces 
No. Ho'.vard, B 

and children's 
reasonable. 611.' 
. Gleif. 74:!-R, 


I FOR PAT^K—An '^ancieiil x'ic 
I lin. 12.12 Vallt*v View Road. Olen 

-- _ 

I FOR SALE—IMust dispose ol 
I latest style Sonora Phonograph 


Or. F. .1. KIhigl)t*rg of the Fni-■ 
versity of ('tiliforni;:. .Southern! 

■'Veil made kitchen cliair, $1 ii.'.,! Like new. Will pay difference for m®(Rate School beginning on Tip 

Address BoxA-413 ''ny, Oclolier 3ril at 3::;0 ji. m. 
ig News. Th.> couise will consist of tiileen 

. X f J1 *— $$ i JI r'cli i JI icv iii> / « 1 •) An \ 

Prnnswick phonograph 
Tust overhauled. Ad- .. ” 

lib* coiuse will consist of tii’teon uohb.r- ..n.i . i- 

•>0111 T'.,., i-, Ciendale Masonic Buihling 

eive,.' TV. t H "'"1 .Xssochition will lie held at tin. 

guen. For tiirther intorina- Temp!.., 532 South Brand Bottle- 

, Ci'y of Glendnh , Gountv of 

L. M.s. M. O. Ktan. (.leu. ..:>4. ,,oc Angel.T, State of Uilifornia. 


19'. off oil all Itahv carriages. 

GRDSS>IA\.MI 1 .!.I R V'l |{V. (o. 

^ Brand at ('alifornia. Glen S47 

FOR S.ALFl Glenwooil Gold 
Medal coinhination coal and gas 
range, Fxcellcnt condition, $ 1 nn. 
Glen. :i‘;5-i;. 

F^OR S.\l,F:-’-Bras.s bed tinil 
springs, new Home Cahinet Fllee- 
tric Sewing Machine, adjiidable 
dress form, air-tight stove. '4- 
btirner rdl stove, 'vash tub and 
wash holler, chickens. 1:112 Val- 
'evview Road. Glen. 2 4 27-W. 

dress Box A-4 12 Glendale Flv.'- 
ain.g News. 


$4 A .MONTH 



Rentals to apply on purchase if 
you decide to Ini''. 


109 N. Brand. Open Flvenlngs 

lion phone Chairman Flducationa! 

< om., M,s. M. O. i;y;;:i. (Ileii. •d't. |,oc Aiigele.s. State of Cllifoinia, 
SPAXISH, P'lRTl'C.FE.-^E: ALSO on Tiiesthiv. tlie 3rd d.ay of Octo- 
CRECfl SHORTH.WD (KXCI.ISII her, 1!i22, at 6:30 p ni. for the 


1). If. TIRRETS 
CO.VC!:F'rK (onstructio.v. 
« .\ I K S, !) I: IV E \\ .\YS. 

l\ ( (>\( RETE M OIIK. 


Eltirella Corsets 

Cleii. 1L’'!4-M aftor 4 p. m. 


W.AN'I’FID — When wanting a 
deuin hoard or floor put in. call 
Phoenix, 331 Salem. Glendale 


DRFiSSM.AKIN'G and remodeling. 
306 N. Jackson. Glen. 202-J 

Coats, Suits and Purs 
We specialize in Stout Models 
A. F'. Smith L. V. Reliherg 
115 E. Broadway, Rear of Store 


CiId'lND.M.Fl Pliarinary, Stuart's. 
Leading Prescription Drti.ggist, 
School Supplies. 

638 FI. Broadway. Glen. 14 6 . 

Family 'a-ashings, rough dry and! 
small bundle. Ironing hy an ex- 
I perlenced laundress. Closed Sat- 
1 urdays. Glendale 1632-W. 


Hemstitching, plaiting, buttons. 

209 E. Broadway Glen. 1911-J 


If you want to buy or sell j 

poultry call— ; 

GLENDALE 551-3 | 


.TfJR PRINTING—The Glendale ' 
Evening News, low'est prices j 
consistent with A-1 quality. 

___ROOl'ING ^ 

LEAKY ROOFS repaired and 
painted; work guaranteed. 
F. O. PAINES. Glen. 239 5-J. 


SINGER Sewing Machines for 
rent. $3 a moilth. 109 North 
Brand. Glendale 90. 




Day. hour or Job ; 

Glen. 408 ! 

WANTFII) — General teaming, | 
sand and gravel; plo'.vlng. grad-I 
ing and leveling, lots and acres. ; 
L. W. Studer. Glen. 2675-W. 

Ronds numlierod 1 to 'J, Inclusive. I 
It) run 1 year, i 

Donds numberod JO to 18, inclu¬ 
sive, to run 2 years, ' 

lionds nurniieretl 10 to 27, inchi-I 
sive, to run 'A years, f 

Bonils numliered 2*8 to 36, inclu- ! 

sivc. to run 4 years, I 

Bonds nuniberei! 37 to 47., inclu- 1 
sive, to run 5 years. ! 

Bonds numbered 46 to 54, inclu- I 
sive. to run 6 years, i 

Bonds nninbered nr, to 63, inclu¬ 
sive, to run 7 years, 1 

Bonds numbered 61 to 72, inclu-' 
sive. to run 8 years, i 

Bonds numbered 73 to SI, inclu- , 
sive, to run 9 years, I 

Bonds nurniiered 82 to 90. inclu-; 

sive. to run 10 years. 

HoihIs nunibereil 91 to 99, inclu- ! 

•sive, to run 11 , years, j 

Bond.s niinibercd HIO to 198, Inclu¬ 
sive, to run 12 years. 

Bomls nifmltcred 109 to 117, inclu ' 
sive, to run 13 years. 

Bonds numljered 118 to 126, inclu¬ 
sive. to run 14 years, 

Bon«ls numbered 127 to 135, inclu¬ 
sive, to run 15 j'ears. 

Bonds numbered 136 to 14 1, inclu¬ 
sive. to run 16 years. 

Bonds numbered 145 to 153, inclu- 
.slve, to run 17 years, 

Bonds numbered 1.54 to 1G2, inclu-: 

sive. to ruti 18 years. 

Bonds numbered lf.3 to 171, in-'lii-| 
sive. to run 19 years. 

Bunds nitmliered 173 to 180, inelii- 
.sive, to run 30 .vears. 

R. T, Pickett, 5 rooms, 

1 1822 South Gardena 

aveniui ..$ 3,500 

I W. John.son, 5 rooms anil 
I garage. 524 Alexan- 

1 der street . 3,500 

L. F’’. Jamison, 4 rooms 
! and garage, 1304 East 

-Maple street . 3,500 

I F'. K. Ch'niiin, 6 rooms, 

I 107 Griswold street .... 3,500 

j W. W. Sawyer, addition, 

I 572 North San F'er- 

! nasdo road . 2,000 

i F’. F. McElman. giuage 
! house, 806 West Do- 

I street . 250 

: Ira FJ. Gould, garage, 
i 106 Est Lomita ave- 

I nue .. , 300 

: Jay B. White, 3 rooms, 

. 1526 San F'ernando 

road . . . 609 

' Eraiik JnJinstm, garage, 

I 1260 South Orange 

street Y 7 5 

Turkish Troops on 

Thrace Coast, Claim 

I'riv.-ite Cir cl.iss li'ssi.ins hv wel 

iliialified teacher (gentleman from .vea: 

purpose of ,‘letting directors of 
sairl corporalio'i tor the ensuing 


^ tl I VII li T • T. . . 

Lima. Peru), Paoiie Glen, 3T|t.'.-W 
H’SIC CO. T>'a,'!i kiddies dancriu: in your 

Open FJvenIngs (tome. l'’orin a liitle 

ill your lU'ighhorhood. Classical, 



ory dre 

jser and 

bed to 

T.iatch. he 

•St coil 





1 KM’-.T, 

311 W. 

G nrt'h'ld. 


"SALK — 


‘il lihrc 

dig. 9x 

13. 50.S I- 



11 Ol-W 

FOR SALE—A ft v good sec¬ 
ond-hand gas ranges on terms 
One G. E. electrical range, in ..\-1 
shape. Coker & Taylor, 209 So 


SALE - - 



all bed, almost 



. 1339 


. Colorado. (Ih- 

n. 2 





0 : 1 k. 

■18 411. 



L'hlo. II 

■ I'vVt l\o 



13. 3 

12 Knst M<mi1o 



S.\I,E- ( 





1 - 110 : 10 ; 


1 - (' 

■leel fir- 




all ; 



7;:7 w-. 

A Col 

ora d' 




I'mo ' 


: or console model Victor. Coliunhia. range t 
and phonograith for best 

ea.di iirice: giv.' full dcscriplion I 

■as to style, wood, serial number, [ 

— j where and when it can he seen. 1 229 FI 
and No dealers. Address Box A-404. - 

FOR S.yi.E-—Coliimhia phono- 
g-'ph, nearly new, cost $ 12 o. tash 
$'55. cak. F;. C. Coon.. 53 1 W. 
Yyrtle St. 


.lust tin- piano you want for 
•In' chidlrcn to leant to iilay. Full 
trade ia allowance for one vetir. 


0*9 N. Brand Blvd, Op,-n E'.-eiiinga 

I'DR .S.M.E—Will Sell niy pitmo, 
like new. at a sacrilice. 117 W. 

cabinet Ballet, Orienial, Spanisli 

range wit It 


Professional tnipil of 
Ernest Beicl’.cr 

1 229 FI. Colonido Glen. 3S-1-J 

year, and lor the trnnsaciioii of 
such otlier liusines.-t as may proji- 
' rl'- come hefort' the meeting. 
CEO. H. Blj\TH, Secretary. 



News O-ffice l.ocaled at 113 East Colorado Hoiilevard 
Telciilione Garviin/gi 277 

sive. to ruti 18 years, ' LONDON’. Sept. 28.—Turkisil 

Bonds numbered 163 to 171, in-du-| irreguliirs have commenced to 

Bumli'mi inhered l73\‘o Tso, inelii- ''<’'R'''!itrate in Thrace, it was ro- 
.s-ive, to ran 30 vears, ported from Constantinople to- 

Romls miml,ere<l 181 In ISO, inclii- (lav. .A dispatch on tVedneSfUiy 

Bonds numbered I90’to 198. Inolu-p*^^^^ 1 urkish troops were re- 

sive. to run 22 yoar.^;. I portefi to have been landed on 

Ron,Is nmni'ere.l 199 I., 307, Inchi- (Pe Black sea coast of 'ritrace, hu- 
sivp. lu run 2a x'ears, - . c. , 

Bonds mimi'«’r**ti 208 t»> 210, inclu-|^hK. was luif offiC’ially voiifirniec.- 
sivc. to run 1 ’t y«*ars. The Turks are still moving ar- 

R,o,.!.j< m.nther,.,! 317 ^ 

Fi\t*, loiuii—•i.\e«irs, , , 

Bonds nuniliored 226 lo 23t. Inrlu-i LHioplo reports. 

sive, ti> run 36 years, ! The Britirh force in Turkey 

"'’sicrR^nln 3 <^onsists of nearly 30,001) 
Bond.s rnimhereil 344 to 353. liicltt- soldiers. In tlie straits there are 

sive, tj' run 38 ve.-trs. sj.x British droadnaiights, seven 

'iveM;^';^Jn cruisers and twenty de- 

Biind.''^ nnnil)ered 262 to 270. inclu-' roverS. 

sive. to run :io years^ 'pi,., British caliinet met at 11 

Bon,1.s numltered 3,1 to 2,8. inclu-, 

sive, to run :!l years. | o i lock this mornin.g to consider 

Bomls nnmhcred 379 lo 286, inclu ; tlu> advisability of giving General'n'timhcre'd fs7^“.?''iTs4 . Inclu- British commander 

sive, td run years. ‘<1 (’oiistant.noplf» tho “widest 

Bon«Js numbered 252 to 2til. inclu 
sivo, to run 2!* x’enrs. 

The British cabinet met at 11 
jo'ilock this mornin.g to consider 
; tlu> advisability of giving General 
Marrin.gton, British commander 
at ConstanEiiople tho "widest 

Bon,Is nuuil>err,1 39.5 to 303. inclu- itossihle power.s to deal with the 

H,.n,'^rnumn,we,''l mg!Ao“ m'o, inclu-!T’"' removal of the refii- 
.slve. to run 3", years, [goes from ('onstaiitinople b.v t!ep- 

WANTED TO BUA’—House lo g 
move away. Address Box A-323, k 
Gleiiilale Flvening News. f. 


F’Di: S'EE—3ol and ,".q.5 E. 
Eagle .\vo.. Ecgl,' Rock, -4 rooms, 
j'ui’i’.gi', $ 4 - 800 ; 5 rooms, garage, 
kirg,' lot. .$55oO: exti'.i well built; 




■ 11 . 


FOR RENT—-Choicest business 
location, new modern building, 
117 Flast Colorado blvd., heart of 
the bu.sines 3 district. Eagle Rock. 

j-lvc. T4> run oD yenry. 

Ibimls num!»crcd 211 »o 2.18. inclu¬ 
sive. to run 86 xvars. 

Bomls numbered 21n to 2,26. inclu¬ 
sive. to run 147 venrs, 

Bomls numlu'rctl 227 t4* :kU. inclu¬ 
sive. to run o8 years. 

Bonds uuuib4*red 
.sive. to run 
Bor.tls niimJ'icrcil 

25 to 2 12. Indu- 
9 years. 

t.2 to 250. iiulu- 

sivp. to run 40 years. 

That for the purpose of holding 

crisis.” Tho removal of the refu- 
1 from (’onstantinople h>^ yei>- 
tomi)oi‘ I’d is Raid to he hi.t^hly de- 
sirahh*. Imt virtiialiy iinpossibie. 

Sultan May .-Mniicato 
TJie population of (hinstanti- 
n.ople is in u hiKii stale of excite- 
moin. Al)di(’ation of the Turkish 
sultan is I'clieved to be imminent- 
Accordini? lo a (’onstantinople 


Bridge con' 

•It; husi- 

rios.s wArynn ^ 

viMi lin’.it -ij 

1 know!-' 

, ' d'; ■ of bridge 

weiiM Ilk'- 

t.) coach 

(wilh gO')-| pi; 

i.’-'f. t'.'ill 

pav $1 . 

an hour. Refe 

renoes. Ilo.x A-3.‘-;,7 ' 

j I'.vening .News. 

’ 1 

Mr;s. E. C. 

COO.X, 1 

3t class! 



sowinj; i 

UH'I altiTinic 



W. Myrtl.-' .St. 


_ rnct ‘l “ -oon 

--- TIk'pp larir.' rooms, bath, liard- cent 

('lean dirt lor tlie hauling. In- wood iloor; (hrouchout. built-ins. w 
duire Ilf iivy's (Jarage. HS-l South iarr.* pfued with sta. tab and heat- — 

^r, y lot oT'^xKid, located 

■ K. Sycamore Ave., Kagle " j 

»i’:bi\:u >oTi( r. T'oeV; IH'ice $40d0. niorlgage 

k'vrdiuro ('anon \\ <'oiii|»aiiy ;■ I ■'****, .it TV. pny $(.>0 ('asll, - 

ficc Ml ScfTct-iry. Vcrdu(to Cam-n Ijulaiice p 0 ~ j^^o. Inc. int. ( ^ 

Water ('nrnpaiiy, (ilmdalc, Lo? "MK MOTTh'lt mod 

<cui:ty, «*{!liforuia. \ 'v ‘t if w' ‘ 32;( 

IS hiT»’4»y ).;lvcn tluit tiurc *• 

d; lirujucnt 4 »n the followiui; .i''- -DO \V. Hroadv.av' (ilen. 2147-n • 

o'wner. Phone McDonald. Colorado 54S4. 

FOP TiHXT—Lovely tront bed 
lOOm opening on nereola. adia- 

Di’B.iNtji >ori( * 

^ vrflioro t'aiion W Cfiiuiiaiiy ;‘L'dd^ 

Office Ml Secretary. Verdu^u Cam-n l)alane< 
W'.’it f-r (*nrn pan y. (Pcnilalc, Lu? 

\ i.i.c Ic-'^ < Cij i:l y, 1 *{! lifcruia. 

.\'(«iir<‘ is hcr»’4»y ).;lvcn that tJurc 
is d; limjucnt 4 »n the fullovs-iui^ .i''- JDh v/ 
scribed st(M’k «*u tkcc'iUMt «*f h.- 
nu’ht Icvitsl on the 26lh «lay 4 'f V,\(' 

Ma.\’, 1922. the .si'vcraj tunuutiis set 
«M*pi)sit 4 » tiu' naiu$’s of tJi- respective ivxi> 


FOR RFI.VT—Furnished room 
w i t h housekeeping privileges: 
quiet home, Garvanza 1138, 317 
West Myrtle, 

FOR RENT—Unfurnr 4-room 
modern, garage; adults; $40 mo. 

flip .laiii piection the said Glendal,' dispatch to the Daily Mail, Hamid 
iTilun High .School Di.Mrict .“hall Bey, representative of the Angora 

scvc-n"high .sci„K,7homi eiecUon ime° Kovernmenl at Constantinople has 
cincta. and the per.son.x hereinafter intorined toe allied high eoinmis- 
ramed. being competent and iiualified ■ sioners that Ker.ial will accept the 

Hisur'icf 2 nd of"ihe"rTespiM^^ note after 

school bond flection precincts, are rcforrin.? it to the n?,tional as- 
hereby appointed officers of elec- senihlv 

M(*n. Inspectors and Jud^;e.' 8 , re- fn ''t- i i. 

spcctfvciv. and said officers shnii Tiip Kcmnlists nave seized all 

11 opening on pergola, adja- r’l^med. being competent and (Utslified ' sioners that Kenial will accept 
to hath, large closet. 206 | 2 nd‘of^he"r^^^^ near east peace note a 

_ ^ „ Ave. school bond f lection precincts, are rcforrin.g it to the n?,tional 

-I hereby appolnieii officers of elec- 

rooniiMon. Inspectors and Jud^;e.' 8 , re- 
eges: I ^’I'Cctlvoly. and said officers shall 

conduct said election and make re- alcohoHt boveruges and closed tho 

I bars in tho towns tiicy have oc- 
precincts. wllli their respective poll -1 j « , 

iim" places and officers of election,' hi tlio iioiitral zone. 


1 sliui-ehulili-r.-.. 

Bit ri-lioii. 

iiell Millincrv. 

- .N'-w piano. Biish- 
i'h. Gh-ti. I'Ell’-W. 

AV.'int $3;!.5(|. 

new fito-roopi hui.galow tiorih-ji, 
wtvif. Siilendid .'-/-curity. Fld-.vur,Isj .M. .\g;,r,l 

iV- Wildly Co,. i:;9 .X. Braptl Hlvtl. I•'• AUi-n 

__ —4‘C,„ ,T,-: -I .I,,ho Audi-,- -- .. . 

I V. .-W I F.i)- lo burrow $7500, I l-T-uiu-iii..-. Harday l.'llo 3 

Ihree vi-ars til 7',. on hoauttfiil | 'v.''''V, 

country homo a1 Filmland. I’h. I ' lu.nmge;-''’ ju/; t’ 

^ Sn nlftn d^ I. I. ill. ,\. i;i,-ickhurn 1217 I 

iiitt,. «Vx *- ii"“- . — Ldw.ird I5i’UTidis:o 1799 1’ 

1 ^ ll.tyo Ih, loll,.wing mortg.iges iringt„n Rn.wu i o. 3 h 
( j, to Re!), all on m‘sv homos: I lo:’.7-104G 6-: 

, S 2 ;.no- ;i yoar.s at 7'/. ' k;:o 

*-'',0o . .'/■ I’- •' Burlitn-.liaiii 796 1 

llti -’t ^ ' - B. B. Bryam 1313 I' 

0 ' SlNhO- vi’ai’H af 7'/f * | lulm iwown .. li*91 I 

voa’-s -it 7'; M.mile U. B.t:8S4’H 19K4 p 

i «i‘)Au «) * * ' 4 . <-// Brldt^ford.. 20n> 2 

$1-'0q-—J rears at .y R.nvh-rs 3049 I 

( onnnission to at.'-r*nts. ('all Ilk (’umciu , . 722 j 

w I.; IIK;;] ‘ Ih B (’handler 12 !*K 1 

E. IRoadwp'y Glen. 2339 L;",,!'?:!:,!;...;;::; ^ 

S'' „„ ^ntd $25.iu I ^ 

on first mortgages on two now M. (’hri-c-nscn .1762 2 

liigh claRp. homos ‘L i*\ ('uiilns 19(15 p 

Id A^'-'l^endan 3078 n 

“! IN\ l-SIMF.N’l’ GO. - 1 ; 1 ; Inirhy. .70 3 

It, 212 P. Brand Glemlale 1 999 D'llia .s, i:. H,-- 

latu-y . 1339 4 

,1 FDK SALE—Will sell at a dis- C. Dixon .. 374 1.7 

“ md ‘kr!Tt Kutn^a i 

■ mq first tiust deeds, drawing i.vank \v. H. Dow ISOs 3 

" years , 

< on I 
tiori h -1 

liipt'slry chairs, liinipg I,(hie tmd 



chttirs, iB'i'ssers. 
ili-esser with full i 

ier. vo,-);ers, l), ,|s, STiring.s. inai- 
tross apil matiy oilier articles. 
1-124 .So. Sap I'h rnaii'lo Kd. 

v.'inify: W.'.N'IEI) l•.’xpl‘rieIlce(| milk 

clii rt'oii-■ 'Vhgoh driver $I3P per month 
gti.iranteed, ronie making abotil 
$145, i-nniniis.sion htisis. niglit 
work. Glendale Ereaniery Co., 
75 7 Doran. 

FOR .S.MAl —2 axmiiister nigs, 
oversitiffed, and rncker,. riu-d 
break r.ast sot, hirrl.ieyo tlresser, 
ivory tlresu-r. Simmon's t-.viti 
beds, night taldcs. music cahinet. 
one large tnirror, 1 mnl'trt.'ss, .Mr.s. 
Cox. 531 No. Brand. 

I-'OB S.VLl-i - - DoiiM • A'ernis 
Martin bed with springs .and mat¬ 
tress. oak bureau, air-tiglit h, ater 
and radio set. 4do Xo. M.-inland 

uffi-il. and rncker,. reed V.'A.X'I’ET) Ytiting niaii with t 
fast set, hirrl.ieyo tlr.-*ss,r-r. commercial edneation; miist know 
dresn-r. Simmon's t-.viti double entry principle, hut ex- n: 
night taldt s. music cabinet, perience not essentitil. Reply fully — 
rge tnirror. 1 innt'tri.>ss, .Mr.s.. '‘"'p handwriting to Box 308,' 

731 N'o. Brand. Bui hank, Calif. ’ ‘P’ 


N'o. of 
('I'rf ifi- 

<’.'ifr* .Shari'.s .\nit 

Brirrlay l.'UO 
nrr 1.22:* 

' - lh>ubl ' A’oriii*? AN'^riLl)—Muii x^ l^lk car to 

1 springs .ami mat- ff'j complete line TIRES and 
11 . air-tiglit h, ater TCBES. $1(1-1.00 per week a'ltl 
400 Xo. M,-iriI:md. c-'penses. Sterlingwortli Tire Co., 

—— - -i25.7 Sterling, East Liverpool! 

-Misnp l.'^npniic Ohio. 

FOR SALE—Pyiiscelianeous 

FOR S.XLI-'!— Summer lotiris! 
return ticket (lady) from T.os .\n- 
.geles to .‘^t. Louis. $ 35 . lnr|uiro 
471 '.Vest M'ititisor Road. 

F'OR S.ALF; - I’.ieycle in good 
condition. C'.all at 231 Milford 

quire Peter L. F’erry, 614 FF Aca¬ 
cia. Glendale 4 76-J. 

■y'FOR, .SAT,E-WVickcr bah>“ car¬ 
riage, good condition; infant's 
crib and oriole c:irf. i:!o x 
Orange .St.; rail before 10:30 
a. Ill., or evenings. 

DIRT FOR SALlii, anv amount 
you want. Phone Glendale -( 7 , 7.1 

l-'OR S.VI.E — Bartlett jicars 
from Mile Higli Rancli. 75c and 
$1.25 per lug. 369 W. Doran 
(Hen. 1190-AV. 

FOR S-\LK—New long tan 
polo clolli coat, cost $25: win si-ll 
for $1.3: size 36 or 3S. .3.3;, r)ornij. 

W.A.N'ri-;!)— Exiierienced mim 
hookkeeiier anil office man: apjily 
I •'7 S,-iti rli Braml. 

\\ .\.X3'i-.l)—M,-in to cut we-^ds 
on one acre of ground. Call at 
•'■11 K. Broadway. 

W.\N'TF:1)—Man for established 
laundry route; must he liustlei 
ami furnish cash bond. Nu-'VVny 
U'tnntlry. Htirh.-tiik. 

V-'ANTFll) - F' plnniber. 

COR S-Mil'l—lligli class lot in 
exclusive Annanthile Country Chih i 

I llst-il'-s Tr;i(l. Ollier business, 
li in'i-rests neccsslDite owner’s scll- 

II in,": Cii... lot at ri'al bargain. Call 
" or wiile, O. I-;. Boy Ian, 1.7 41 Win- 
,1 tirl,l SI., Eos Angelos, Phone 

.323 E. .\danis Ave., apply 
2147-1! ‘‘’veamore Ave. 

a for rent — 2 -room 
ment. hath. $25; garage. 

lot in ('• (’C car. 

: 'V. Palm. 

shall h(* as follows, to-wlt: 



1 Beginning at th.c point of in- 


blork from L. A. r»c car o^j^- tf-r.^i'ction of the we.sterly extension 
■ W Pnlm ~ (’enter line of Poran Street 

I ' " ■ ! with Die westerly bourularv line 

—" (7ler.»h?,le (Mty School District: 

MnTnP WCUIPI CC 'thence easterly i>n the westerly ex- 

IvIV/IViin VCiniULHo (ension of ihe renter line of Doran 

— -- —I.street and on tlie renter line of 

FOB gAi l<' uv IG 1 - ! Street to the renter line of 

c* 1 ■'vV OhALR— 1 0 1.» I ( olninbii:^ Avenne: thence soiitherlv 

ctndebakpr Big Six; an idotil fam-,'>b the center line of (’olumbiis Ave- 
By car. mec. O. K,. iiaini, Icatlicr ' Sl"‘ J'’, renter line of Donut 
top and rubber in good conditionI’i ‘,':;\Tto;'’Hnr:r 

only rnn .!7.qno miles; $500 cash, 1o tOe i-enter line of Central Ave- 

Later advices from constanti- 
r noplc stated that the Turks were 

Slia.ll c-oiisist of all tliat portion of coiilinuing to mass along the 

nortliwcsterly, nortli and northeast-, ^^mid peninsula, south of Ct-n- 
describeil slantinople. in the ovciit of an 
'pi of I"'I atta-'k agaiiis-,. Co’KSDintinopIo 
an Stroid (•'V'bTI probably would he used hy 
lary line the Turks as their base of oper- 
I'lstrict: atlons. 

Win- F-OR SALE BY OW.NER—1915 
Phone Stiidehaker Big Six; an ideal fam- 
___ By car. mec. O. K,. ]iainl, leather, 
top and rubber in good condition; 

$I>''O 0 - :: y.-ars at ' 

$.'i iiio—;; years at ' 
$ 1 'ton — 3 rears at : 
Coinniissioii to as-ents 

V.'. F. IIKHI 

I EM A 1 , 1 : 


Woman to 


with gcner.'il 

housework and chll- 

dren. C;i|| G 

arvaiiz.'i 4.S47. 

1 hell. 


Womtin to 


with hoii.-ework, 2 adults. 

3 chll- 

(Iren: 15 6 N. 


no dealers. 

112 West Los Flores 

Pue: tlienoe northerly on the cen¬ 
ter line of Central Avenue to the 

Opium Sleuths Are 
Fooled After Raid 

HO^$()T 4 ^LTT —Custornu officers 
were startled here recently when 

, W . S. (’hurc)i .. 

; A. (L Conrad. 

.\!. <’liri-’(*’riFcn 
!‘: F. cidlfns 

! l Aiphciuia (’ o y ' 

B. II. Darby . . . 

iMilia S. B. Dc 

iancy . 

(’. (IMxon 
\\'. A. lumbar . . 
S. I )avi.'«. . 


Ii'OR SALE—3 ptippies, Aire- 
dale-Collie. Gary. DUES, 110 No. 


center line of r>oran Street fronw ?>2,000 worth of opium disup- 
the east; thence easterly and .south -1 „„„red virtnnlK- h„for„ .h„ir 



loeise-s day nersery 

Punch of keys. Owner Will take care of your children 

easterly on the eenlrr line of Doran 
Sirect III he center line of CJIen- 
dale Avenue: tlienri- south westerly 
on the center line of Gtendale .\vi-- 
I'lie to Itu- ,-enter line of I.exington 
Drivi': tlience eesterly on the ee;: 
t"r line of I cxtnglon Drive lo the 
ccr-li-r line ,-f Verilugo llotifl; th.ene,- 
southerly on the center line of Ver- 

pcared v’rtuallv iietore their eye." 
■it. ,9 : m'tll Chinese drug sloro in 
the heart of the city, supposed to 
he oiteratcd by a member of the 
powerful iniK r ring of opium 
dealers. A Chinese girl wa.s hired 
I-y (lie revenue officers to make a 

. can h:ive same liy applying at this by tlie hour, day or 

:30 office and p.'iving for ad, 

1-50 e. T. x:,.3n‘> 1 

No. Peyton. 

2147-1! or c.all at othce, 209 W. 


Money to loan; can also flnancs 
any building if lot is clear. H. L. 
'JILLER. (flea S53. 

1 "vni furnish the money to 

iwing ,I-'ra.nk \V. It. Dow ISOs 
(.llf'lldalp Brvais Davis.. 2Bt2 

9(1^1 \\* I'** I’sllis. 2921. 

■ I ,»*ii(»ra II. Kngle- 

^ i hurt . 1291 

“ ■ (ItMtrgirma l-’ra-n- 

cis . 1161 

(’barlos A. Fromm 1767 
—y 'I’oiiy P’razicr . .. 1791 
w. B. (Liylord. 1267 

L. T, Mny(» . 




B. McCarthy.... 

. 2101 

4 4-r> 


H. .1. N lf*nio\Tr..., 




H. W. Nixun .. 

1 660 



WiUi.s A. Norton . 




N. -M. Nyliy 

1 509 

2 *•’. 


made on the 28th dny of .Tnly 1922.1 
so many sliares of eacii parcel (Tr ■ 
such stock as may be nec<-.*H.-a! v v ’ll i 

he .MfO.l nt _ J.'. ’ ' 

.S> c'lin* I’c (’Hri>'on Ro.'hI ; thonre east- 
^rl>- tin il.e ci’nler lino of Sycamore 
(’r.'^von Road (n the easferlv bound¬ 
ary- Hue (if Blcjid.Tle (’Rv School 

P- iPry J’iacc: (.'I'nlrAl -\venue 
.‘~'(.’h-*4j| Ti()U‘:r. 

Ihsp'M’tcr; i'aihci'lne R. H*'nrv. 

.IndiM-.; Willard X. Rott. Mlncttc 

l»orit{oii nnd good salary Imild your homo on payments. 

for the man tliat kno'>vs liow 
other need apidy. Noh So. 
Fornaiido ILK and Windsor. 


\V. (Jould. 

J. R. drey . 

Bllcn R. driffen.. 
X. 12. (t r ii v e 1 - 

Stoffcl . 

rrci'man Rapt i.^t 

1791 8 


1 268-1 2r.8 7L'. 

)'>vs liow. Xo T. flKAY, Contractor and Build- l'-- Rtriswoid 
896 So. San ^r. Phone, office. Glen 2147-R, ,, .. pundwt,, 
Windsor. residence. Glendale lC 68 -It. 209 Cn.-i,.'is! ii "i" 
tv. Broadway. (!eo. F. Ihirris 

T\„ . . olive Hezina 

-—---Do you want a at 4 ner i,-,i,.i. 

.]t».94,-nli .\. NA'J.'^on 
.0.1 \ I oracc .M. « >vcr- 

ton . 

^••‘2 -T •!. Barrod 
’ 10va L. F Beck 
; Ii. .\. Berkins 
.. r. Bnrruker . 

• (2 dolni A. Binb' . 

•r * Mr.s. s. F. I Tic 
l--'" ■ W II. fl-i,-,. .. . 

■19 .Mrs. .M. ip.liiii-l 
, i.illa. It. l-cut . 

•to . iJcliuda Rili'V 
(’has. A. 1 lo.s'^ 
•‘"Id. Tk Robci'ts 

202 :*, 7V. 

172'2 2V: 

1)79 1 2 

14 60 2 

lOL". 2 L'. 

1 802 7b" 

1816 1 »4 

1824 21. 

1 194 1 " 

667 2V, 

606-1212 2 (■. 

80 I be .soM at piiMio aucii.m la ih*. 
hO ccmnoll olin.mhcr of the (R.u.dale cR'- 
2.. ball, at (Jlenilale, d(»untv nf i om \nl 
,0-gcl,-s Stule „t ('al;furn!u. un the 
.nil da.\' of < >(*{ober l!i22. ;it M 
nr I"’ **'■” '^9y to |i:iy ilciinoiK-ii; 

-u .".sBcssnients l!ier,-on, tum-ilu-r with 
’’ 1 ) Iif'''s-Hp’' h-tlvertisin,,; :in,l e.vponscs 

3-5 G. II. WOOniH-irtltY. Seoret-irv 
ic , Sep!. 5tli, 1922. ' ’ 

:,3 I 9-7-14-31-38 

center lino of decov sale. 'I’ho girl went aboard 
,1; thence rust- ilie I’ncific Mail liner I’resident 
sasrerihouni'l- 'Yilsoii. brought the opium down 
e Pity gchoul 'he gangplank and c:\rried it to 
, , , the drug sttirt-. trailed hy tho ens- 

■nlral Avenne officers. She was in the 

nc ii. H-'itry. I iiildii'.g two minutes when the of- 
. Iioii. Mlneii,' ficers raided it. hut a two hours' 
tearch of thi' place failed to re- 

thet pert ion of ' ^'’ium had disap- 

Itisiric, i,-;.,.. peared to. 

l 9 4 7,7.1 YOUNG AVO^IION 

- - —WANTED to work -it fruit at oaii- 

wages; fare paid from 

IOC ,ind Glendale, 

Doran. LIBBY, MeNKILF, .f uiimv 

- Btirhank, Calif. 

Do you want a loan at 4 per 
cent, long time, easy payments’' 
Just phone Glendale 3li-\V for 
In forma,! Ion. 





for general T'OT XI)-(Told tio clasp; owner! 

Apply 120 Kast Klk 

I)i*OY'ing prop- i s. 

' II. M. OoodwiTi ... 174't 

Biicic B. Ilnlo. nor. 

. (b'u. F. Harris. 1120 : 

Olivo Hczmal- 

per lialcli.1976 

lta‘; Thomas llczinal- 

halch . 677,-1492: 

: .\nioHa -M. llouk.. 628 i 

w. Houston. . ir>i4 ; 

) ►. Hartley. 1719 ! 

d. Hanbiuet.. 1887 

H. Hani«iuet ..1886 

--(’lar.a ('. iniHu..2641'. 

i*’Iorcnco 15. 1s- 

ner! trriKW . 3 "^4 ^ 


jiistalilo dress 

table cheaii. 


Child's bed, at!- 

forni, 9Piall oak 
('nil (114 W. (’.-il- 


FOR SAI.F!—One Toggenherg! 
milk f-'oat, two 8-montlis’ Xannios, 
all regirtered tlioronghbreds, ex¬ 
change for tent, chickens or what. 
1421 East Wilson -\ve.. Glendale, 
phone Glen. 23S-W. I 

WANTED—Girl for bookkeep¬ 
ing and general offico tviwk, .^p- 
' u-\\ ay L.'iniKii v. Burbank. 

ANTKD—Woman a.s cook's 
helper. Conk'.s Confectionery. 
> 128 So. Brand. _ 


orty and paving for Ad. IHen-I 04..4 

dale Kvening Xews jurgen.sen 2104 


AVANTED—A paying biisine^B 

in Olendale; will coiiFider part- ,\tig?ust lafncl . _ 1817 

r.orshfp, principals only Box Thomas k. i-elgh- 

A-tnn, Glendale -News. - h. 

—HTvF; ---F.leanor Markey.. 1,4,48 

FOR S.4LF—Lease and furni- Blanche V. Martin 1532 

bo^rdm “ rooming and Jli'J; 

hoarding house, good income J David Myefs . r ,58 

large living room, modern in everv • M. M. McL^fferty 1305 

pil Ittl 

ulen. Midway Gas Co... 1888 

Podro Lepez. 

'art-' Aiij?ufst Ijind . 

Box Thomas K. I-el.i;h- 

tun .;. 

__‘ Eleanor Markey.. 

<’.A. nnd .M. I{u!»y 1126 
, Mabel M. Rinly .. 2029 

’5. I NV. N. Schmics . . 

"■" I-:. Shank . 

. lAinaretta. a n d 
Bllcn ).. Sharp.. 
- I 6 >. J *, .Sheldon .. 
•"" I Kmily Shipstonc. 
•„2 H. D. Stramlor ... 
•r:! .1. M. Sprinkle. . 
••‘I* Simpson I'v' Krick- 

•j" son . 

•}•’ C. .1. Sullivan . .. 
Matilda S. ami 
Franc!.'-! F. Sid- 

•''y ' oner .. 

•1^ M. H. IT. Tavlor . . 

1-v" I.nul.'ip Terry. 

Vi', a. Tliompsi.n 
Vanep Kst... 
E. H. Valentine . 

,, Stillman B. Van 

1-20 I Osdol! .. 

H. VeriTv . 

i'l \Valt#»r It. P], Ward 
W. H. Ward. . 

X’o. 68278 

NOri( f; of'hi-;.\iii\g tir 
'I’lttV l-'OK I'HOB XTF (M-’ \4 II.!, 

IX THF; SEDEUIOI! I'ot’yt'i’ (jr.' 

thf; s'rA'ri-; of cai.d-'okni \ ix 


■in-ee! „i . SOCTH I'l!I-:('1 Ni'T 

.'.'U-y y. tlli sh.-l! <-,>ns-.; „f all that i.ertion of '' '■'"/’''f' Hi 
'-to ■ Glenila h- i’!ty Hrltool Di.'^lrht iyinn' I'CUied to. 
itnie i-lly siiiiih tmil of the follow- 
i .o^. -t h- ihg de--i rihpil line: De'’innin‘; :tt I* i.- 

on the liu- i.oint of inie-;.-.e(‘iii)n of the ceil- . 

■ I'- lor life ..I V,.rfhn.(, Hoad with the Experiment; 

hor'b’voV 7'”,h--'"'ih'ii-.v line of Glen- the UIliiippilK 
cxiionsc^ „V'-- !ure of pulp f, 

^ Itfcid to 1)ie t'oint wltere tiie "SstP IHld loW 

.Clary. i>.-’,„-..r>\ evti nsioii of the <-enter line 

II Ol oo Y'.'iiol.^oi- Hoad inter.seols the i-en- ^- 

-n--i-_8 ler line of Yeril Road: ilo-m-e 

westerly on the eiislorly extension Central Sehool 
of Ihi' oenier line of T\’in<l.s,)r Ipjad Insi-eetor: V 
e.iid westerly, iiort herl.y and wester- .Iiid.ges; .Otis; 
ly on the center line of Win.lsor -leannelle Mci'l 
If I’ETI-^ lo the (enter line of Brand oiiESCK.N 

\4 II.!, * Boith'vaI'd: ihenco sinitherh- on the Shc.Ii consist 

Il'l' OF eentei- line (,f Br.ind Boulevard to V-hool Disiru-t, 
I:NI.\ ix i.'"' cffiD-r liiio of Windsor Hoad I'ollin.e- Biaet 

l*l LI* i;\I’EUIMENT.S 

ExperimentK will ho made in 
the Uhiiippines in '.he taantifac- 
inre of pulp for paptr from hemp 
waste and low grade fiber. 

( eiilral Sehool Bnildiiiif. 

Insi.eetor: W. Fea.ster 
.liid.ges; .stisaii .\I. U*rchen, E. 
.leaiiiieile McCIintic. 

Shc.Ii coitsist (>f all of Crescenta 
S.-li()ol iJisiriet. 

I'ollin.g I'laee; Cre.scenta School 

_ In the -Matter of the l-kstate of 
.,a -t haiincey I,. Canfield, denea,se(t. 

'liii hereby giv.-n that the 

• > I petition of Fdna I. Canfield, for t lu¬ 
ll)' V."'*,*' Challin-e, I,. Can- 

•'”|riehi, deoea.sed, and for the' -ssllanro 

Miriam E. Wilhur 3030 
M. Winehrenner.. 1503 
William Woods... 146.7 
: Flugene I,, aitd 
• Sarah C. We.a^er 3081 
' 3106 

; Bapista Yhitcaga 2002 

2092 1 1.’^ 

20:^8 4 7- 

373 2 

1 1 16 

1608-1828 4’'i 
2030 4 4 

4 7-10 .47 
2 .20 

of Letters testamentary tl.c'i-'eon to i-a’'do I! 
Kilna I, ( anfield, will ho h«»f»rd at aad 
I 1 o clock a. ni.. on the 1 11 li day of M-n 

1922, at tin* <'<mrt !i«>oni \$‘cr8{ orl\' 
[of Oepartment 2 of ib.-* StijuArU.r li»n* «.f 
j Court of the State of < \al i f «>rn 1 .t. in w.^torlv 
and for the Founty of l,os Ani-cl^‘« ('[|v St h 

Dated September 30. 1033 B.diin.. 

H, U, DOHJb, Dppiily. IrvpPci 

•lamps F. McBryde. OlondaJf* 52 111 Jndifps 

; K. Broadway. Glendale. Calif., attor- D- Clark 
r.ey for petitioner. c-i 

Sept 26-llx • 

Hu* Cfntt*r liiif of \V5nd.^ur ijoad 
T’vtotD nf huo of (’olumhus Ave- 

Ae’V.TMi t »’!■»“-»■ soufhcrlv un the 

* ■ • 4’cnlcr lim* of <’ulum)ms \vonm* 

1 that the to Die center line of Windsor 
■Id. for the Hoad fi-oio ihi- west: tiu-noe we.-i- 
■e.' I,. C;;n- erl.)' on the cenlee line of Windsor 
U' Js.'4unnr<- K«*a<1 ii> Hu* rcniur line of San Fer- 
thoromi tO' T’a’'’t!o Road; nort h w^st ■ rH’ 

' htvird at and wf'.-^tcrly on tho center line of 
I til day of j-i-n I-^ernando K.iail and tin the 
mrt !i«>om w»-rdorl.\- ext*^n‘-son of .«aid oenter 
■* Super-..r line of San T-'ern.nndo FIoimI t«> the 
lifornia. in w.^torlv h..und:irv line of Glendale 
>*4 ^Anivelcs. (itv School District 


Ilopilty. Il'rpcclor: .q, E. Drown 

ale r.3, 11! -I'ol'-jes: Har.e! Ganipbell. Annie 

ni, 1 louse. 


l Tispt’ci or: T .ou iso Hr win, 

.InoLes; L;iwrem*e .\. Rotter, Rose 
H. Xet t let on. 


Shall ci/n.sist of all of Tujunsa 
Scliool District. 

INjinr*^’ I lace: Tujunga School 

lnspi’Ctor; David f’o.etello. 

,J : -M;ir\- I-cwis, Helen At- 

k in.'^on. 


Shall consist of all of ^Tonte ’Vista 
Sciiool Dl.strlct, 

Dollin.g Dlace: .Monte Vi.sta School 

Inspector: EiRtir R Lancaster. 

.Iiiitge.s: Homer H. Hh-e, Sanford 
D. F’erccN’. 

Fach qualified elector of said 
I'nion Hiph School District shall »>e 


of Giend.ale City .School District not 


9n I .school tiond election precinct of 
ot . which he is a rtsident. 

AXriEXT LORE ^oulh iTecmct, 

Kd d ^oiling Place: Hou.sehold 

Do you remember the fable ’ of Glendale Pnion 

of the hare and the tortoise?” I '^ins’pector: s. Riiev Lyons 

•'rij' 3106 30 3.00 “1 do,” replied Mr. Chuggins, 

■40 i Yhltcasa 2002 9 , .90 “and It’s all old stuff. A modern 

I and in accordance with law and an version would have the hare ar- 
,30 1 order of the Board of Directors^ rested for speeding,” 

School. - 

Inspector: S. Riley Lyons. 
Judges: Thomas A. Wright, Cora 
I B. Engle. 

i al* of Eagle Rock 

City School District. 

and- IN wrTXE.S.S 7V HEREOF, We 

■ have hereunto set our hands this 
Art.s , 14th day of September. 19 '>'’ 

Ugh, THOS. D. t\ ATSDX '' 





1 ' Board of Trustees of Glendale 
mrk Union High School District 

foiling Place; Eagie City' Sept. 



Discovers Valley 
In California Not 
Yet Walked Upoi 


RKDDKVG, Cal., Sept. 28.— 
A vPi'ilanf valloj’ of appmvi- 
nijifi'ly «40 acres has been dis- 
<-overed liish up in the Salniuii 
liver mountains in Siskiyou 
county near the Trinity county 
Iiorder. It is almost certain no 
hiiinaii feet have trod t!ie mead- 
otv tract. 

Several attempts have Iieen 
m.-'.de to reach the valley in the 
last few wi-eks but all have 
failetl. The mountain valley is 
,«ailed in by jaKKCtl gianite 
rocks of such prtx'ipitous di- 
mansions that no one can scale 
them with ordinaiy appliances. 
A fins' meanileis 

the valley and finds its e.vit in 
a water fall SOO feet higli over 
a preeipice as straight iip and 
(loHTi tis a stone tvall. 

A Trinity ctiunty miner 
found the creek. This miner, 
Gordon Abrams, c'lirnhed a p«‘ak 
and looketl over into the vallc'y 
throu<rli a spy-Rlass. He saw a 
grc'y streak cutting aci’oss it. ' 
He believes tliis is a ifuarlz^ 
ItHlse, possibly the motlier IcmIc 
of the sold be found in tlie 
phici'i- diseins below. Abrams 
is almost certain, he says, mor¬ 
tal man lias never entered the 
valley and no one is likely to 
enter it soon. 

Wm, A. Howe 

%^eggee and Mana get 

Meet and Elect Officers at 
the Home of Catherine 
Doll, Wednesday 

Dog Pursues Cat, Bites Cow 
That Kicks Milker; So 
Fight Starts 


Lon Haddock Declares Even 
Greater Development Will 
Occur in Southland 

A group of girls training to be¬ 
come a new troop of Girl Scouts, 
met Wednesday afternoon at the 
home of Catherine Do;l, 7-27 
South Lou-ise street. The gfrls 
include Elizabeth Heustis, Gene¬ 
vieve Burr, Virginia Baudino, 
Madeline Giiglielmino, Dorothy 
Chappius, Helen Houle. Catherine 
Doll, Hath Benner and Rose Bag- 

Following the scout ceremony a 
short business meeting was held, 
Betty Heustis presiding. Cather¬ 
ine Doll was elected treasurer of 
the organization, and Gene'deve 
Burr, corporal. 

When the troop is registered at 
national headquarters, Elizabeth 
Heustis will be the patrol leader. 
Following the afternoon business 
session, Mrs. H. M. Doll served 
the girls with delicious ice-cold 

PORTLAN'D..Ore.—Thif^tale of 
real life, rivaling the fable about 
the House That Jack Built, is a 
story about the cop that arrested 
the Jap that owned the do.e thati 
chased the cat and bit tiie cow 
that kicked the man and broke' 
the arm that held the pail that i 
spilled the milk; about the same 
cop who called the doctor, whOj 
called the ambulance and the hii- 
maiio society officials wo called I 
the veterinarian. The story: 

Joe Neimy was milking his,cow 
in his barn near which K. Kasa-' 
oka kept his automobile. Kasa-1 
o!;a, with his white bulldog, was I 
going into his garage w-licn iliel 
dog spied a cat and chased it. | 

The cat led the chase near 1 
Nieniy’s cow, and when the dog' 
saw the cat was going to get away : 
it bit the -cow instead. Where¬ 
upon the cow kicked Niemy, broke ' 
his arm and spilled the milk. 

Patrolman Ingle, sent to thei 
scene, notified the emergency hos-1 
pital and the Humane society. 
Niemy was sent to the hospital 



in the vcrld- famous dramc. thal 
to the screen v.Mth double. p< 

' Kdward Radke, Jr., wearing his 
first pair of troupers with pock- 
, ets. was a guest also, 
j A telegram was read hy Acting 
Secretary L. H. Block, announc¬ 
ing the attendance of President W. 
B. Kelly and Secretary James 
, Howarth at the national conven¬ 
tion of the Kxchango club in 
Louisville, Ky. 

j The cordial spirit which pre- 
t vailed at the banquet Sunday 
night coininemorating the dedica¬ 
tion of the Holy Family Catholic 
Ichurcli. was commented upon hy 
Mr. Radke. who represented the 
Glendale Kxchauge cluh on this 
occasion. He moved that a letter 
of thanks ho sent to Fatlier James 
S. O'Xeill for the invitation. The 
motion was seconded by Fred E. 
Hoyt of 205 East Broadway. It 
passed nnaniniously. I 

Gets Prize, Invitation ; 

The attendance prize was won ■ 
by W. Q. Widdows, of 1246 Win-, 
Chester avenue. Owing to tlie 
fact that George A. Whitaker for¬ 
got to bring it. he was invited to 

Written.and Directed By 




Will Pays Fare to 

Funeral of Sister 

“.While in Germany we spent 
most of our time in the Rhine 
valley. We had the pleasure of 
visiting IleidelberR and the uni¬ 
versity. It is iiitere.sting to note 
That the custom of duelin^^ has al¬ 
most died out. The reason for 
this is given as the high cost of 
education. After a duel a stu¬ 
dent is laid up for days and may¬ 
be weeks and with the present 
liigh cost of education the stu¬ 
dents and their parents don't feel 
they cau miss their university 

"The Rhine valley is beautiful, 
hut we did not find it any more 
inspiring than the Hudson pali¬ 
sades. One thing we noticed is 
the great amount of building go¬ 
ing on. Where the Germans are 
getting the money I don't know, ' 
but they are certainly building. 

"F’rom Germany we went on 
into picturesque Holland for two 
days. Holland is mostly below ' 
sea level and the tourist is inter-, 
ested in the e.xperience of having 
to go through locks whenever; 
traveling in or out of the ocean. | 
Recovering Kapidiv 



Certificated by State Board of Education. Will 
bcfrinncrs and advanced pnpil.s. Individual an 
instruction given. Studio: 115 West Eulalia 
near Brand Boulevard. riionc Glendale i 

call for it at the Broadway Phar¬ 

For some reason no fines were 
imposed for E. B. Sutton, master- 
at-arms, toi collect. 

Others present at the luncheon 
were: Dr. James A. Belyea, F'red 
K. Hill. A. Gelnior, W. C. Waring, 
Dr. H. R. Boyer, S. F. Bell and E. 
S. Westberg. 

CIVCIXXATI, Ohio—Altliongh 
she left an estate valued at ?42,- 
t'OO, JIrs. Louisa Stern, part own¬ 
er of the Atlantic hotel, in this 
city .specified in her will tliat her 
e.vocutors should pay all expenses 
incurred by her brother, Sol Zieg¬ 
ler, of New York, in case he at¬ 
tended her funeral. This part of 
the bequest was in addition to the 
residue of the estate left to Zieg¬ 
ler after charitable gifts and Mrs. 
Srtern's share of the hotel proper- 
t.v had been deducted. 


A Massachusetts inventor has 
combined a clock and phonograph 
in a single case in such a way 
that they can be used to awaken 
a sleeper by playing his favorite 
record at a set time. 

Sell or Buy Through News Classified Ads, 

News Want-Ads Have Pulling* 
Power That Get Results. 1 


Store Hours, 8:30 to 5:30 
Saturday, 9 to 6 

Why Not Phone For It? Glendale 2380. 
F^rivati; Branch E.xchange to 

Florence and Venice, 

and as an 

automotiilo man Venice had a 
very peculiar effect on me. If 
you c;in imagine a city of 200.000 
people without a horse or auto¬ 
mobile you c.iii iina.gine the un¬ 
usual sight Venice presents. Of 
course tlieir gondolas take the 
place of both but it is really dis¬ 
concerting to go into a city and 
not see an automobile any place. 

‘‘In Venice we visited St. 

Mark's iind also crossed tfie 
Bridge of Si^hs in tlie Doges 

Two Wondeiful Things 

“Our next stop was at Milan, 
wliere the two wonderful things 
to us were the Milan Cathedral, 
wliicli reqiiired 500 years to build, 
and Leonardo da Vinci's master¬ 
piece “Tlie Last Shipper.'' The da 
Vinci lu'cture is a mural painted bathing 
on a wail in a room or an old 
monastery. From the standpoint 
of art and porspecti.e it is won- 
dcrfiiL lint is fast fading. Ac¬ 
cording to the Italians Napoleon 
used the room for a staiile and 
at that time the picture was very 
roughly us.:d. and during the 
years it nas faded greatly. 

“After our stay in Milan we 
spent four da.ts around the luilian 
lakes, which we found were green 
instead of the wonderful blue 
they bad liccn pictured. 

"Tlien we took an automoliile 
and drove over the SiinTilon Pass, 
over the Simidnn tunnel 
miles long, inlo Swiizerla 
visited Lucerne and Gen 

All Departments 


Another Sensational Basement Store Sale 

For the final two days of the month wc arc offcnii,',^ worth-while values not to he liad in the near future. Come earlv for them 


as we are limited on quantity 

“Wear-Ever” 2-quart 
Aluminum Pudding Pans 

Regular yf From Sept. 28 

F>rice to Oct. 7 

93c A Only 

5000 Pieces 

Extra Specials 

Extra Specials 

25c Linen Hdkf. 
Squares 19c 

98c Renfrew Table 
Damask 79c Yd. 

Size 12x12 in., all pure 
linen hdkf. squares, in 
tints of light blue, pink, 
medium blue, rose, or¬ 
ange, green and orchid. 

25c Turkish Guest 
Towels 19c 

Size 12x24, Turkish guest 
towels with fancy colored 
liorders in pink, lavender, 
gold and blue. 

$1.50 Turkish Bath 
Mats $1.19 

Size 2.‘!x26, white, ground 
tinted with gold, pink or 

64-in. wide, bleached 
Uentew table damask, 
pure white with pink, blue 
and white borders. 

crcnce, fee) the difference, know the diffei 
th;it :tll nlinninuin cooking utensils are in 
ry one “Wear I'.ver” cooking utensil in 
arc selling this 95c pan for 49c; covers 
ock—he one of the first to get tuie 

50c Fancy Turkish 
Towels 39c 

Size 20x40in., fancy Turk¬ 
ish towels, plain white 
mercerized yarn with 
pink, blue and gold bor¬ 
ders, with pin stripe cen¬ 

make a 100 ])iccc set, as this is the 
sold on ojten'ing. 

4- in. Fruits.10c 

5- iii. Plates.10c 

Oatmeals ...10c 

Cups only.10c 

10-in. Platter. 

7- in. Round \’eg. Bowls 

8- in. \'eg. Dish. 

Covered Sugar Bowls. 

it was a real city. We enjoyed 
side trips from London to Scot¬ 
land, visiting Edinburgh, Glas¬ 
gow and the country picturetl hy 
Sir Walter Scott. 

Sliakcspeai'C Jleinorlal 

“Jlotoring hack by way of 
Leamington and Kennilworth. we 
visited Stratford-on-the-Avon. 
journeying to Shakespeare’s birth¬ 
place anfl Anne Hathaway’s cot- 
tage. They have huiit a .Shakes¬ 
peare memorial theatre at Strat¬ 
ford and when we were there they 
were presenting some Shakes¬ 
peare plaj-. which we were anxi¬ 
ous to see. l)ut l)ecause of limited 
time could not do so. 

“We sailed from Soutiiamp- 
lon August it), returning home on 
ihe same boat, Majestic. Because 
of enginii troulile we took .seven 
day.s for the trip across, arriving 
in New York August 23. I'pon 
arriving in America, wo pro¬ 
longed our trip by visiting New 
York Cty for ten day.s, Boston, 
Portland, Me., Montreal, Michi¬ 
gan and Illinois, and then coming 


25c Long Cloth 19c 

Turkish Wash 
. Cloths I 21 / 2 C 

Big assortment of fancy 
colored Turkish wash 
cloths, white centers with 
pink, blue and gold bor¬ 

36-in. wide, extra soft fin¬ 
ish, Imperial brand long 

$3 Figured Crepe 
de Chine $1.98 

4(i-in. wide, crepe de 
chine, assorted colors 
with neat stripes, figures 
and checks. 

45c Turkish Bath 
Towels 37 V 2 C 

Size 20x40, hemmed ends, 
good close clipped nap. 

40c Drapery 
Cretonne 29c 

3 6-in. wide. Colonial qual¬ 
ity, medium light and 
dark grounds. 

25c Curtain 
Marquisettes 19c 

31-in. wide, ivory color 


1 000 Pieces 

Grey, White 
and Blue 

$1.25 Rubber 
Sheeting 79c 

For those who need kitchen utensils this collec¬ 
tion of grey, white and hlue enamel ware should 
he of decided interest. These are low price levels 
not to he had only at e-xcejitional times. We have 
inclndcd pieces in almost daily use in the kitchen. 

4-(|iiart Covered Sauce Pan.59c 

6 and 8-qnart Sauce Pans.79c 

12 5-4-incii Wash Basin.69c 

6-fjnart Tea Kettles.79c 

2-tiuart Rice Boiler.79c 

45-in. wide Kleinert's 
Rubber Sheeting, very 
soft and pliable. 

Glass Baking Dish 

Remnants of 
Dress Gingham 
19c Yd. 

32-in. wide, 2 to 8 yards 
long, neat checks, stripes, 
light and dark grounds. 
30c quality. 

fiuarantced against break 
l>v heat 

Genuine Belgian Willow 
Large Size 


2 \ss()ricn kinds and sizes. Taney 
split stock, colors. Fancy and jtlain 
market types. Cintosc from the 

large asst)rtment for Friday and 

Clothes Basket 

Fills is an e.xccptiona! 

England and Holband have be 
linked for the fir:-t time by a to 
phone' cable planned more th 
eight years ago. 

■—Complete, good 
make, full and 
long, to give good 
service. Limited 
quantity, so come 
at 8:30 to secure 

No. 3 large size galvanized tubs, regular $1.50 value. 
You all know the kind, nn 
first quality. O^C 

3-Piece AluminuiA Sauce Pans 

1- 2- 3-quart size, entire sot sells for » 7 Q 
Friday and Saturday for. I IzC 

12 bars Ben Hur Soap, 1 bar 
Crciiie Oil .Soap, ylQ ' 

lM>tli for . . .. 

Aluminum Basting Spoon, a 
very useful kitchen utensil, 
better get one at this nn 
price . ZjC 

Ironing Boards $2.75 

"fhe folding style, strongly made to keep them 
from wobbling, adjustable to any height. This 
is a very good board. You'll surely (ten lyr 
want one . 

It is the desi.-e of the GlesrJale Hotel Company to have 
the local contractors and material men participate in the 
erection of the new hotel at Broadway and Glendale 
avenue. You are therefore invited to confer with and 
submit bids to Alessrs. Lockridge & Barton, architects, 
second floor, 748 South Hill street, Los Angeles, on Mon¬ 
day', October 2, 1922, or any day thereafter. 

12x18 size, mahogany finish, 2 handles, felt bot¬ 
tom, pretty decoration in center, covered with 
glass. A regular $1.50 tray. For oq 

two days only .... 07C 

$2.75 Kiddie Kar $1.89 

This is an opportunity to save on a Christmas 
present, and it's the original Kiddie Kar that 
sells regularly at $2.75. Two days (te i qq 
inly, for .. . Jhl.Ol/ 

(loz<'n pair rut-^lass, crt^aiii 
anti su^ar, pair . 


loo dozen 3-Stiir water glasses, 
a dozen .,i